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__________________________________________________ ____________________________
Full Name (First, Middle, Last) Child’s Nickname
____________________ _______ _______ ____________________________
Date of Birth Age Gender Ethnic Origin (optional)
__________________________________________ ______________________________________
Place of Birth Previous School
__________________________________________ ______________________________________
Previous School Teacher Previous School Phone Number
Parent Name
Parent Name
Other Household Member(s)
Child Information
Parent Information
Family Information
1. Please tell us about your child, including interests, strengths and abilities.
2. Please comment on why you are choosing a Montessori education for your child.
3. Does your child have special needs of which we should be aware? (allergies, medical conditions,
social/emotional/behavioral support, etc.)
4. Please briefly describe any childcare and/or preschool experiences that your child has had.
_________________________________________________________ ____________________
Signature of Parent Applicant Date
Please submit this completed application, along with a non-refundable Application Fee ($25) payable to:
Bend Montessori School
PO BOX 460
Bend, OR 97709
You may also email your application to admin@bendmontessorischool.com, and submit your Application
Fee via PayPal at www.paypal.me/bendmontessorischool.
Bend Montessori School is strongly committed to maintaining a culturally diverse environment for all students, staff
and parents. Bend Montessori does not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, color, sexual orientation, religion,
national or ethnic origin, age, physical ability, marital status/family structure or any basis prohibited by law in its
admissions, administration, educational policies, other school programs or in its employment practices.
Other Information
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Preschool Program
5 Full Days (8:30am-3:00pm) .……………………..…………………………………………………………………………….....$11,500
5 Part Days (8:30am-1pm) …………….…………...……………………………………………………………………...…………...$9,500
4 Full Days (Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3:00pm) ……..……………………………………………………………..…….$10,750
4 Part Days (Monday-Thursday 8:30am-1pm)…………………..…………………………………………….………...…..$8,750
Application Fee ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………….$25
Annual Enrollment Fee……………………………………………………………………………………………….……..…….…..$350
Enrollment Deposit …………………………….…………………………………………………………….………..10% Annual Tuition
Additional Options
Afternoon Session Drop-In (1pm-3:00pm) …………………………………………………………….………….……..$ 30
Drop-In Half Day ...………………………………………………………………………………………………...……………...……$40
Drop-In Full Day ……………………………………………………………………………………………………...……...………....$60
Extended Day AM (8am-8:30am) …………………………………………………………………………………………………...$6
Extended Day PM (3:00pm-4:30pm) ……………………………………………………………………….……….………...…$15
Bend Montessori School Tuition Policy
Annual tuition is based on the number of days of education per school year. Enrollment during
the school year is prorated. The 10% Enrollment Deposit and Enrollment Fee are due when you
sign and submit your Application for Admission. Remaining tuition payments are due the 1
each month, September through May. The pre-paid Enrollment Deposit is non-refundable once
your child begins school. Fall re-enrollment is secured with payment of the next school year’s
annual Enrollment Fee and Enrollment Deposit by June 1. The annual Enrollment Fee is non-
refundable. Your child is admitted for either the full or remaining academic year, depending on
enrollment date.
Tuition is due on the 1
of each month.
A late fee of $50 will be added to payments received after the 5
of the month. There will be
a $25 fee for returned checks.
After the 15
of the month, your child’s space is subject to cancellation. Other payment
options may be considered. Please communicate with Directress in a timely manner if this
becomes necessary and helpful to your family.
Tuition is not subject to adjustment for absence, illness, school closures, breaks, holidays or
family vacations.
If it becomes necessary to withdraw your child, please submit a written notice 30 days in
advance. Your Enrollment Deposit will be applied for the last month of enrollment.
Bend Montessori School, Inc. reserves the right to terminate enrollment, for any reason,
given a 30-day written notice.
The Enrollment Deposit is applied to your Annual Tuition as your final payment in June.
Should you change your enrollment option during the school year, you will be billed for the
balance of your Enrollment Deposit at the time that enrollment increases.
We will refund your Enrollment Deposit and Enrollment Fee if your child is not placed in our
You must provide a written notice 30 days in advance to receive a refund of your Enrollment
Deposit should you choose not to enroll your child for the following school year.
Admission to our program is based upon availability and with consideration to age and
gender ratios.
Tuition is subject to increase, annually, unless otherwise noticed.
__________________________________ ________________
Signature of Parent Applicant Date