Submitted By: Department:
Date Submitted: Presenter:
Date of Council Meeting to consider this item:
Nature of Item:
Summary of Information/Request: Item #
Budget Impact: $____________________ Is this expenditure approved in the current fiscal year
budget? If no, describe how it will be funded.
Suggested Motion:
Tom Wooten
Public Works
August 2, 2019
Tom Wooten
August 15, 2019
Council Action
While preparing my August agenda item for the 2019 Street Resurfacing Project, I incorrectly listed Southeastern Asphalt
as the low bidder for the project. Tarheel Paving & Asphalt Co was the actual low bidder on the project at $430,940.00.
Please approve Tarheel Paving and Asphalt Co. as the low bidder and award them the resurfacing contract for 2019.
The contractors have been notified of my mistake and have been told the steps that we have to take to correct it.
We have $543,682.00 in our current budget for this project.
I move to award the 2019 Street Resurfacing Project to Tarheel Paving and Asphalt Co.
2019 Street Resurfacing Bid Tab Sheet from the July 26, 2019 bid opening.