A.2. Provider Training: Training Grants
ACEs Aware will fund organizations that are interested in developing and executing a new
training, adapting an existing training, and/or hosting a training event and that agree to make
that training available free of charge to Medi-Cal providers. Trainings that address the criteria
identified by CA-OSG and DHCS (Attachment 1) will be certified as a “Core Training.” Other
trainings will be approved as a “Supplemental Training.”
Organizations may propose to develop or adapt an existing training(s) to be certified as a Core
Training(s) and/or receive approval for a Supplemental Training(s). Organizations have flexibility
to determine the number of trainings to develop and execute, the type of provider(s) to train,
and the Supplemental Training topics (e.g. organizations could propose developing and
executing training only for maternity care). Trainings may be offered statewide or focus on
specific regions and local communities. Organizations are encouraged to collaborate to enhance
the reach and impact of trainings. All trainings must be patient-centered and incorporate and
encourage cultural competency practices.
The types of Core and Supplemental Trainings to be considered include:
• Modalities. Training in various modalities, such as in-person, online, by webinar. (Unlike
the Convening Grants outlined below, in-person trainings may be targeted to a limited
population of Medi-Cal providers.) Supplemental Trainings may also be provided via
• Learning Techniques. Trainings that use a range of learning techniques, such as a case-
based approach, real-life case studies about providers and patients working together,
role playing, and video demonstrations (e.g. best practices in talking to patients,
patients talking about their experiences, clinicians on how they do ACE screenings and
how it makes a difference in their practice).
• Entire Clinic/Practice. Trainings to support implementation of ACEs screening and
trauma-informed care across an entire clinic or practice: for example, trainings targeted
at non-provider staff (e.g. medical assistants, receptionists, security, etc.) utilizing
modalities such as educational videos.
• Provider Specialties. Provider specialty or other audience-specific trainings: for example,
pediatrics, maternity care, internal medicine, family medicine, medicine-pediatrics, any
subspecialties, nurse practitioners, advanced practice nurses, registered nurses,
physician assistants, and behavioral health practitioners (mental health and substance