Maestro® Sensor
369741a 3 11.15.12
Job Name:
Job Number:
Model Numbers:
Switch with Occupancy/ Vacancy Sensor
Custom Settings
Ambient Light Detection
• Lightsturnononlyifnaturallightinroomislow.
• Smart—Ambientlightthresholdadjustspreciselyto
the user’s preference.
Instructions: If switch turns on when there is enough natural light, or if
switch does not turn on when there is not enough natural light, press
interaction will “teach” the switch your preferred setting.
Sensor Operation
• Occupancy/Vacancy:Auto-ON/Auto-OFFor
• Vacancyonly:Manual-ON/Auto-OFFonly
Timeout Options
(SeeAdditional Featuresonpage4fordefaultsettings)
• 1Minute
• 5Minutes
• 15Minutes
• 30Minutes
Sensitivity Options
• Highsensitivity(default)
• Lowsensitivity
Auto-ON Options
• Occupancy(default):Auto-ON/Auto-OFF
• Vacancy*:Manual-ON/Auto-OFF
• LowLight:Lightsturnononlyifneeded(ifambient
automatically turned off, during which the lights will automatically turn
back on in response to motion. This grace period is provided as a safety
and convenience feature in the event that the lights turn off while the
room is still occupied, so that the user does not need to manually turn
lights must be manually turned on.
Manual Off-While-Occupied Options
(MS-OPSonly—seeAdditional Featuresonpage4fordefaultsetting)
• Enabled
– WhentheOccupancysensingswitchismanually
turned off, the Occupancy sensing switch will not
turn the lights back on automatically while the
room is occupied.
– Oncetheroomisvacated,theAuto-ONfeature
returns to normal operation after the timeout
period has expired.
– Thismaybethepreferenceinconferencerooms
or classrooms while viewing presentations. This
feature requires motion to keep the lights off.
• Disabled
– WhentheOccupancysensingswitchismanually
– Thismaybethepreferenceiftheuseralways
wants the lights to turn on upon entering and the
lights to turn off when the room is vacant.