The University of Guelph Academic Misconduct policy applies to both undergraduate and
graduate students however the process for investigation differs. When completing this form,
determine the degree status of the student being reported and then proceed as described
Undergraduate Students:
The course instructor should fill out this form. Make sure to include all supporting
documentation listed at the end of this form.
If you are a teaching assistant and suspect a student has committed academic
misconduct, forward your concerns to the course instructor along with any supporting
documentation, such as a copy of the student’s assignment or examination. You may
provide a written report to the course instructor if you so wish.
The course instructor should forward the completed form and all requested
documentation to the chair of the department in which the alleged misconduct occurred.
The chair of the department should review the documentation to ensure that all
information is complete and attach any
other information that may aid in the
investigation of the complaint.
Once the department chair has verified that the form is complete, if the chair feels that
the matter should be investigated further they will sign and date the reporting form
before forwarding
the form and accompanying documentation to the dean or designate
of the college in which the course is offered.
The dean or designate will conduct an investigation based on the allegations set out in
the form, including an interview with the student(s)
. Once the dean or designate has
investigated the matter, a decision will be made. If the allegation of academic
misconduct is confirmed, a penalty will be levied in accordance with the Guidelines for
Academic Misconduct.
Graduate Students:
If the alleged misconduct is course related, the course instructor should fill out this form.
Make sure to include all supporting documentation listed at the end of this form.
If the alleged misconduct is research related, the research advisor should fill out this
form. Make sure to include all supporting documentation listed at the end of this form.
The course instructor or research advisor should forward the completed form and all
requested documentation to the chair of the department in which the alleged misconduct
occurred. The c
hair of the department should review the documentation to ensure that
all information is complete and attach any other information that may aid in the
investigation of the complaint.
Once the department chair has verified that the form is complete, sign and date the form
and forward a copy of the form and accompanying documentation to both the dean or
designate of the college in which the course is offered or research is being conducted
and the Dean of Graduate Studies or designate. Once the allegation is forwarded along,
the instructor should inform the student that an allegation has been submitted.
The dean or designate and the Dean of Graduate Studies or designate will jointly
conduct an investigation of the matter based on the allegations set out in the form. Once
the deans or designates have investigated the matter, a decision will be made. If the
allegation of academic misconduct is confirmed, a penalty will be levied in accordance
with the Guidelines for Academic Misconduct.
If the chairs forwards the allegation on for further investigation by the dean or designate,
the instructor should make the student aware that an allegation has been submitted. The
instructor may share with the student how the investigation is carried out and what the
allegation is. For questions related to the procedure and penalties we encourage the
instructor to direct the student to the undergraduate calendar. (https://www.uoguelph.ca/
A. Record Information
Student Name:
Student Program (if known):
Course # and Title:
Semester when course was taken by the student:
Instructor’s Name:
B. Details of Alleged Offence
For more information offenses, consult the Undergraduate Calendar, Section VIII, Academic
If the case involves a graduate student, consult the Graduate Calendar, Section II,
Academic Misconduct:
1. Misappropriation of Other’s Work:
Misrepresenting someone else’s ideas or work as their own
Copying verbatim exam answers, lab reports etc.
Unauthorized cooperation or collaboration
Collaboration on any assignment which has been explicitly designated as an individual effort
2. Misrepresentation and Fraud
Impersonating or allowing someone to impersonate, in person or electronically, in any type of
academic requirement
Providing a false or fraudulent document or testament for any academic purpose. Includes
misrepresenting how much work an individual has contributed to a group assignment
Withholding records, transcripts and other academic records in order to gain unfair academic
Unauthorized aids or assistance
Use or possession of any aid or assistance which is not specifically allowed in order to gain an
unfair academic advantage
3. Improper Access and Obstruction
Preventing access to materials
Hiding, destroying or otherwise restricting access to any material intended for general academic
Obstruction and Interference
Obstructing or interfering with the scholarly activities of others specifically to gain unfair academic
Improper access
Unlawfully accessing any confidential document or material to gain an unfair academic advantage
Improper dissemination
Unlawfully making any confidential material available to a third party
4. Aiding and Abetting
Aiding and abetting
Knowingly aiding or abetting anyone in committing any form of academic misconduct
C. Please provide details of the alleged misconduct (attach additional pages and
documentation as necessary):
D. Please attach and indicate the following documentation (as applicable) to this
Course Outline
Assignment or examination instructions (indicate value of assignment/exam)
A copy of the student’s work with suspicious areas highlighted or otherwise
clearly noted
Information about the student’s performance on other assignments in the course
E-mail or other correspondence related to the case
Names of witness(es) and/or witness statements, as appropriate
Any information that may be relevant to the allegation (please list)
Instructor’s or Research Advisor’s Signature
Chair's Signature
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