Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Revised: 05/2020
So that we may efficiently review your project in a timely manner, it is important that all required documents and fees listed on
this form below are submitted with your application. Submit digitals and 1 hard copy of applications and accompanying documents
to the Planning Department at the address above.
Variance – Request for Variance as required by Section 3.7 of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO).
Approval authority – Board of Adjustment.
Property Address: ______________________________
Applicant: _______________________________________________________________________
Pre-Application Meeting – send an email to
Variance Checklist and Application – Complete with all required signatures
Plot/Site Plan showing the variance
Fee: $325.00 ($300 Application Fee + notification fee [see Fee Schedule])
Public Notification: This is a quasi-judicial process that requires a public hearing and public notification including first-class
mailed notice to adjacent property owners and a sign posted prominently on the property (Section of the UDO).
Review Process: All applications will be reviewed for compliance and then forwarded to the Board of Adjustment for
consideration at a public hearing which is held monthly on the 3
Tuesday at 6:00pm in City Hall Laureate Center. The
application and all fees must be paid prior to scheduling the public hearing.
Action by Board of Adjustment: After conducting a public hearing, the Board of Adjustment may: deny the application;
conduct an additional public hearing on the application; approve the application; or approve the application with
Scope of Approval: A concurring vote of four-fifths of the members of the Board shall be necessary to grant a variance. A
variance is not a right. It may be granted to an applicant only if the applicant establishes compliance with the hardship
criteria established in NCGS §160A-388)(d). (See Variance application for hardship criteria.).
By signing below I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Submittal Checklist and have included the required submittal
items and reviewed them for completeness and accuracy. I also acknowledge that my application will be rejected if
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
click to sign
click to edit