Graduate School
Please print or type the following information:
Faculty Name:
artment/college in which you will be working (teach, serve, etc.), if different than above:
pplying for status of:
Graduate Faculty
rofessional Graduate Faculty Visiting Graduate Faculty
Faculty contract type:
Tenured Probationary Special Adjunct
ype of Application:
New Application Renewal Application Serve on Graduate Students’ Committee only
Length of Graduate Faculty and Tenured Professional Graduate Faculty appointments are three years.
Non-tenured Professional and Visiting Graduate Faculty appointments are renewable annually. Application
deadline is April 1.
Graduate Faculty: are full-time faculty with an earned doctorate or terminal degree in the field of study or related field.
Graduate Faculty may teach graduate courses and serve on graduate students’ committees. Only graduate faculty with an
earned doctorate or terminal degree may chair graduate students’ committees.
Professional Graduate Faculty: are full-time faculty without a doctorate or terminal degree in the field of study or related
field who have relevant extensive professional experience and expertise. Professional Graduate Faculty may teach graduate
courses and serve on graduate students’ committees. There are
MSU Tenured Professional Graduate Faculty and MSU Non-tenured Professional Graduate Faculty.
Visiting Graduate Faculty: are part-time or one-year special contract faculty who are academically qualified in the field of
study or related field. Visiting Graduate Faculty may teach graduate courses or serve on graduate students’ committees.
Only Visiting Graduate Faculty with an earned doctorate or terminal degree may chair graduate students’ committees.
Please indicate the specific duties you will hold during this appointment based on experience and
expertise (teaching, thesis committee work, i.e., chair, serve, etc.):
Please indicate your academic qualifications and field of study:
#1, doctorate/terminal degree in field of study. Field of Study is:
#2, master’s degree+ in field of study. Field of Study is:
Graduate Faculty should submit a completed application, attach a current vita, and secure signatures of your graduate
program director and department chairperson. Appointments must be renewed every three years.
Tenured Professional Graduate Faculty should submit a completed new or renewal application along with a current vita
to the Graduate School. Appointments must be renewed every three years.
Non-Tenured Professional Graduate Faculty should submit a completed new or renewal application along with a current
vita to the Graduate School. Appointment must be renewed annually.
Visiting Graduate Faculty who teach should submit a completed application along with a letter of support signed by the
Program Director and Department Chairperson. The letter will indicate the graduate teaching assignment(s) for which the
candidate is qualified and specific details of the candidate’s extraordinary teaching or research skills which support this
candidate’s appointment to Graduate Faculty. Appointments must be renewed annually.
Visiting Graduate Faculty who serve on graduate students’ committees: are limited to a specific student’s committee
and must renew appointment for each new committee assignment.
*Examples of expertise: expertise in aphasia, rather than communication disorders; expertise in early childhood, rather
than special education; expertise in gifted education, rather than special education. The graduate program director and
department chairperson must sign this application.
Please consider my application for Graduate Faculty at Minot State University. An updated vita,
outlining my currency in teaching and scholarship are attached.
Applicant signature Date
Required Signatures:
I approve the above applicant.
Program Director Date
Department Chairperson Date
I have reviewed and approve this candidate’s application based on the Graduate School’s
recommendation for approval.
Head of the Graduate School Date
Attachments: Current Vita Letter of Support (required for #2 above)