Maximillian Re-Sugiura: Principal
Elma Reingold: Assistant Principal, Art, Architecture Digital Media
The High School of Art and Design offers a career and technical education designed to prepare young adults for a professional career
environment. It is therefore required that students behave in a professional manner. Please be respectful to all: your teacher, your
classmates, yourself in person or remotely.
Daily attendance and participation is required of all students. Lateness and absence results in missed class work and instruction and
may impact negatively on your class performance. Please notify your teacher if there are circumstances that prevent you from
participation in class or remotely.
You are required to participate in all class activities including remote visits to museums, galleries or site visits.
Grades are determined through the combination of students’ performance, preparation, and project/portfolio results:
Preparedness for class includes purchasing supplies needed to complete assignments. Should this present a problem please discuss
with your art teacher and/or guidance counselor.
Art Department Grading Policy:
● Class Participation and Professionalism: 20% Composed of students’ class participation i.e completion of daily Do Now
assignments, shared discussion, submission of group work, notebooks, and class work. Adhering to due dates of project
submissions is a crucial component of your professionalism grade.
● Assessments: 20% Students participation in critiques, peer evaluation, responding to artworks. artist statements, oral and
digital presentations. Also included are exams, professional technical assessments, quizzes.
● Project Process: 20% process is based on checkpoints in the process of completing a final project i.e. thumbnails, roughs,
preparatory drawings and research, responsive reading and annotations,
● Project Final: : 40% Composed of students’ final project submission graded against a rubric that includes all skills acquired
through process. Incomplete work will receive no higher than a 55% of the total of the 40%.
I have read and understand the above contract and will be responsible for the class work and appropriate behavior. My parents are
also aware of my requirements as witnessed by our signatures below.
Student name: _________________________ Teacher& Pd __________________________Class: __________________
Student’s signature Date. Cell# email
Parent’s signature Date: Home Phone # Cell #
Parental email: ______________________________________________________________