Yoshi’s Driving School
“Understanding to Drive”
Phone: 389-5989
Date: __________________
Student Name: Lastname_______________________ Firstname:______________________
Address:_______________________________________ City ________________ Zip:________
Home Ph:_________________ Phone #2 _________________
Birthdate: __/___/___ Age_____ High School __________________________
Driver Permit Yes __ No __
If yes, Permit No._________________ and Issue Date__/__/___ Expiration Date __/__/___
Parents or Guardian Name: ______________________ and/or ______________________
Father Mother
In Case of Emergency, Notify:_________________________ Phone:_____________________
__________________________ Phone:_____________________
Parents’/Guardian Approval
I hereby give consent for my son/daughter _____________________________ to be enrolled in
the Yoshi’s Driving School
Parent/ or Guardian Name: ______________________ ______________________________
Father’s Signature Mother’s Signature
Official Use Only
Classroom Completion Date: _______________ Certificate No# _____________
Behind-the-wheel Completion Date: __________ Certificate No# _____________
Driving Only
Classroom & Driving
click to sign
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