Revised: 6/19/2019
All previously dated material is now invalid.
Department: ________________________ Dept. Chair Name: ___________________
High School Teacher Name: __________________________________________________
High School Course Name Approved Date Approved
__________________________________________________ ___________
__________________________________________________ ___________
Approval granted for all courses based on meeting minimum qualifications required by OAR
589-007-0200. (Appropriate documentation showing college course work, work experience
and degree attached or previously provided to my department)
CTE: Combination of education and industry experience as required in content area.
Provisional Approval (approved through one of the following)
College Now/CTE:
Appropriate degree plus work experience and additional coursework in the content
area; or
Three calendar years of work experience in an occupational area directly related to the
instructional program (the work experience must be beyond that acquired in apprenticeship,
on-the-job training); or
Occupational outcome for the teaching assignment secured through a combination of
three years of work experience and specialized training.
Approval denied for this instructor to teach the indicated courses for these reasons:
Department Chair Signature: Date:
Instructional Dean or Vice
President for Instruction Signature: Date:
Please return to the College Now office within ten working days.
COCC Faculty Mentor Assigned:
(FT Faculty or Adjunct Faculty 3+ years)
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