the Trust, both principal and income, shall not be alienable, assignable, attachable,
transferable nor paid by way of anticipation, nor in compliance with any order,
assignment or covenant and shall not be applied to, or held liable for, any of his or her
debts or obligations either in law or equity and shall not in any event pass to his or her
assignee or trustee under any instrument nor under any insolvency or bankruptcy law,
and shall not be subject to the interference or control of creditors, spouses or others.
Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed as restricting in any way the exercise
of any power of appointment granted herein.
Article 12. Dealings With Third Parties: Any person, firm, corporation or entity dealing
with the Trustee may always, rely upon the Trustee, as being duly authorized hereunder
in all particulars; and no such person, firm, corporation or entity shall in any way be
responsible for the proper use or application of any property delivered, or any funds
paid over or advanced, by any of them to the Trustee; and the receipt of the Trustee for
any payment or advancement made to the Trustee, or for any property delivered to the
Trustee, shall be a complete discharge and acquaintance to the extent specified in such
receipt. Persons dealing with the Trustee shall look only to the property administered by
the Trustee for payment of claims and not to the Trustee’s personal property.
Article 13. Successor Trustees and Other Provisions Dealing with Trustees:
A. Successor Trustee: The Grantor appoints _____________________________
with a mailing address of ___________________________________________ as
the Successor Trustee and if he or she shall be unable to fulfill the duties herein, the
Grantor appoints _____________________________ with a mailing address of
___________________________________________ as the 2
Successor Trustee.