Verification for Victims of Identity Theft
Financial Aid Office, P.O. Box 917, Henderson, NC 27536
Telephone: (252) 738-3280, Fax: (252) 738-3388, Email: fao@vgcc.edu
Student Name: _________________________________ VGCC Student ID#: ______________
Who is the Victim of Identity Theft?
Name: ___________________________________________________
Tax Year: _________________________________________________
Relationship to the student (please check one):
Self Spouse Parent 1 Parent 2
Beginning with the 2013 tax year, tax filers who, because of IRS identity theft, are denied an
IRS Tax Return Transcript using one of the regular processes will be referred to the Identity
Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU) toll-free number at 1-800-908-4490. Filers who believe they
are victims of identity theft do not need to be referred to the IPSU; they may call the number
directly or go to the ID theft website on irs.gov. After the IPSU authenticates the tax filer’s
identity, the tax filer can request that the IRS mail to the tax filer an alternate paper tax return
transcript. The alternate transcript is known as the TRDBV (Transcript Data Base View). For
additional information regarding Identity Theft, visit the IRS website at
Please attach a signed TRDBV (Transcript Data Base View) and submit with your other
verification documents to the Financial Aid Office.
Student Signature
Identity Theft Victim’s Signature (if someone other than studen
t) Date
2020-2021 Verification for Victims of Identity Theft 1 Revised Date: 06/08/2020/FAO