Tips on how to fill out a form fillable PDF
We recommend that you print a blank copy of the form and complete a draft using pen or pencil.
your draft is done, enter information on the form fillable PDF using Adobe Acrobat (one page at a time). Then
it carefully.
When you are certain there
are no mistakes, print a copy of that page and go to the next page. Be sure to print your text
to ensure t
hat everything you typed will appear on the form before you move to the next page. Save the file so that you
can attach it to an email if submitting electronically.
In addition to filling out the SIF, you must also complete an application for admission to the Turfgrass diploma program.
Please refer to the Admission Services website at:
For early
admission consideration, your Supplementary Information Form should reach the University by February 15,
2016. Forms submitted later may be considered, space permitting.
This form must be completed and emailed to Jill Johnson at:
absolutely necessary, the form can be printed and mailed to:
Jill Johnson, Program Counsellor
Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management
OAC Dean's Office
Johnston Hall, Room 133A
University of Guelph
Guelph, ON
N1G 2W1
Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management
Supplementary Information Form
Surname: O
Given Names: Telephone#:
Home address:
The associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management is an intensive, highly technical program that requires applicants to
have a minimum amount of experience and basic understanding of practical turf management practices. Both academic
performance and work experience are required and will be considered when making admission decisions.
Completion and submission of this form by the application deadline are required for application consideration. Because
the content and form of your submission will contribute to our admission decision, you are encouraged to review the entire
Supplementary Information Form before responding and to answer the questions in paragraph form. The University
expects you to formulate all answers without assistance from others, please limit the length of your responses to the
amount of space allocated on this form.
Please list two people, who could, if contacted, verify the supplementary information you have submitted. At least one
reference must be that of a previous or current employer who could confirm employment history you have indicated.
Name: Name:
Position: Position:
Address: Address:
Telephone: Telephone:
Email: Email:
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Please type your responses. (You may wish to type your responses in Word and copy them into the space provided within
the PDF).
1. Why do you wish to pursue an Associate Diploma in Turfgrass Management?
2. What experience do you have with the turfgrass industry (through work, activities and hobbies)? How has this
experience influenced your decision to apply to the program and how has it made you a better candidate for the
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3. What activities and organizations (outside the turfgrass industry) have you been involved that you believe will
ake you a better candidate for our program and why
hat particular skills, experience and/or knowledge do you have that are important for an applicant to th
urfgrass Management program and why do you think they are important
Page 3 of 4
5. Are there other factors, such as health-related concerns, economic or social conditions that you believe are
tinent to the consideration of your application? If yes, please explai
ttach a resume with details of your work experience. Your application will not be considered complete without an
attached resume.
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