Worksheet: Your Ideal Client Profile
Target Audience General Description
Example of more details to include: Client age range = 30 to 60 years; Male or Female; Successful
business owners or executives (current or past); Keen interest in personal development and
spirituality; Can meet regularly...
Here are some specific categories of traits and examples of each:
e.g., thinks fast on his/her feet,
has considerable common
sense (based on life
experience), integrates all of
who he/she is into his/her life...
Physical Traits / Lifestyle /
e.g., energetic, practices good
self-care, good diet, exercises
e.g., sense of humor, high
natural integrity, curious...
Unique Gifts / Talents /
e.g., intuitive, gifted speaker,
values spirituality as a bridge to
self, artistic...
For exclusive use by participants of the Institute for Life Coach Training™ Foundational Course © 2015 REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED
Client Traits (from Database exercise)
Must Have’s!
List the traits that your clients
must have.
Examples: can pay for coaching
without creating new debt,
willing to take risks, are quick
studies, are willing to teach me
how to coach them...
Contrary to what many business people and even coaches believe, there is no such thing as an
“ideal client.” If by “ideal” one means a conception of something in its absolute perfection*, then I
submit that he or she does not exist. If we, however, reframe the term “ideal” to mean considered
the best of its kind it then becomes possible to speak of having an “ideal client type” in the sense of
who is the “best of its kind” for you!
Dr. James S. Vuocolo
*American Heritage Dictionary
For exclusive use by participants of the Institute for Life Coach Training™ Foundational Course © 2015 REPRODUCTION PROHIBITED