Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Applicant Contact Information
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________ Email: ______________________________________________
Property Owner Information same as applicant
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________ Email: ______________________________________________
Project Information
Project Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Parcel: ________________________ Zoning Designation: _____________________________
Subdivision and Lot # : _______________________________________________________________
Permit Request Proposed Square Feet to be added
New Single Family Residence ________________
Modular Home ________________
Manufactured Home ( single or double) ________________
Duplex or Triplex ________________
Addition (attached to principal structure) ________________
Accessory Building (at least 36” from principal structure) ________________
Solar Panels ( attached to roof or to be located within side yard)
Other _____________________________________________________________________________
A plot plan depicting proposed and existing buildings and the dimensions and measurements of all
setbacks and easements must accompany this application. Builder is responsible for meeting all
setbacks, easements and any applicable ordinances. The signing of the application certifies that you
have been made aware of the following requirements and the information submitted on this form is true
and correct.
Note: This is not a permit to occupy a structure. Owner and/or applicant are responsible for the location of utility
lines and easements. The Zoning Clearance Permit does not guarantee the availability of water and/or sewer.
Applicant Signature Date
click to sign
click to edit