Naonal Accreditaon Authority for Translators & Interpreters Ltd
ABN 42 008 596 996
Valid from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020
For NAATI to make an assessment of a qualicaon obtained overseas, the qualicaon must be assessed as
comparable to one of the following:
• Australian doctorate degree
• Australian bachelor degree
• Australian diploma or trade qualicaon
Please aach the following with your applicaon:
1) A copy of your qualicaon (in English); and
2) A copy of your academic transcript (in English)
For NAATI to make an assessment of skilled employment (which can be based in Australia or overseas), the skilled
employment must:
1) Be within the occupaon of translator or interpreter
2) Involve translaon or interpreng work of at least a professional level
3) Comprise paid and connuous employment for a minimum of 20 hours per week (irregular periods averaging 20
hours per week over several weeks/months will not be considered)
You will need to provide supporng documents as evidence of your skilled employment meeng the above criteria.
What type of skilled employment are you claiming in this applicaon? (select)
If Australia-based, what was the length of this employment? (select)
If Overseas-based, what was the length of this employment? (select)
To enable an assessment, please aach the following with your applicaon:
1. A work reference for each role within the period indicated above
Each work reference must:
a) Be on company leerhead clearly indicang the full company address, telephone and fax numbers, email
and website address.
b) Detail the exact period of employment.
c) Detail the job descripon and task list – including specic details about the types of documents translated
and/or situaons in which interpreng was undertaken.
d) State how many hours per week were worked including whether the role was full-me or part-me and the
proporon of overall dues which included translang or interpreng.
e) State whether the role was permanent, temporary or contract.
f) Be signed by the direct manager, CEO or HR representave – the full name and posion of the individual
signing must be clearly stated.
g) Include the direct contact details (telephone number and email) of the person wring the reference.
2. Proof of payment for each role (e.g. a payslip)