Work Element
NICET Technician Application Instructions
Work Element Programs
General Instructions/Procedures
What am I applying for?
Most applicants are seeking NICET’s national certification, but some are only testing to meet an
employer’s requirement. The latter need not submit all of the application materials required for
full certification.
If you are unsure about how your background, job needs, and career goals fit with NICET’s
certification programs, or if you want more information about certification procedures, start with a
review of the program details manuals and other descriptive materials available on our website.
After that, any remaining questions can be discussed with NICET staff by phone (888-476-4238 or
703-548-1518) or email (“Ask NICET” at www.nicet.org).
What do I need to complete?
The application form comes in five parts. Which ones you complete depends, first, upon whether
or not your goal is certification and, second, whether you have previously completed an
application. If you are applying for a:
a) NICET exam only (without certification), you must complete 2 parts:
Part I: Applicant Information, Sections 1, 2, & 3
Part IV: Work Element Selection & Verification, Section 2
b) NICET certification and exam at Level I or II, you must complete the following parts:
Part I: Applicant Information, Sections 1, 2, & 3
Part II: Work History
Part III: Performance Verification
Part IV: Work Element Selection & Verification, Sections 1 & 2
c) NICET certification and exam at Level III or IV, you must complete the following parts:
Part I: Applicant Information, Sections 1, 2, & 3
Part II: Work History
Part III: Performance Verification
Part IV: Work Element Selection & Verification, Sections 1 & 2
Part V: Personal Recommendation (available on NICET’s website)
Certification at Level IV also requires a Major Project Write-up
If you have previously submitted any parts of this application, the instructions for that part will
indicate whether you need to submit it again.
Make a copy of everything you send to NICET and keep it with your testing/certification records.
Your name and identification number must appear on every page of every part of the application.
Can I apply to test as part of a group?
If you are testing as part of a group, you should check with your sponsor for any special conditions
associated with your test. If a single company check is accompanying several applications,
accurate and timely processing of the applications requires that either:
a. all the applications are mailed together with the check in the same envelope, or
b. a list of all applicant names is attached to the check.
Work Element
Where do I mail the application?
If your mailing includes Parts I & IV or includes a payment for any purpose, then you must mail
it to:
Via U.S. Postal Service:
Via FedEx, UPS:
c/o Bank of America c/o Bank of America Lockbox Services
PO Box 418651 Lockbox 418651
Boston, MA 02241-8651 MA5-527-02-07
2 Morrissey Blvd.
Dorchester, MA 02125
If your mailing does NOT include a payment (check or money order), then you should mail it to:
1420 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Note: If an exam application with payment is mailed to the NICET office, the original postmark
date will be invalidated; the new postmark date will be the date we mail it to Bank of America.
This may result in your application missing the deadline. NICET will not be responsible for delays
caused by redirecting applications to the bank address.
When will I hear from NICET?
NICET will process test applications in the order they are received. If there is a problem with the
application or the requested testing, the applicant will be notified and, whenever possible, given a
chance to make amendments or corrections. Confirmation letters, containing test date, time, and
location details, are generally mailed about 30 days prior to the test date. If you have not received
your letter two weeks before the test date, contact NICET (at 888-476-4238 or test@nicet.org).
You will receive a score report approximately two weeks after the exam.
After you meet an exam requirement, NICET will evaluate your work history and performance
verifications. If you’re applying for Level III or IV, NICET will also review your personal
recommendation. Up to 90 days after your test date, you will receive either your certificate and
approval letter/wallet card or a “conditional decision letter” explaining which criteria remain
When a candidate responds to a conditional decision letter with additional materials, these are
again placed in the queue for evaluation. Evaluation of these materials is generally completed
within 60 days of receipt. To minimize these additional rounds of evaluation, NICET strongly
encourages applicants for certification to submit all parts of the application, carefully
completed, with the test application or shortly thereafter.
Will my testing information be private?
Under NICET Policy 22, test results may be given only to the examinee, unless the examinee
submits a signed release form.
Under NICET Policy 7, NICET does not sell mailing lists, phone numbers or email addresses of
applicants and/or certificants. NICET may occasionally provide such lists for one-time use by
bona fide organizations for educational or professional development purposes.
Work Element
Part I: Applicant Information
Part I (Sections 1, 2, and 3) must be submitted with any examination application. You may also use it
to notify NICET of changes in your name or address.
Section 1: Applicant Information
Please provide the requested identification and contact information. Indicate whether NICET should
mail correspondence (letters, score reports, certificates, etc.) to your home or to your business address.
Please make sure that you have indicated whether we have your permission to contact your on
NICET business via email and fax as noted in Items D & E.
P.S. – Don’t forget to add us to your list of organizations to be notified if your address should change!
Section 2: Examination Information
In this section, you will specify your first and second choices for test location and date. Information
on test centers, exam dates, and application postmark deadlines, may be found at the NICET website.
NICET will honor your preferences if possible, but any application that was postmarked after the
deadline will be held until the next test date at the selected test center. If you have indicated a second
choice with a later deadline, the application will be processed for the second choice (if the application
was postmarked before the second choice deadline and space is available).
Applications are treated on a "first-come, first-served" basis: once the test
room is full, no more examination requests will be processed for that session,
even if the postmark deadline was met. Therefore, it is recommended that
you mail your application early.
All examination applications must include payment in full and be accompanied by, at least, Part I
(Sections 1, 2, and 3) and Part IV (Section 2). Current fees are given on the website. Please make the
check/money order payable to NICET, and mail using the U.S. Postal Service, FedEx, or UPS to one
of the following addresses:
Via U.S. Postal Service: Via FedEx, UPS:
c/o Bank of America c/o Bank of America Lockbox Services
PO Box 418651 Lockbox 418651
Boston, MA 02241-8651 MA5-527-02-07
2 Morrissey Blvd.
Dorchester, MA 02125
Refer to Policy #24 or contact NICET (at 888-476-4238 or test@nicet.org) for guidance on
rescheduling an exam. A fee may be required to reschedule an exam. A "No-Show" who does not
notify NICET within 5 business days after the test date forfeits the entire exam fee and must pay the
full exam fee again to reschedule an exam.
Section 3: Applicant’s Statement of Understanding
To ensure that you understand some important conditions of testing and certification, NICET
requires that you read and sign the Applicant’s Statement of Understanding after reading the
“Conditions of Application for Technicians” on the next pages of these instructions.
Work Element
Conditions of Application for Technicians
By signing your name at the end of Part I, Section 3, "Applicant's Statement of Understanding", you
are acknowledging that you have read, understood, and you accept the following conditions. Your
application will not be processed without your signature.
Conditions 1 – 9 apply to all
applicants for NICET testing or certification.
1. NICET’s certification decisions and interactions with applicants are governed by established
policies and procedures. Each applicant, by signing the “Applicant’s Statement of
Understanding” in Part I, Section 3 of the Application, accepts and agrees to follow these
policies and procedures. NICET’s policies and procedures are available from NICET’s
Website or NICET staff.
2. Any applicant with a disability as defined in Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act
that may be placed at a disadvantage when taking a NICET certification examination must
advise NICET in writing of their needs by including a letter or other appropriate
documentation with their application. NICET will respond by telephone or other means to
make appropriate accommodations.
3. The NICET fees, rules, and procedures for applicants and certificants are posted on the
NICET website. Those who do not have access to the Internet may obtain the information
from NICET (A nominal fee may be charged.). NICET’s fees, policies, and procedures are
subject to change without notice. Such changes, along with dates for their implementation,
will be posted on the website as early as possible.
4. On a prescribed date, or upon publication of a new edition of any program detail manual,
form, policy, procedure, or fee, all
previous editions are considered obsolete. The effective
date for each will be printed on the appropriate document.
5. The certification Examination Score Report is released only to the examinee. NICET will
release examination scores to employers and others only if the examinee submits NICET’s
release form to authorize release of the scores.
6. All test records for an individual certification area will be purged from the live database
after five years if no further testing is done in that certification area and the individual is not
certified in that area. If the applicant has active certifications or is actively testing in other
certification area, those certification areas will not be affected.
7. The NICET name and logo are the property of NICET, and may not be used without the
expressed written permission of the Institute.
8. Each applicant, candidate for certification, or certification holder is responsible for
informing NICET of any address or name changes in a timely manner in order to receive
correspondence, score reports, and, if certified, renewal invoices and applications, the
NICET Newsletter, and proper representation in the NICET registry of certificants.
9. To maintain an equitable testing and certification process, it is incumbent on all applicants
Follow normal testing etiquette during examinations
Represent oneself honestly on exams and in other materials
Maintain the confidentiality of test questions
Work Element
Conditions 10 – 16 apply to candidates for NICET certification.
10. NICET certification is open to all individuals residing and/or working in the United States
and its territories and to certain others living outside the United States who meet the
certification criteria.
11. NICET certification does not constitute a license to practice engineering.
12. There are multiple criteria for each NICET certification: typically examination, work
history, performance verification, and personal recommendation requirements. These
criteria are described in the program detail manual and all must be met to achieve
13. The criteria for certification in any particular area are subject to updating or revision without
notice. A schedule indicating when candidates must meet the new criteria in order to
become certified will be published, along with the criteria themselves, in the most current
edition of the program detail manual.
14. A certificate must be in Active Status to be included in NICET’s directories of certified
individuals, to be upgraded by the certificant to a higher level (through additional testing
and evaluation), or to gain crossover credit.
15. At the end of the initial three-year certification period, and every third year thereafter, the
certification will expire. Several months before expiration, each certificant will be sent a
recertification application. Maintaining Active Status will then depend upon meeting the
requirements set forth in NICET’s Policy # 30, “Continuing Professional Development”,
and paying the recertification processing fee.
16. If a recertification application with payment of all fees owed is not received by NICET prior
to the expiration date, the certificate will expire. Reinstatement to Active Status will
involve an additional fee. If reinstatement has not occurred three years after the expiration
date, all certificates and testing records will be purged from the NICET database. (If my
expiration date was January 1, 2007, for example, then I have until January 1, 2010 to
reinstate my certification(s) before all my records are deleted.)
January 2007
Work Element
Part III: Performance Verification
What is Verification?
Performance verification for a work element exam program involves having a technically competent
individual who is in a position to inspect and/or approve the applicant’s work verify the repeated and
correct completion of the task or application/or of the knowledge described in the work elements under
a variety of conditions.
Who can provide verification?
The person(s) who provides this verification should always be the applicant’s immediate supervisor
The applicant is either the owner of the business or the highest-ranking manager in the
organization, or:
The applicant’s immediate supervisor is not technically knowledgeable in the specialty
In these cases, an alternate verifier must be found; one who meets the qualifications indicated in the
first sentence on this page. Guidance in identifying an alternate verifier is provided in a few of the
program detail manuals. If you have questions about how to proceed with this or other verification
processes, please contact the NICET staff (at 888-476-4238 or tech@nicet.org).
More than one verifier? It is an accepted practice to utilize more than one supervisor, past
supervisor, or alternate verifiers to cover the variety of work elements being tested, provided that a
completed copy of Part III (Performance Verification) is submitted for each person. If more than one
individual will be verifying work element performance on a given exam application, make
photocopies of the completed Part IV, Section 2, before any verification is provided, and provide a
separate copy to each verifier.
Section 1: Applicant’s Relationship with Verifier
All applicants must complete “A and C”.
Applicants must complete “B” if:
They indicated in “A” that the verifier is not their immediate supervisor, or:
Their verifier has not been listed as their supervisor of record in their work history.
Section 2: Verifier’s Personal Information
Must be completed by the verifier.
Section 3: Verifier’s Statement
Must be completed by the verifier. Misrepresentation can lead to denial or loss of certification. The
signature, initials, and date must be originals, not photocopies.
Work Element
Verification Procedures
The verifier must record his/her verification of the applicant’s competent performance of the work
elements being tested on Part IV, Section 2 (“Work Element Selection and Verification”).
The applicant must provide to the verifier both Part III for completion and Part IV completed (with
work element numbers and titles, but without the initials). This may be done in either of two ways:
Verifications to be submitted with the Test Application: The applicant provides to the
verifier the completed original of Parts III and IV. The verifier completes Sections 2 and 3 of
Part III and initials the work elements among those listed on Part IV, Section 2, that have
been competently performed by the applicant. All materials should be returned to the
applicant who mails them, along with the test fee payment and any other parts of the
application that are ready, to:
Via U.S. Postal Service: Via FedEx, UPS:
c/o Bank of America c/o Bank of America Lockbox Services
PO Box 418651 Lockbox 418651
Boston, MA 02241-8651 MA5-527-02-07
2 Morrissey Blvd.
Dorchester, MA 02125
Verifications to be submitted later than the Test Application*: The applicant provides to
the verifier Part III and a list of work elements to be verified: either a photocopy of Part IV of
the test application (without “Verifier’s Initials”), or a newly written list of work elements in
Part IV, Section 2, of the Test Application form. The verifier completes Sections 2 and 3 of
Part III and initials the work elements among those listed on Part IV, Section 2, that have
been competently performed by the applicant. Both parts should be returned to the applicant
who mails them (with no fee payments) to:
1420 King Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Don’t forget to keep a copy for your records!
* Note that, while a test can be administered with only Parts I and Part IV of the application,
the applicant who wants to expedite the certification process will submit verifications and all
other supporting materials with the Test Application or soon thereafter.
Work Element
Part IV: Work Element Selection & Verification
To determine the testing requirements for certification, for advice on work element selection, and for
work element listings and descriptions, refer to the program detail manual for your program.
Definitions of work elements and work element categories (“General”, “Special”, “Core”) will also be
found in the manual.
Section 1: Objectives
Tell us your plans related to NICET certification. What are your examination and/or certification goals?
What programs are you interested in obtaining certification? Your answers to these questions will not
prevent you from changing your objectives in the future, but will help NICET to provide you with better
Program Detail Manuals contain information on program content and certification
requirements. NICET staff is also available to answer your questions or you may apply for a
pre-test evaluation of your work experience (by a separate application).
Section 2: Work Element Selection and Verification
Enter up to 34 work elements into the grid. The 3-digit field code is to be found in the program detail
manual, normally on the cover page. (Please use care to enter the correct field code for each work
The “Verifier’s Initials” are part of the verification process described in Part III, “Performance
Verification”. Please review the instructions for that part before beginning the verification process.
Work Element
National Institute For Certification In Engineering Technologies®
sponsored by the National Society of Professional Engineers
Part I: Applicant Information
Section 1 - Applicant Information
(Please print clearly or type)
C. Has your last name changed since you submitted your last application? no yes, former last name
D. Do we have your permission to use your fax number to contact you about NICET business? no yes
E. Do we have your permission to use your email address to contact you about NICET business? no yes
Section 2 - Examination Information
Applicants for examination at a regular NICET test center must provide the information requested below.
(Locations, dates, and postmark deadlines are listed on NICET’s Website. If you do not have access to the Internet, please contact NICET at
888-476-4238 or 703-548-1518.)
1. 1st choice: Exam Date:
City & State Test Center Code Mo. Day Year
2. 2nd choice: Exam Date:
City & State Test Center Code Mo. Day Year
(If your 1st choice is full or you miss the postmark deadline for the 1st choice and you have no 2nd choice, your test will be scheduled for the next test
date at the requested 1
-choice location.)
If you are testing at two or more different locations in the same cycle, please check here: yes, testing twice yes, testing 3 times
Please check off the box below that applies to you:
not tested before tested before, but not NICET-certified am NICET-certified, certification # ______________
The date of my last exam was
(Note: if you are not certified & you do not test in 5 years, your test history will be deleted, per NICET Policy #26 at www.nicet.org.)
Section 3 - Applicant’s Statement of Understanding
I certify that all information given on my application and any supporting materials is correct, factual, and complete. I understand that
any misrepresentation of information can result in the rejection of this application or the revocation of any certificate NICET has
issued in my name. Further, I certify that I have read and understood the instructions for this application and that I have read,
understood, and I accept the conditions
set forth in the "Conditions of Application for Technicians".
Signature Date
(Your signature and the date must appear below the statement above; otherwise this application will not be accepted.
A check or money order, payable to NICET, must be enclosed
with any testing application. Fees are listed on our Website, www.nicet.org, or can be
obtained by calling 888-476-4238 or 703-548-1518. Payments may be deductible under applicable provisions of the Internal Revenue Code (i.e., as
educational or business expenses); however, payments are not
deductible as charitable expenses.
Postmark Date
Spec. Cont. ADA Lockbox #1 Amt Paid
Lockbox #2 Amt Paid
Last Name First Name Middle Initial
Home Address:
Street Apt.
City State Zip Code +4
Social Security Number
Home Phone
Area Code Number
To which address should NICET mail all correspondence?
Home Business
Present Employer:
Company Name
Business Address:
City State Zip Code +4
Present Position Title:
Work Phone
Area Code Number Ext.
Cell Phone
Area Code Number
Area Code Number
Experience Application Part I: Work History
Sections 1, 2, and 3
First-time applicants (and those specifically directed by NICET):
For the span of your entire career, complete one form consisting of at least sections 1, 2, and 3 for each position held at each
employer and for any period within a given position in which your responsibilities changed significantly.
Returning applicants
Follow the instructions above solely for the period of time from the end date of your last work history submittal to the date you
submit a new application.
Section 1 Position Identification
Section 2 Time Allocation
Break out your experience into all applicable technical areas in which you worked while in the position listed in Section 1.
Section 3 Detailed Description of Work Performed
For each Subfield / Technical Area (S/TA) into which you divided your work in Section 2 - Time Allocation, provide detailed
descriptions, in your own words, of the work you performed.
Detail the technical and supervisory nature of the work.
Describe the types of tasks you performed and the types and scopes of projects on which you worked.
Detail the types of materials, tools, machinery, systems, and system components with which you worked.
For all gaps in your work histories (e.g., unemployment periods, winter breaks, and so on):
In Section 2, line item “Other”, write “Gap” and in Section 3 on page 2 of 3 provide the reason for the gap.
If you are submitting a work history amendment you must submit the following:
- a signed and dated letter of explanation for the changes you made to your account
- the amended work history forms countersigned by your verifier, who by so doing indicates his or her attestation to the
accuracy and completeness of the amended account
Work History Form Checklist Do:
Submit Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the form of the form for each position held.
Ensure that the forms are completely and accurately filled out for the period from one submittal to the next.
Make sure to provide the “Dates Positions Held” including month and year.
Provide in Section 3, corresponding detailed descriptions for each Subfield / Technical Area (S/TA) in which your experience
was broken out in Section 2, using your own words.
Sign and date each page as indicated. Unsigned documents will not be accepted.
Work History Form Checklist - Do Not:
Submit official position descriptions, resumes, testimonials, and marketing materials in lieu of completing Section 3 to describe
your responsibilities.
Submit amended work experience accounts without a signed letter of explanation for the changes in your work history unless
directed to do so by NICET.
Have verifier countersign work history form unless directed by NICET to do so.
Submit forms of your own design.
All information provided in candidates application is cross-evaluated with documents on file to verify the following:
consistency of work experience accounts
appearance of signatures and initials
appropriateness of verifier and recommender
and, as needed, through third-party entities including the following:
licensing bodies and authorities having jurisdiction
previous and current employers
other sources of official documentation
Note: Work experience documents submitted with applications to test are placed in the queue for evaluation when a candidate
meets the exam requirements for a given subfield and level. Work experience documents received in response to Conditional
Decision Letters (CDLs) are placed in the queue for evaluation upon their receipt. In both cases the documents are evaluated in
the order they are placed in their respective queues. (first-come, first-served)
Based on the present workload, it may take up to 90 days from the date a candidate meets an exam requirement for work
experience documents to be evaluated and up to 60 days from date of receipt for CDL responses to be evaluated.
Standard Model
Candidate: ______________________________________ NICET ID No: ________________
Experience Application - Part I: Work History
Section 1 Position Identification
Location of employer (city, state):
Name of supervisor (s):
Candidate’s Position:
President / owner / co-owner
Dates position / responsibilities held:
From: Month ________ Year ________
To: Month ________ Year ________
Full-time □ Part-time □ Seasonal □
If part-time, hours per week: __________
If full-time seasonal, months worked per season ___
Section 2 Time Allocation
to S/TA
Subfield / Technical Area (S/TA)
Fire Alarm Systems
Fire alarm systems specific activities including project management, system
layout (plan preparation), equipment selection, installation, troubleshooting,
servicing, and technical sales.
Fire Alarm Systems
Inspection / Testing
Fire alarm systems work limited to performing, planning, and coordinating the
inspection and testing of fire alarm systems.
Special Hazards Systems
Special hazards suppression systems specific activities including project
management, system layout (plan preparation), equipment selection, installation,
acceptance testing, troubleshooting, servicing, and sales.
Water-based Fire Protection Systems
Water-based fire protection systems layout specific activities including project
management, system layout (plan preparation), hydraulic calculations, site
evaluation, equipment selection, plan approval, and sales.
Water-based Fire Protection Systems
Inspection / Testing
Specifically performing and managing the inspecting and testing of existing
systems according to NFPA 25. Does not include work performed during
installation and final testing / commissioning of new systems.
Water-based Fire Protection Systems
Fitting / Fabrication
The performance and supervision of fitting, fabrication, maintenance, tests and
inspections performed during installation and final testing / commissioning of new
water-based fire protection systems or additions to systems.
Other Fire Protection Work
This includes work with portable extinguishers, standpipe hoses and nozzles,
municipal and private fire hydrants, fire-stopping, and firefighter duties.
Video Security System
Video security systems specific activities including management, installation,
preventative and corrective maintenance, tests and inspections, troubleshooting,
and servicing.
Video Security System
Video security systems design and plan preparation specific activities including
management, plan preparation, site evaluation, equipment selection, plan
approval, and technical sales.
Industrial Instrumentation
( I / I)
Industrial instrumentation work including management, design assistance,
installation and maintenance of industrial measurement and control systems.
Audio Systems
Audio system specific activities including the layout, installation, and maintenance
of audio systems for commercial, industrial, and large space applications.
Electrical Power Testing
Specifically testing electrical power equipment, cabling, and systems operating in
the range of 600 V and above. Does not include general wireman duties.
Other Low / Limited Voltage Systems
Work with non-fire alarm low/ limited voltage systems such as security, access
control, nurse call, building control, computer networking, and emergency lighting.
Other Electrical Systems
General electrician work - residential and commercial wiring of loads including
light machinery, lighting, HVAC components, and distribution panels and outlets.
Specify: Gap:
The sum of all the values in this column cannot exceed 100%.
AFFIDAVIT: I certify that the above is a true and complete breakout of the time I spent working in the subfields/technical areas indicated for the
listed position. I understand that provision of misinformation is in violation of the NICET Code of Ethics and policy, and can result in the rejection
of this application and/or the revocation of any certificate NICET has issued in my name.
_________________________________ Sections 1, 2, and 3 must
Applicant’s Signature Date Verifier’s Signature be filled out for each
(Only if directed by NICET) position held.
All information provided is subjected to cross-confirmation with documents on file and as needed through third-
party entities including licensing bodies, previous and current employers, and other sources of official
Candidate: NICET ID No:
Experience Application - Part I: Work History
Section 3 Detailed Description of Work Performed
NICET cannot accept submissions provided on forms or in formats other than our own.
Provide separate entries for each S/TA for which you made an entry in Section 2 using the designated
abbreviations. If supplementary space is needed use additional pages of Section 3.
AFFIDAVIT: I certify that the above is a true and complete breakout of the time I spent working in the subfields/technical areas indicated for
the listed position. I understand that provision of misinformation is in violation of the NICET Code of Ethics and policy, and can result in the
rejection of this application and/or the revocation of any certificate NICET has issued in my name.
Sections 1, 2, and 3 must
Applicant’s Signature
Verifier’s Signature
be filled out for each
(Only if directed by NICET.)
position held.
All information provided is subjected to cross-confirmation with documents on file and as needed through third-party
entities including licensing bodies, previous and current employers, and other sources of official documentation.
*EXAMPLE* Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
Supervised and performed the installation, corrective maintenance, under construction testing, and commissioning of new fire
sprinkler systems and system add
itions. Systems installed included wet, dry, pre-action, deluge, and foam. Components installed
maintained included piping, pipe hangers, earthquake bracing, alarm check valves, various cutout valves, flow sensors, FD
standpipe hose connections, jockey and fire pumps, and backflow preventers. Installed systems of 25 600 heads in
a variety of building
types including residential and commercial high rise, mercantile, manufacturing, school, and military.
Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
Candidate: NICET ID No:
Experience Application - Part I: Work History
Section 3Detailed Description of Work Performed (continue as needed)
NICET will not accept submissions provided on forms or in formats other than our own.
Provide separate entries for each S/TA for which you made an entry in Section 2 using the designated
Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
AFFIDAVIT: I certify that the above is a true and complete breakout of the time I spent working in the subfields/technical areas indicated for
the listed position. I understand that provision of misinformation is in violation of the NICET Code of Ethics and policy, and can result in the
rejection of this application and/or the revocation of any certificate NICET has issued in my name.
Sections 1, 2, and 3 must
Applicant’s Signature
Verifier’s Signature
be filled out for each
(Only if directed by NICET.)
position held.
All information provided is subjected to cross-confirmation with documents on file and as needed through third-party
entities including licensing bodies, previous and current employers, and other sources of official documentation.
Candidate: NICET ID No:
Experience Application - Part I: Work History
Section 3Detailed Description of Work Performed (continue as needed)
NICET will not accept submissions provided on forms or in formats other than our own.
rovide separate entries for each S/TA for which you made an entry in Section 2 using the designated
Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
Detailed Description of Technical Work Performed
AFFIDAVIT: I certify that the above is a true and complete breakout of the time I spent working in the subfields/technical areas indicated for
the listed position. I understand that provision of misinformation is in violation of the NICET Code of Ethics and policy, and can result in the
rejection of this application and/or the revocation of any certificate NICET has issued in my name.
Sections 1, 2, and 3 must
Applicant’s Signature
Verifier’s Signature
be filled out for each
(Only if directed by NICET.)
position held.
All information provided is subjected to cross-confirmation with documents on file and as needed through third-party
entities including licensing bodies, previous and current employers, and other sources of official documentation.
Work Element
NICET Technician Application, Part III: Performance Verification
(Please print clearly or type)
Section 1- Applicant’s Relationship with Verifier
Applicant Name: Social Security Number:
A. Verification will be provided by Mr./Ms.
This Individual: has been my immediate supervisor has never been my immediate supervisor
B. If verification is being provided by a person who has never been your immediate supervisor:
In what way was this person responsible for monitoring and/or approving your work?
C. During what time period did the verifier oversee your work? From / / to / /
mo day yr mo day yr
Section 2 - Verifier’s Personal Information
The verifier must complete the remainder of this form.
Read carefully the function of the verifier and the work element descriptions in the program detail manual before initialing work elements in
the “Selection” table in Part IV, Section 2. Please fill out the information below. Verification will not be accepted unless all items in the
"Verifier's Statement" at the bottom of this page are filled in.
Verifier's Name
Phone No.
Verifier's Job Title
Verifier's Employer
Employer Address
Summarize your technical experience in the specialty area the applicant is testing:
List any registrations, certifications or licenses you hold:
Section 3 - Verifier's Statement
I certify that I have been in a position to be responsible for the conduct or results of the applicant’s work or that my approval has been required for the
products or results of the applicant’s work, and that the statement of “Applicant’s Relationship with Verifier” at the top of this page is a true representation
of my working relationship with the applicant. I further certify that I will verify competent performance or application of knowledge only when I am familiar
with the meaning and application of the specific work element, and can, from personal experience, assess the applicant’s capability to perform the work
element. I certify that I have read the descriptions of the listed work elements in Part IV, Section 2, in the appropriate program detail manual, and that I
have personally initialed work elements in Part IV, Section 2, allowing no one to act as my agent, and that my initials attest that I have personally
monitored and approved the applicant’s repeated and correct completion of the task or application of the knowledge required under a variety of
Signature Initials Date
Signature, initials, and date will not be accepted in photocopied form. Please use an ink color other than black.
If NICET determines that any verification was obtained from a non-qualified verifier or was given for tasks not
actually performed, the Institute may permanently deny the certification sought or revoke the certification(s) held by
both the applicant and the verifier (if certified). Further, the Institute may revoke the verifier’s right to submit
personal recommendations or verify work element for any NICET certification candidates.
If not sent with the Examination application, please mail this form to:
1420 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
Any person who provides work element verifications for this candidate cannot also
submit a technician personal recommendation on his or her behalf.
Work Element
NICET Technician Application, Part IV: WORK ELEMENT
Section 1 - Objectives
Applicant Name:
Social Security Number:
A. Check off the one item below that best describes your examination goal:
I am applying for the following certification(s) and intend to submit all documents required for certification:
Program (field/subfield) Level or Grade
I am a
pplying to take an examination only
and will notify NICET if I decide to pursue certification.
B. Are you currently participating in a related educational program? No Full Time Part Time
Degree Program: 2 Year 4 Year Certificate Program? no yes
Name of program
Graduation Date ______________________
Section 2 - Work Element Selection and Verification
List below the
work elements that you are requesting for this exam. The field code # is printed on the front cover of the program
detail manual and is necessary to fully identify the work element. The work element ID numbers and titles are in the "Work
Element Listing" in each manual. The maximum number of elements you can select for one exam is 34.
Please write with care; you are responsible for the correct identification of work elements for your exam.
ID No.
Work Element Title
ID No.
Work Element Title
*The Verifier’s Initials (Initial’s MUST BE originals –photocopies WILL NOT be accepted) column is to be completed only by
the verifier
in accordance with the Statement of Verification in Part III, Section 3.
Mail forms
with payment to:
U.S. Postal Service:
Expedited mail (FedEx, UPS):
c/o Bank of America c/o Bank of America Lockbox Services
PO Box 418651 Lockbox 418651
Boston, MA 02241-8651 MA5-527-02-07
2 Morrissey B
Dorchester, MA 02125
Did you remember to:
Indicate a 2
testing center?
Sign and Date the Applicant’s Statement of Understanding?
Enclose your payment?
Keep a copy of this application for your records?
Mail all sections of this application together?