Naonal Accreditaon Authority for Translators & Interpreters Ltd
ABN 42 008 596 996
If you completed a NAATI Approved Course aer 1 July 2018, you must apply for accreditaon within one year of your
compleon date. If you completed a NAATI Approved Course before 1 July 2018 you must apply within three years of your
compleon date.
Given names
Family name
Residency status (select) Title (select)
Country of birth Date of birth
Address (street) Suburb
City State
Postcode Country
Please be aware that you will need to submit the following aachments with your form:
1x Australian passport size photo
1x scan of your passport or Australian Drivers Licence (this cannot be a scan of a copy)
If you select that you are an Australian Permanent Resident, you will need to aach other evidence con-
rming your permanent residency.
These aachments must be electronic.
Requirements for photo and document les can be found on the last page.
For what purpose are you seeking a
NAATI credenal? (select)
You must have graduated from a NAATI approved course and have been recommended for NAATI
accreditaon by the instuon concerned. Please submit an original scan of either:
Your qualicaon cercate; and/or
Academic transcript (showing compleon of the qualicaon)
The document(s) you provide must contain the course name and your student ID number.
Naonal Accreditaon Authority for Translators & Interpreters Ltd
ABN 42 008 596 996
Accreditaon(s) applied for
Instuon name
Campus name State
Student ID
Course name
Date started Date completed
NAATI cercaon replaced accreditaon from January 2018. If you selected on this form that you wish
to work as translator and/or interpreter, NAATI will automacally transion your accreditaon to a new
cercaon at no addional cost.
Naonal Accreditaon Authority for Translators & Interpreters Ltd
ABN 42 008 596 996
All fees are listed in Australian Dollars ($AUD) and include GST.
All prices are subject to change without notice.
If you (or another individual) are making payment,
please complete the payment by an individual secon.
If an organisaon needs to make payment on your behalf,
the payment by an organisaon secon must be lled out.
Fees ($AUD)
Australian cizens and
permanent residents
Non-Australian cizens
or permanent residents
Assessment fee $391.00 $529.00
If you are not paying by credit card, you will need to lodge your payment in person at the nearest NAATI oce.
Amount ($AUD) Payment method
Cardholder name
Credit Card number
Security number Expiry date
Cardholder signature
Please aach an electronic copy of a purchase order with this applicaon form.
Organisaon name
Contact rst name Contact surname
ABN Phone/mobile
Email address
Address (street)
City State
Postcode Country
Purchase order number
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Naonal Accreditaon Authority for Translators & Interpreters Ltd
ABN 42 008 596 996
I declare the informaon provided in this applicaon form is correct to the best of my knowledge.
I declare I hold the qualicaon on which this applicaon is based.
I declare I have read and understood the informaon provided to me in this applicaon form.
I understand that if the fees for this applicaon have been paid for by an organisaon or sponsor that NAATI
may provide informaon to that organisaon about the outcome of this applicaon.
I understand the assessment fee is non-refundable, whether the outcome is posive or negave, unless the
applicaon is withdrawn from assessment either by the applicant or by NAATI prior to the commencement of
formal assessment.
I understand NAATI will use the personal informaon collected in this form (plus any further personal
informaon that I provide to NAATI as part of my applicaon) to process my applicaon, administer tests to me,
and determine and record the outcome of my applicaon.
I understand that, if I am accredited or cered, NAATI may disclose to people and organisaons (to verify my
credenals, including via an online vericaon register) my name, NAATI credenals, expiry date, suburb and
I understand that if NAATI does not collect my personal informaon, NAATI will not be able to provide its
products and services to me, including accreditaon or cercaon as a translator or interpreter, and I will not
be listed on NAATI’s Online Directory.
I understand that, if I am only granted NAATI accreditaon, this accreditaon will expire aer three years and
cannot be revalidated.
I understand that, if I am cered, ongoing cercaon is conngent on ethical behaviour and meeng the
recercaon criteria.
I understand that NAATI reserves the right to validate any of the informaon required if deemed necessary.
NAATI’s Privacy Policy is available at hps://www.naa It contains informaon
about how I can access and correct my personal informaon, how I can complain about a breach of privacy and
how NAATI deals with complaints.
Date Applicant signature
Completed forms and applicable aachments must be sent to applicaons@naa
All applicants will need to aach addional les with their applicaon form.
Photo and document les must meet the requirements set out below.
Aachments that do not meet requirements may result in delays in processing your applicaon.
Photo Files Document Files
File format: jpg, jpeg or png
File size minimum: 500KB
File size maximum: 2MB
Photo size minimum: 900px wide by 1200px high
Photo size maximum: 2250px wide by 3000px high
Aspect rao (width to height): 4:3
Photo layout posion: portrait
Photo background: white
Photos must be in full colour
File format: doc, docx, pdf
File size minimum: 10KB
File size maximum: 2MB
Documents must be in full colour
Preferred le format is pdf
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