CPDU / Mathematics / 2020 1
Subject: Mathematics
Level: Standard Four
Strand: Number
Topic: Money Transactions (Best buy)
By the end of this worksheet, you will be able to:
Identify the “best buy for items given different cost options.
Key Points:
The best buy is the cheapest unit cost or the least amount of money
that is paid for an item or a set of similar items.
When you are asked to calculate the best buy, you are usually given
different bargains to compare.
The best buy option is the one that has the cheapest price for one item
or one unit of measurement.
The cost of one item is calculated by dividing the total price by the
number of items in the group or set.
Resources: It is advised that you view the video on the link below to enrich
your understanding of concept of best buy.
Pay careful attention to the third and fourth examples. They are
just like money since they have two decimal places.
CPDU / Mathematics / 2020 2
Example 1
Dollar Saver Supermarket is selling potatoes at $24.32 for 4 kilograms while Price
Cutters Supermarket is selling similar potatoes at $19.80 for 3 kilograms. At which
supermarket will you get the best buy?
Dollar Saver Supermarket Price Cutters Supermarket
The cost of 1 kilogram of potatoes at Dollar Saver Supermarket is $6.08.
The cost of 1 kilogram of potatoes at Price Cutters Supermarket is $6.60.
best buy is at Dollar Saver Supermarket
since the cost of
1 kg of potatoes is 52ȼ less.
Example 2
Which store has the best buy?
Store A
$30.00 per dozen
Store B
$22.50 for 10
Store B has the
cheapest unit price,
therefore the best
- 6.08
CPDU / Mathematics / 2020 3
INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully.
Use the spaces provided to insert your answers.
Mummy went to buy grocery items and saw the following offers for the purchase
of the same brand of canned tuna:
8 tins for $68.00
5 tins for $45.00
a) Which offer is the best buy?
Answer: ______________________________________________________
b) How much less will mummy spend for one tin of tuna when she chooses the
best buy option?
Answer: _____________________________________________________
At the school tuck shop, a pack containing 4 plums cost $2.60 while one pack
with 6 plums cost $3.96.
Which pack of plums is the better deal?
Answer: ______________________________________________________
The following options are available for purchasing the same brand of erasers at
Cunningham’s Bookstore:
10 erasers for $26.50
8 erasers for $22.00
2 erasers for $5.90
Which option is the best buy?
Answer: ______________________________________________________
CPDU / Mathematics / 2020 4
At City Mart Wholesalers, rolls of paper towel are being sold in bags of 12 for
$109.44 and bags of 25 for $224.75. Both bags contain the same brand of
paper towel.
a) Which option is the best buy?
Answer: ______________________________________________________
b) What is the difference in the unit cost of both bags?
Answer: ______________________________________________________
Ken wanted to purchase batteries for his remote control toys. After shopping
around for the same brand, he found the following options at the named
Business Place
Mr. Chin’s Parlour
3 batteries
JT Pharmacy
6 batteries
Prices Supermarket
20 batteries
Which business has the best buy option?
Answer ______________________________________________________
CPDU / Mathematics / 2020 5
1) a) Offer A: 8 tins for $68.00
b) 50ȼ
2) The pack containing 4 Plums
3) Option 1: $26.50 for 10 erasers
4) a) The bag of 25 paper towels
b) 13ȼ
5) JT Pharmacy