Science | Crashmallow!
2006 K12 Inc. All rights reserved.
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Name Date
mini marshmallow
toy car (or
anything with wheels)
masking tape
piece of paper (8 ½
x 11 in.)
tabletop (large enough t
o tape the paper and pencil to with room to spare)
piece of thread
(15 cm long)
1. Tape the paper to the left of center on the tabletop. The longest side of the paper should be parallel to the
edge of the table.
Tape the pencil along the r
ight edge of the paper.
Position t
he car to the right of the paper approximately 30 cm from the pencil. The paper should be on the
opposite side of the pencil. The car should be perpendicular to the pencil.
Place the m
arshmallow on the hood of the car. Do not attach it to the car but just allow the marshmallow
to rest there.
Push the car (and l
et it go) so it rolls toward the pencil. Be sure to push hard enough so the car will hit
the pencil.
Watch what happens
to the marshmallow. On the paper, mark the location where the marshmallow
landed and label it trial 1 to indicate that this is the first trial.
7. Repeat the experiment for a second trial, pushing the car even harder than you did the first time.
8. Watch what happens
to the marshmallow. On the paper, mark the location where the marshmallow
landed and label this point as trial 2 to indicate the second trial.
Repeat the experimen
t for a third trial, pushing the car even harder than the first two trials. Observe what
happens and mark the location where the marshmallow landed, being sure to label it trial 3.
Use the thread to ti
e the marshmallow to the car. Be sure the thread does not interfere with the wheels of
the car. This will be the setup you will you use for your fourth trial.
Position t
he car approximately 30 cm from the pencil, as you did in the first three trials.
12. Push the car so i
t rolls toward the pencil and then hits it. Observe what happens to the marshmallow.
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Science | Crashmallow!
© 2
006 K12 Inc. All rights reserved.
pying or distributing without K12’s written consent is prohibited.
1. What happened to the marshmallow the first time the car hit the pencil? The second? The third?
2. Explain how t
he concept of force relates to what you observed for the car and the marshmallow in the first
three trials of the experiment.
3. Explain what happened to the marshmallow in the fourth trial and why it happened that way.
4. Think of yours
elf as the marshmallow, but inside a real car. What would happen to you if the car stopped
suddenly in an accident? How would the results differ if you weren’t wearing your seat belt?
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