Before you register for the Physiotherapy Competency Examination (PCE), you must read and understand the limits of liability. You must tell
interested parties, such as potential or current employers, about the limits of liability. While the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators
(CAPR) takes reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of information, resources and reports, neither CAPR nor any of its
officers, employees or agents shall be responsible for damages or losses in the event of any errors or omissions, or liable for any damages or
losses incurred by a candidate, an employer or a contractor as a result of any decision made by or on behalf of CAPR or any of its officers,
employees or agents. This means that CAPR is not responsible for impacts of a personal, professional or financial nature. This includes such
impacts as loss of income, loss of salary, and expenses incurred by an employer, a contractor or a candidate.
By registering for and participating in the PCE, you agree that you will take no legal action or other proceedings against CAPR or any of its
officers, employees or agents for anything done in good faith related to the PCE, including any errors, omissions, neglect or default. You also
agree to fully release and indemnify CAPR, its officers, employees and agents for any such actions or proceedings. This means that CAPR will
not be responsible for any loss of income or other expenses incurred by you or an employer or contractor due to a decision made by CAPR
related to the PCE, and that you agree not to take legal action against CAPR.
I have read and understood the information in the Exam Policies and the Exam Registration Guide; including the refund process, appeal policy, limits
of liability and the contents and spirit of the Rules of Conduct for the PCE. I have read and understood CAPR’s Privacy Policy and I consent to the
collection, use and disclosure of my personal information for the purposes described in CAPR’s Privacy Policy.
I authorize the disclosure of my exam status and results to Canadian physiotherapy regulatory agencies. I understand that eligibility for the Clinical
Component of the PCE is subject to my successful completion of the Written Component. I understand that I can be disqualified from taking or
continuing to sit for the administration of the examination if I fail to comply with any term or condition in the Exam Policies. I declare that all
information on this form and any accompanying documents is true, correct and complete.
I am aware that CAPR may need to verify the information provided, and therefore CAPR may need to disclose my information to third parties. I
consent to such disclosure. I also consent to third parties disclosing my personal information to CAPR, so that CAPR can process my application
and verify the information I have provided. I authorize the disclosure of non-identifying data for research purposes.
Signature (REQUIRED): Date:
An electronic signature is not accepted.
In addition to the above, I authorize the disclosure of my examination results and Candidate Score Report to my Canadian physiotherapy program
or Canadian Bridging Program for purposes of internal program evaluation and review.
Signature (OPTIONAL): Date:
An electronic signature is not accepted.
Complete, sign, and date the Application Form.
Include all payments.
Include one passport sized photograph of yourself. (IMPORTANT: ONLY if you have not already submitted this OR your current photo is 5 years or older OR your official name has
changed or your feel your appearance has changed drastically. Please make sure you sign & date your photo)
Include additional documents, if needed (information about special needs, please refer to the Policy Guide)
Include additional documents, if needed (information about special accommodations).