922 (Design date 03/18) - Page 1© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2018
Notification of address or change of address
for Business Skills visa holders
Department of Home Affairs
About this form
Important – Please read this information carefully before you
complete this form. Once you have completed this form we
strongly advise that you keep a copy for your records.
Each holder of a Business Skills (Provisional) visa or a Business
Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (including members
of the family unit who are 18 years of age or over) must notify the
Department of Home Affairs (the Department) of their
residential address within 6 months of their first arrival in
Australia (if visa is granted outside Australia) or within 28 days
from visa grant (if visa is granted in Australia).
Each holder of a Business Skills (Residence) visa or a Business
Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa (including members
of the family unit who are 18 years of age or over) must notify the
Department of their residential address within 28 days of visa
Each holder of Business Talent visa (including members of the
family unit who are 18 years of age or over) must notify the
Department of their residential address within 28 days of first
arrival (if visa is granted outside Australia) or visa grant (if visa is
granted in Australia).
All groups must also advise the Department of any further
changes of residential address within 28 days during the first
3 years after arrival or visa grant, respectively. Failure to do so
may render the visa holder liable to penalties.
If you are notifying either your initial address or a change of
address, please complete this form and return it to:
By mail:
Adelaide Business Skills Processing Centre
Department of Home Affairs
GPO Box 2399
By courier:
Adelaide Business Skills Processing Centre
Department of Home Affairs
70 Franklin Street
(9am to 4pm Monday to Friday)
Immigration assistance
A person gives immigration assistance to you if he or she uses, or
claims to use, his or her knowledge or experience in migration
procedure to assist you with your visa application, request for
ministerial intervention, cancellation review application,
sponsorship or nomination.
In Australia a person may only lawfully give immigration
assistance if he or she is a registered migration agent or is exempt
from being registered. Only registered migration agents may
receive a fee or reward for providing immigration assistance.
If an unregistered person in Australia, who is not exempt from
registration, gives you immigration assistance they are
committing a criminal offence and may be prosecuted.
Migration agents in Australia
Migration agents in Australia must be registered with the Office
of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (Office of the
MARA) unless they are exempt from registration.
Migration agents outside Australia
Migration agents who operate outside Australia do not have to be
registered. The Department may give some overseas agents an
ID number. This number does not mean that they are registered.
Note: Some Australian registered migration agents operate
Migration agent information
A migration agent is someone who can:
advise you on the visa that may best suit you;
tell you the documents you need to submit with your
help you fill in the application and submit it; and
communicate with the Department on your behalf.
If you appoint a migration agent, the Department will assume
that your migration agent will be your authorised recipient,
unless you indicate otherwise.
Your migration agent will be the person with whom the
Department will discuss your application and from whom it will
seek further information when required.
You are not required to use a migration agent. However, if you
use a migration agent, the Department encourages you to use a
registered migration agent. Registered agents are bound by the
Migration Agents Code of Conduct, which requires them to act
professionally in their clients’ lawful best interests.
Information on migration agents, including a list of registered
migration agents, is available on the Office of the MARA website
You can also access information about migration agents on the
Department’s website www.homeaffairs.gov.au
Exempt persons
The following people do not have to be a registered migration
agent in order to provide immigration assistance, but they must
not charge a fee for their service:
a close family member (spouse, de facto partner, child, parent,
brother or sister);
a member of parliament or their staff;
an official whose duties include providing immigration
assistance (eg. a Legal Aid provider);
a member of a diplomatic mission, consular post or
international organisation.
Appointing a migration agent/exempt person
To appoint a migration agent/exempt person you should complete
Question 15.
Your migration agent/exempt person should complete form 956
Advice by a migration agent/exempt person of providing
immigration assistance.
Form 956 is available from the Department’s website
922 (Design date 03/18) - Page 2 © COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2018
Options for receiving written communications
If you do not appoint a migration agent/exempt person you may
still authorise another person, in writing, to receive written
communications on your behalf. This person is called the
authorised recipient.
Authorised recipient information
All written communication about your application will be sent to
your authorised recipient, unless you indicate that you wish to
have health and/or character information sent directly to you.
The Department will communicate with the most recently
appointed authorised recipient as you may only appoint one
authorised recipient at any time for a particular application.
You will be taken to have received any documents sent to that
person as if they had been sent to you.
To appoint an authorised recipient you should complete:
Question 15
; and
form 956A Appointment or withdrawal of an authorised
Note: Migration agents/exempt persons do not need to complete
form 956A.
Form 956A is available from the Department’s website
Consent to communicate electronically
The Department may use a range of means to communicate with
you. However, electronic means such as fax or email will only be
used if you indicate your agreement to receiving communication
in this way.
To process your application the Department may need to
communicate with you about sensitive information, for example,
health, police checks, financial viability and personal
relationships. Electronic communications, unless adequately
encrypted, are not secure and may be viewed by others or
interfered with.
If you agree to the Department communicating with you by
electronic means, the details you provide will only be used by the
Department for the purpose for which you have provided them,
unless there is a legal obligation or necessity to use them for
another purpose, or you have consented to use for another
purpose. They will not be added to any mailing list.
The Australian Government accepts no responsibility for the
security or integrity of any information sent to the Department
over the internet or by other electronic means.
If you authorise another person to receive documents on your
behalf and they wish to be contacted electronically, their
signature is required on form 956 or 956A to indicate their
consent to this form of communication.
Note: Electronic communication is the fastest means of
communication available and the Department prefers to
communicate electronically because this results in faster
Important information about privacy
Your personal information is protected by law, including the
Privacy Act 1988. Important information about the collection,
use and disclosure (to other agencies and third parties, including
overseas entities) of your personal information, including
sensitive information, is contained in form 1442i Privacy notice.
Form 1442i is available from the Department’s website
www.homeaffairs.gov.au/allforms/ or offices of the
Department. You should ensure that you read and understand
form 1442i before completing this form.
Home page
enquiry line
Telephone 131 881 during business hours
in Australia to speak to an operator (recorded
information available outside these hours).
If you are outside Australia, please contact
your nearest Australian mission.
Please keep these information pages for your reference
922 (Design date 03/18) - Page 3© COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, 2018
Notification of address or change of address
for Business Skills visa holders
Department of Home Affairs
A separate form 922 Notification of address or change of address for
Business Skills visa holders must be completed by each visa holder who
is 18 years of age and over.
Please open this form using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Either type (in English) in the fields provided or print this form
and complete it (in English) using a pen and BLOCK LETTERS.
Tick where applicable
1 What subclass of visa do you currently hold?
2 Are you the:
Primary Business Skills visa holder
Spouse or de facto partner of a Business Skills visa holder
Name of primary visa holder
Dependent 18 years and over of a Business Skills visa holder
Name of primary visa holder
Your details
3 Title: Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other
4 Full name
Family name
Given names
5 Date of birth
Day Month Year
6 Passport/travel document number
7 Residential address in Australia
8 Date address effective from
Day Month Year
9 Your telephone numbers
Office hours
(Area code )
After hours
(Area code )
10 Business address in Australia
11 Date address effective from
Day Month Year
12 Contact business telephone numbers
Office hours
(Area code )
(Area code )
After hours/
mobile cell
13 Do you agree to the Department communicating with you by fax, email,
or other electronic means?
Give details
Fax number
(Area code )
Email address
14 Do you want to authorise another person to act on your behalf for
Business Skills monitoring purposes?
(For further information on authorisation of an agent to act on your
behalf, read the information at the front of this form)
After you have completed this form, complete form 956
Appointment of a migration agent or exempt agent or other
authorised recipient
15 All written communications about this application should be sent to:
(Tick one box only)
You should complete form 956A Appointment
or withdrawal of an authorised recipient
Migration agent
Exempt person
Your migration agent/exempt person should
complete form 956 Advice by a migration
agent/exempt person of providing immigration
16 WARNING: Giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
of applicant
Day Month Year
We strongly advise that you keep a copy of this form and all
attachments for your records.