Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL)
▪ Employees, upon first day of hire
▪ Up to 80 hours of compensation (pro-rated for part-time workers)
▪ Reasons 1-3 below: Regular rate of pay up to $511 per day, and $5,110 in aggregate.
▪ Reasons 4-6 below: two-thirds of the regular rate of pay up to $200 per day, and $2,000 total in aggregate.
▪ This leave is separate from accrued annual leave and sick leave.
Eligible reasons to use EPSL:
To care for self:
1. Subject to a government quarantine or isolation order due to COVID-19 (if not instructed by state or federal quarantine
need to provide documentation);
2. Advised by a healthcare provider to self-quarantine due to COVID-19 (documentation required);
3. Experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19 and are seeking a diagnosis (documentation required);
To care for others:
4. Caring for an individual subject to or advised to quarantine or isolate (documentation required);
5. Caring for a son or daughter whose school or childcare is closed or unavailable due to COVID-19 (required for day care
closing); or
6. Experiencing substantially similar conditions as those specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in
consultation with the Secretaries of Labor and Treasury.
Required documentation:
For EPSL, the employee is required to provide “appropriate documentation” identifying the reason for requesting leave, a
statement that the employee is unable to work (including telework) for that reason, and the date(s) for which leave is
requested. This documentation may include:
• The source of any quarantine or isolation order and may include a copy of the Federal, State or local quarantine or
isolation order related to COVID-19 applicable to the employee.
• The name of the health care provider who has advised the employee to self-quarantine, including, for example,
written documentation by a health care provider advising the employee to self-quarantine due to concerns related
to COVID-19.
Emergency Family and Medical Leave
▪ Employees employed 30 days or more
▪ Employees unable to work (or telework) due to caring for a child whose school or childcare is closed or
unavailable due to COVID-19
▪ Up to 12 weeks of job protected leave
▪ This leave is subject to the FMLA 12-week annual maximum
▪ First 10 days of the leave are unpaid, may substitute EPSL, annual leave, or sick leave.
▪ Ten remaining weeks of leave are paid at two-thirds of the regular rate of pay, not to exceed $200 per day and
$10,000 in aggregate.
▪ This leave is separate from accrued annual leave and sick leave.
Required documentation:
If an employee takes EPSL and/or FMLA+ to care for his or her child whose school or place of care is closed due to COVID-
19, employees again must provide “appropriate documentation” in support of leave. Examples include:
• A notice that has been posted on a government, school, or day care website, or published in a newspaper; or
• An email from an employee or official of the school, place of care, or child care provider