LNDAPL Rev. 3/19/19
1. Print out your cumulative loan information from the National Student Loan Data
System (NSLDS) website.
• Log into https://nslds.ed.gov/nslds/nslds_SA/public/Home.do using your FSA
I.D. User name and Password.
• Click on Financial Aid Review
• Print out all loan information
2. Determine your monthly payment on your current loan balance
• Log into http://www.finaid.org/calculators/
• Click on Loan Calculator
• Fill in Loan Balance and click calculate
• Complete the section below using the information provided from the calculator:
Loan Balance: $ Loan Interest Rate:
Monthly Loan Payment: $ Cumulative Payments: $
Total Interest Paid: $ Annual Salary Needed: $
Statement – Attach a typed statement which explains the following:
A. Your current financial situation which requires you to apply for additional loan funds.
B. Your education and career goals.
C. Your plan for repayment once your loan becomes due.
Important Information - Your initials below indicates you have read and understand the following:
Federal student loans are real loans, just like car loans or mortgages. You must repay a student loan even if your
financial circumstances become difficult. Your student loans cannot be canceled because you didn’t get the education
or job you expected, or because you didn’t complete your education (unless you couldn’t complete your education
because your school closed).