Planning Department
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis, NC 28081
Revised: 12/2020
Applicant Contact Information Property Owner Contact Information same as applicant
Name: Name:
Address: Address:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
Project Information
Project Name: Project Address:
Parcel PIN: Size of property (in acres): Disturbed Area (in acres)
Project Description:
Is site development proposed within the FEMA 100-year flood fringe? Yes No
Will any activities impact an NCDOT public street Right-of-Way (ROW)? Yes No
Will any activities impact a City of Kannapolis public street ROW? Yes No
Will any activities take place within a public utility easement? Yes No
(i.e. water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage, power, gas)
Applicant agrees to the following items:
1. Prior to land disturbing activities (which include grading, grubbing and utility installation), an erosion control
permit has been obtained from NCDEQ.
2. Install and maintain, in property working order, erosion control measures as needed to prevent
sedimentation from leaving the site.
3. Remove any sediment and or aggregate discharged onto streets immediately.
The signing of this application certifies that you are aware of the requirements and that the information submitted
on this form is true and accurate.
Note: This is not a permit to occupy or construct. Owner and/or applicant are responsible for the location of utility lines and
Applicant Signature Date
Property Owner Signature Date
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