Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Revised: 09/2020
Certificate of Nonconformity Adjustment Checklist
So that we may efficiently review your project in a timely manner, it is important that all required documents and fees listed on
this form below are submitted with your application. Submit digitals and 1 hard copy of applications and accompanying documents
to the Planning Department at the address above.
Certificate of Nonconformity Adjustment (CONA) Request for CONA as required by Section 13.1.6 of the Unified Development
Ordinance (UDO) to enlarge, expand, or otherwise alter a Nonconforming Use or Structure.
Approval authority Board of Adjustment.
Property Address: ______________________________
Applicant: _______________________________________________________________________
Pre-Application Meeting send an email to
CONA Checklist and Application Complete with all required signatures
Plot/Site Plan showing the proposed changes
Fee: $325.00 ($300 Application Fee + notification fee [see Fee Schedule])
Public Notification: This is a quasi-judicial process that requires a public hearing and public notification including first-class
mailed notice to adjacent property owners and a sign posted prominently on the property (Section of the UDO).
Review Process: All applications will be reviewed for compliance and then forwarded to the Board of Adjustment for
consideration at a public hearing which is held monthly on the 3
Tuesday at 6:00pm in City Hall Laureate Center. The
application and all fees must be paid prior to scheduling the public hearing.
Action by Board of Adjustment: After conducting a public hearing, the Board of Adjustment may: deny the application;
conduct an additional public hearing on the application; approve the application; or approve the application with
conditions. Such conditions shall “run with the land” and subject all future property owners with the same restrictions
Scope of Approval: The Board’s decision to approve or deny will be made based on the following criteria: (1) Noise, (2)
Traffic, (3) Other measurable, physical effects, (4) Surrounding property values, and (5) Aesthetics (see CONA application).
By signing below I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Submittal Checklist and have included the required submittal
items and reviewed them for completeness and accuracy. I also acknowledge that my application will be rejected if
Applicant’s Signature: Date:
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Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Revised: 09/2020
Approval authority Board of Adjustment
Applicant Contact Information Property Owner Contact Information o same as applicant
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
Project Information
Project Address: ___________________________________________ Zoning District
Parcel PIN: Size of property (in acres):
Current Property Use:
Describe the nonconformity:
Proposed enlargement, expansion, or alteration (attach separate sheet if necessary):
The Board of Adjustment does not have unlimited discretion in deciding whether to approve a Certificate of
Nonconformity Adjustment (CONA). The Kannapolis Development Ordinance requires that the applicant
demonstrate positive responses to several questions to obtain a CONA. In the spaces provided below, indicate the
facts that you intend to provide to convince the Board that the proposed enlargement, expansion, or alteration can
properly address the following questions:
A. NoiseDoes the conformity create noise above and beyond levels considered normal to the area?
RV - Residential Village
City of Kannapolis
Certificate of Nonconformity Adjustment Application
Pg. 2
For Staff Use Only:
Filing Fee: Receipt #:
Case #: Date Received:
Revised: 09/2020
B. Traffic Does the nonconformity generate or have the potential to generate a significantly higher
volume of traffic than surrounding land use?
C. Other measurable, physical effects Does the nonconformity generate any other negative effects,
including, but not limited to, dust, air pollution, foul smell, etc.?
D. Surrounding property values Does the nonconformity detract from the prevailing property values?
E. AestheticsDoes the nonconformity compliment or detract from the overall aesthetic character of
the area?
By signing below, I certify that all of the information presented in this application is accurate to the best of
my knowledge, information and belief. I acknowledge that the Board of Adjustment may add conditions
regarding what the nonconformity owner/operator must do to the property for certification. For example,
landscaping or fencing may be required, or a shift of operations away from adjoining properties may be
Applicant Signature Date
Property Owner Signature Date
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