Financial Aid Satisfactory Progress Appeal Form
Students have the right to appeal the disqualification of their financial aid eligibility. Please indicate the reason for your appeal below and follow
the instructions. Incomplete appeals that lack appropriate documentation will be denied.
Last term of attendance at MSU:
Term that I wish to file the appeal for (ex:
Spring 2020):
Extenuating circumstances of a medical nature (i.e. illness or hospitalization, mental health issues).
• Attach a SIGNED statement explaining the medical circumstance. Explain how the situation has been resolved and
how you plan to succeed
academically if given another opportunity. Include any plans to utilize MSU Campus
Resources such as POWER Center Services, Disability Services,
Tutoring Services, Academic Advisor support or others.
• Attach supporting documentation (i.e. letter from health care provider).
• A Plan of Study (see page 2) completed with your advisor showing the courses necessary for completion of your program. The Plan of Study must
be reasonable based on your current situation and the expectation that you must successfully complete all of the courses you attempt.
Death or serious injury/illness of an immediate family member.
• Attach a SIGNED statement explaining the situation including the relationship of person to you.
• Attach supporting documentation (i.e. copy of obituary, memorial program, or death certificate).
• A Plan of Study (see page 2) completed with your advisor showing the courses necessary for completion of your program. The Plan of Study must
be reasonable based on your current situation and the expectation that you must successfully complete all of the courses you attempt.
COVID-19 Related circumstance: You experienced an interruption of instruction or campus operations resulting in one of the following:
Illness (you or immediate family member), loss of childcare, need to become a caregiver or first responder, increase in work hours, unplanned
move, extreme economic hardship or mental health issues.
• Attach a SIGNED statement explaining the circumstance and how it impacted your academic performance and how the situation has been
• Attach supporting documentation relevant to the reason for your appeal. Examples may include: confirmation of illness from health care
provider, travel records, layoff notice or notice of increased work hours, letter from childcare provider, or letter from other non-family member
who can attest to impacts of the coronavirus outbreak.
Other extenuating circumstances.
• Attach a SIGNED statement explaining the circumstance and how it impacted your academic performance. Explain
how the situation has been
resolved and how you plan to succeed academically if given another opportunity.
Include any plans to utilize MSU Campus Resources such as
POWER Center Services, Disability Services, Tutoring
Services, Academic Advisor support or others.
• Attach supporting documentation (copies of legal documents, signed statements from other involved parties).
• A Plan of Study (see page 2) completed with your advisor showing the courses necessary for completion of your program. The Plan of Study must
be reasonable based on your current situation and the expectation that you must successfully complete all of the courses you attempt.
Attempted maximum credits (you have attempted more than 150% of the required credits for your program of study).
• Attach a SIGNED statement explaining the reason your maximum credits (i.e. changed majors, transferred in credits, illness).
• A Plan of Study (see page 2) completed with your advisor showing the courses necessary for completion of your program. The Plan of Study must
be reasonable based on your current situation and the expectation that you must successfully complete all of the courses you attempt.
I understand that if my financial aid eligibility is reinstated, I am expected to meet the following conditions for the term of my probation: 1) I must earn a C (2.0) or
better in every class that I enroll in and, 2) I must complete 100% of the credits I attempt. I also understand I will be notified through my campus email of the appeal
Student’s signature ____________________________________________________ Date ________________
Office use only: Approved Denied Financial Aid Office signature ______________________ Date ____________________