Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Revised: 02/2020
Residential Zoning Permit Checklist
So that we may efficiently review your project in a timely manner, it is important that all applicable documents and fees
listed on the “Submittal Checklist” below are submitted with your application. Please return to the email listed above.
Address for property: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
For property requiring an address, contact Alana Sweatt, GIS Specialist, at 704.920.4361 or
For property requiring 1-5 addresses, the addresses will be viewable through Cabarrus County GIS within 5 working days.
For property requiring more than 5 addresses, the addresses will be viewable thorugh Cabarrus County within 10 working days.
Digital format of all documents submitted through Accela Citizen Access:
Create a Plan Review, Building (PRB). All City of Kannapolis required documents must be uploaded and legible. For property in the
extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) in Rowan County, all required documents must be presented in person at the planning department.
City of Kannapolis required documents include:
Plot Plan of property showing all existing and proposed structures and measurements of easements and setbacks
Residential Zoning Permit Application
Residential Driveway Access Permit Application
Erosion Control Permit Application
Utility Connection Application (for developer, fill out form completely) (for citizen, a copy of your drivers license must be obtained)
Utility Services: Verification of water and sewer services must be completed before application and payment are submitted.
Contact City of Kannapolis Planning Department at 704.920.4350 for a service request. The City of Kannapolis Engineering
Department will complete a site inspection and return a phone call or email within 3 working business days. A zoning permit must be
issued before water and/or sewer tap application and/or fees can be submitted. If well or septic systems are required, contact the
corresponding county for access.
All applicable fees per the current City of Kannapolis fee schedule must be paid before issuance of permits.
By signing below I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Submittal Checklist and have included the required submittal items and reviewed
them for completeness and accuracy. I also acknowledge that my application will be rejected if it is deemed incomplete.
Applicant’s Signature: _________ Date:
Plans must be submitted to the County in order to receiving a Building Permit.
Typically, plans can be reviewed concurrently by the City and the County.
Cabarrus - 65 Union Street South, Concord, NC 28025; (p) 704.920.2128
All development within the city limits of Kannapolis
(regardless of being located in Rowan County, except ETJ) is reviewed by Cabarrus County.
Rowan - 402 North Main Street, Salisbury, NC 28144-4373; (p) 704.216.8619
All development within the Kannapolis Extra Territorial Jurisdiction (ETJ)
is reviewed by Rowan County.
Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Applicant Contact Information
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________ Email: ______________________________________________
Property Owner Information same as applicant
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________ Email: ______________________________________________
Project Information
Project Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Parcel: ________________________ Zoning Designation: _____________________________
Subdivision and Lot # : _______________________________________________________________
Permit Request Proposed Square Feet to be added
New Single Family Residence ________________
Modular Home ________________
Manufactured Home ( single or double) ________________
Duplex or Triplex ________________
Addition (attached to principal structure) ________________
Accessory Building (at least 36” from principal structure) ________________
Solar Panels ( attached to roof or to be located within side yard)
Other _____________________________________________________________________________
A plot plan depicting proposed and existing buildings and the dimensions and measurements of all
setbacks and easements must accompany this application. Builder is responsible for meeting all
setbacks, easements and any applicable ordinances. The signing of the application certifies that you
have been made aware of the following requirements and the information submitted on this form is true
and correct.
Note: This is not a permit to occupy a structure. Owner and/or applicant are responsible for the location of utility
lines and easements. The Zoning Clearance Permit does not guarantee the availability of water and/or sewer.
Applicant Signature Date
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Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
A-16 Appendix A
Applicant Contact Information
Phone: ________________________ Email: ______________________________________________
Project Information
Contractor Name:
Applicant agrees to the following items:
1. Notify the Public Works Department 2 business days in advance of when the work is to
begin at 704-920-4221. Pipe and subgrade to be inspected prior to backfill &
material placement.
2. Construct and maintain driveway(s) in absolute conformance with the current “Policy on
Street and Driveway Access” as adopted by the City of Kannapolis.
3. Provide proper signs, traffic control and other warning devices for the protection of
traffic in conformance with the current “Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for
Streets and Highways”.
4. Indemnify and save harmless the City of Kannapolis from all damages and claims for
damage that may arise by reason of this construction.
5. Contact the City of Kannapolis to find out the required size of RCP pipe that must be
6. Construct a 6” thick driveway between 12’ - 20’ in width within the right-of-way.
Applicant Signature Date
Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
A-15 Appendix A
Applicant Contact Information
Project Information
Type of Construction: Residential Commercial
& Lot #:
Disturbed Area (ac):
Date of land disturbing activity:
Applicant agrees to the following items:
1. Call One-Call before digging 811 or 1-800-351-1111 and allow 3 business days before
2. Install and maintain in proper working order, erosion control measures as needed to
prevent sedimentation from leaving the construction site.
3. Remove any sediment and or aggregate discharged onto streets immediately.
Applicant Signature Date
Utility Billing Setup and New Tap/Connection Process
All sites must be verified for access to existing water and sewer lines
Contact Planning at 704.920.4350 to request a verification
Property address or PIN number is required
Provide a contact name and phone number and/or email
Engineering will provide information to contact within 3 working business days
Permit and Payment
Planning is located on the 3
floor at City Hall, 401 Laureate Way, Kannapolis, NC
Zoning Permit, Driveway Permit and Water/Sewer fees are all taken at permitting
A zoning permit must be issued before utility applications or fees can be submitted for application
60 days from Application and Payment
Utility Billing Application
A completed application and a copy of driver’s license (if required) is submitted to Planning
Planning sends payment and application to Customer Service
Blue/Green flags will be given for marking
Customer Service Billing Process
Customer Service enters service request and enters billing information
Water Resources
Service request is scheduled and distributed to work crews
A courtesy call by Water Resources will be made approximately 2 weeks before installation
At this time, the flags must be placed marking the preferred tap location
The tap installation will be made regardless of grade
For all tap installation questions or concerns contact Curtis Plyler, Crew Supervisor for Water
Resources, at 704.920.4245 or
Setting Meter
Customer is responsible for the plumbing line from building to the meter and calls for final inspection
County sends passed plumbing final inspections to City and a request to set meter is entered
For taps set by developer, after passed plumbing final inspections are received, contact Customer
Service to setup a service request for setting meter
The meter installation crew will assess any damage to meter box and clean out before setting the meter
The top of the yoke bar shall be no lower than 14 inches from the lid
Any damage to the meter box or cleanout must be repaired before meter can be set
Utility Billing Application
Service Address requiring utility service: ______________________________________________________________
Business Name to be billed: _______________________________________ Tax ID Number: _________________
Legal Agent Last Name: ____________________________ First Name: _________________________________
Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address City State Zip Code
Business Phone Number: ___________________________ Cell Phone Number: ____________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________________
I, the undersigned certify that the information in the foregoing application is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. I acknowledge my responsibility for any and all charges, fees and the like associated with the account, including returned
check charges, and agree to notify the Customer Service Center of any changes regarding the account within ten (10) days of
the change. If I have supplied you with a telephone number I am giving you prior consent to call that number. I am aware that
such calls may result in charges to my wireless phone account.
Applicant’s Signature
Single Family Dwelling
Multi Family Structure
In Subdivision: ____________________
Complex Name: ____________________
Lot Number: _________
Number of units per building: ________
New Commercial Build
Commercial Upfit
Project Name: ____________________
Project Name: ______________________
Calculated Impervious Area: _________
Irrigation meters require a backflow device that must be installed prior to setting a new meter.
For Subdivision and Commercial Utilities:
A North Carolina licensed utility contractor will need to perform the work.
Materials that will be used for the tap will need to be submitted for approval.
The Engineering Department will also perform an inspection.
An encroachment agreement from the NCDOT may be required.
For Office Use Only
Date sent to Customer Service: _____/_____/_____ Verified from Engineering: _____/_____/_____
Attached Receipt included payment for: Water Tap Water Connection Sewer Tap Sewer Connection
Work Order required to Set Tap: Yes for Water Sewer Irrigation Only
Taps to be installed by: Utility Contractor City Meter Ready to Set: Yes No
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Billing and Collections
Date Received: _____/_____/_____ By: ____________________________ Account # __________________
Date Work Order Entered For:
Sewer Tap _____/_____/_____ Water Tap _____/_____/_____ Set Meter _____/_____/_____
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Utility Connection Application
(Residential Property Owner)
Address Requiring Utility Service: ______________________________________________________________
Applicant Last Name: ___________________________First Name:_________________________________MI: _____
Mailing Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Street Address City State Zip Code
Home Phone Number: ____________________________ Cell Phone Number: ____________________________
Email Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Driver’s License: State: _____ Number: _____________________ Social Security Number ______-______-_____
(A copy of driver’s license or other valid government issued form of identification is required)
I, the undersigned certify that the information in the foregoing application is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. I acknowledge my responsibility for any and all charges, fees and the like associated with the account, including
returned check charges, and agree to notify the Customer Service Center of any changes regarding the account within
ten (10) days of the change. If I have supplied you with a telephone number I am giving you prior consent to call that
number. I am aware that such calls may result in charges to my wireless phone account.
Applicant’s Signature
A Cabarrus County or Rowan County Construction Standards Trade Inspection is required prior to setting a
new meter.
Irrigation meters require a backflow device that must be installed prior to setting a new meter.
For Office Use Only
Date sent to Customer Service: _____/_____/_____ Verified from Engineering: _____/_____/_____
Attached Receipt included payment for: Water Tap Water Connection Sewer Tap Sewer Connection
Work Order required to Set Tap: Yes for Water Sewer Irrigation Only
Meter Ready to Set: Yes No
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Billing and Collections
Date Received: _____/_____/_____ By: _____________________________________________________________
Date Work Order Entered For:
Sewer Tap _____/_____/_____ Water Tap _____/_____/_____ Irrigation Tap _____/_____/_____
Set Meter _____/_____/_____
Notes: __________________________________________________________________________________________
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