The Dennis James Memorial scholarship was started in 2015 by the family of Dennis
James and through his company, Riverview Urgent Care. Dennis was a passionate
businessman and member of his community. He knew how important education
was in bettering people, families, and communities. He supported education
throughout his life and will continue that through this memorial scholarship.
Scholarship Eligibility
High School Senior must receive diploma from a Cassia or Minidoka County High School by June 2017
US citizen
Plan to enroll in an accredited two or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school in the
US for the 2017-2018 school year.
2.8 GPA or greater
Minidoka County - single award of $1,000.
Cassia County - two awards of $1,000 .
Application Process
Fill out application entirely.
Complete the questions and essay portion
Presents the
Dennis James Memorial Scholarship
Attach two letters of recommendation filled out by
1. A teacher or other staff member at your high school
2. A person of choice that is not a family member
Attach a copy of current transcript
Turn in completed entry and all attachments by April 14, 2017 directly to
Riverview Urgent Care
Scholarship Program
P.O. Box 820
Burley, ID 83318
All applications and attachments need to be turned in to the Riverview Urgent Care or postmarked by April 14,
Selection of Recipients
Scholarship recipients are selected on the basis of academic record, demonstrated leadership, participation in
school and community activities, volunteering, as well as strong personal character. All applicants agree to
accept decision of recipients as final.
Recipient of scholarships will be notified by May 5, 2017
Payment of Scholarship
Scholarship payment may be used to cover the cost of tuition and books. The scholarship payment can be
used entirely at one time, in one payment, or can be separated and used at different times and to different
payees. Recipient will need to submit through email or mail a statement showing balance owed, toward
either books or tuition. A check is then made payable to the students’ school and mailed to the address on
the statement.
Please send any questions or correspondence to hjuddfam@yahoo.com
Applications and this information packet are available at the Riverview Urgent Care, at the Riverview website
riverviewuc.com or visit us on facebook. They are also available through the school counselors at each of the
High Schools in Minidoka and Cassia County.
Dennis James Memorial Scholarship
First Name__________________________________ Last Name______________________________________
Mailing Address____________________________________________ City_____________________________
Phone __________________________________________ Email_____________________________________
Name of High School______________________________________________ Years Attending_____________
Previous High School (if less than 3)_____________________________________________ Age ____________
List any job experience you have had____________________________________________________________
Current GPA___________________ If you would like, include an explanation of GPA and attach a copy of a
transcript to support your explanation.
Short Answer Questions
*Type and attach to this application, answers to the following questions, in 200 words or less per question.
1. What are your future education goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
2. List any academic awards, scholarships, publications, or any special academic recognitions you have
3. What is a significant class you have taken, why was it meaningful, and how did it help you prepare for
higher education?
4. Describe High School Activities you have participated in and what influence they have had on you.
5. Describe community service and volunteer work that you have done and how it has affected you.
6. Optional- What other personal information do you think makes you deserving of this scholarship?
Letters of Recommendation
*Have two letters of recommendation written for you and attach to your application. Select two people
who can speak to your personal character, academic strengths, leadership positions, or community
involvement or volunteering. The letters must be filled out by:
1. One of the letters must come from a staff member at your High School.
2. The other letter is a person of choice that is NOT a relative.
The letters need to include the following:
Name of person writing letter, address and phone number, in what capacity, and length of time person has
known the nominee.
The letter should address these things:
Confirm and elaborate on the character of the candidate. Also address the student’s personal characteristics
which contribute to the candidates abilities.
The letters need to be signed by the writer.
Essay Question
*Type and attach to this application, the answer to the following question.
Please answer the following question in a detailed essay - up to 800 words
Topic - Write about a time hard work paid off.
Application due by April 14, 2017 - Turn in completed entry and all attachments by April 14 directly to
Riverview Urgent Care either by hand delivery or by mail to:
Riverview Urgent Care
Scholarship Program
P.O. Box 820
Burley, ID 83318
I understand my application for the Dennis James Memorial Scholarship contains personal information. I
authorize the selected committee to review the information in my application for the purpose of determining
my eligibility for the scholarship award. I verify that all the information provided on this application is true
and correct to the best of my knowledge and I also certify that if chosen, I will provide an official High School
transcript if requested. I further certify that if chosen as the scholarship recipient, I will use the funds only for
expenses related to education in higher learning in the United States. I verify I have read, understand, and
agree to the guidelines as stated.
Signature________________________________________________ Date____________________________