Rev. 09/23/19
Travel/Conference Attendance Checklist:
TRAVEL/CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE REQUEST FORM 10.12.1 (https://achieve.lausd.net/Page/862)
a. All fields completed (name, employee number, District employee or Parent box checked, local
district office, school/office name, Cost Center, employment type (i.e. classified, certificated),
title, work phone, email)
i. Point of contact & POC phone and email
ii. General Trip Data (start/return date & time, conference title, address, trip type & activity)
iii. Estimated Expenses: List expenses and check payment method boxes
b. Complete/valid funding, i.e. FUND 010-XXXX FUNCTIONAL AREA: XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX
c. Substitute –if outside agency is sponsoring the sub, enter correct funding info
PLEASE NOTE: Substitute rates change yearly. Please check TRAVEL DESK website for current rates.
i. Principal (required on all travel requests (TRs))
ii. Local District Superintendent (required on all TRs)
iii. Chief of Staff (out-of-state/international)
School Directors ARE NOT authorized to approve travel requests
e. Conference Brochure/Event Flyer: should include date of event, address location, cost
f. Supporting Documents: Travel request submittals for out-of-state/international travel should
include more than one estimate for travel expenses (i.e. airfare, hotel, car rental)
g. Mileage reimbursement, if mileage reimbursement is in effect, provide map showing distance
from work/school location to event location. PLEASE NOTE: Mileage rates change yearly. Please
check the TRAVEL DESK website for current rates.
h. Travel requests will be submitted to the TRAVEL DESK by the LD Office once approved.
i. Approved Travel Request Notification with Trip Number (ATRN) will be sent automatically to the
traveler via SAP. Travel expenses ARE NOT to be paid prior to the issuance of the ATRN.
TRAVEL EXPENSE CLAIM FORM – To be completed AFTER travel
a. All fields completed (Trip Number, employee number, name, local district, school/office name,
title, work phone, email, date)
b. Complete/valid funding, i.e. FUND 010-XXXX FUNCTIONAL AREA: XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX
c. Approvals
i. Principal (required on all travel requests)
ii. If travel is for the principal, expense claim requires LD Superintendent’s approval
School Directors ARE NOT travel request authorizers
d. Attach copies of receipts
e. Scan and email expense claim to ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: accounts-payable@lausd.net