Division of Special Education Page 1 of 9 May 24, 2021
Guidelines for IEP Teams on the
Reclassification Procedures for English
Learners with Disabilities
All Schools
Local District Superintendents
Instructional Directors
Special Education Service Center
Administrators and Staff
Community of Schools
School Site Administrators
Local District English Learner
Program Coordinators
EL Designees
TSP Advisors
Anthony Aguilar
Chief of Special Education, Equity and Access
Division of Special Education
Dr. Maribel Luna
Senior Director
Division of Special Education
Lydia Acosta Stephens
Executive Director Multilingual and
Multicultural Education Department
May 24, 2021
This bulletin provides guidelines for Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams
to follow when recommending reclassification as Fluent English Proficient (RFEP)
for an English Learner (EL) who has completed six or more years of English
Language Development (ELD) services and is eligible for Special Education
services. This bulletin provides IEP teams, including those for students on the
alternate curriculum, with the process for reclassification of Potential Long Term
English Learners (PLTEL) and Long Term English Learners (LTELs) that considers
the impact of the student’s disability on English Language Proficiency (ELP).
This bulletin replaces BUL-6890.2 of the same title dated August 20, 2019 and
incorporates the following changes:
This policy now includes elementary students who have received and
completed six (6) years of (ELD) services (from the date of initial
identification) and do not meet one or more criteria as candidates to
Updated timeline of the reclassification process.
Attachment A is updated to include a School Checklist.
Attachment B is updated to include assessment measures to be included
and clearly states the responsibilities of the EL representative and Special
Education representative.
Attachment C includes DIBELS data for Elementary reclassification.
Reclassification is the process by which school districts determine if English
Learners (ELs) have acquired sufficient proficiency in English to perform
successfully in core academic subjects without (ELD) services. The reclassification
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process and criteria are based upon guidelines approved by the California
Department of Education (CDE) and the State Board of Education (SBE).
California Education Code Section 313(f) identifies four required criteria for
reclassification, but also allows for other measures to be included.
The four required criteria are:
1. Assessment of English language proficiency (using an objective assessment
instrument, including but not limited to the state test of ELD)
2. Teacher evaluation (including but not limited to, a review of the student’s
curriculum mastery)
3. Parent opinion and consultation
4. Comparison of student performance in basic skills (compared against an
empirically established range of performance in basic skills based on the
performance of English proficient students of the same age)
The following guidelines apply.
Students with disabilities (SWD), including those on the alternate curriculum, are to
be provided the same opportunities to be reclassified as students without disabilities.
Therefore, IEP teams may determine appropriate measures of ELP and performance
in basic skills, and minimum levels of proficiency on these measures that would be
equivalent to a native English-speaking peer with similar disabilities in the same
grade level.
When students who have had the benefit of six or more years of ELD services do
not meet the four criteria for reclassification as established by the school district, it
is possible for the IEP team to consider reclassification based upon the process
outlined in this bulletin which considers the impact of their disability on ELP.
Note: If the IEP team believes that a student still benefits from ELD services
because they have not fully developed English language proficiency, reclassification
may not be appropriate.
Applying the Reclassification Criteria for English Learners with an IEP
IEP teams are authorized to follow the process outlined in this bulletin and
complete the required forms included in this bulletin when English Learners with
disabilities meet all of the following criteria:
Student has completed six (6) full years in U.S. schools.
Student has had the benefit and completed six (6) or more years of ELD
Student is attending school regularly (Refer to Bul- 4926.2 for more
Student has an active IEP and is eligible for special education services at the
time this reclassification process is enacted. The IEP in which the
reclassification is determined must be in at least Pending status.
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Note: Reclassification may not take place during an initial IEP meeting. In addition,
it is recommended that IEP teams wait at least 1 year following a student’s initial
IEP team meeting and implementation of special education services to consider
reclassification, so as to ensure that the student has been provided full access to the
ELD and ELA curriculum. All accommodations, services and supports provided to
the student should be documented in Attachment B of this bulletin.
In accordance with federal and state laws, the IEP team may address the individual
needs of each EL with a disability using multiple criteria in concert with the four
reclassification criteria in EC Section 313(f). These four criteria are the minimum
required components that Local Education Agencies (LEAs)/Districts must include
in their local reclassification policy. Other criteria may be used to supplement the
four required criteria to ensure the most appropriate decision is made for each
student. However, at no time does the IEP team have the authority to omit any of the
four required criteria or substitute them with alternate criteria. The IEP team may
use this comprehensive approach to make decisions regarding program supports and
reclassification that will allow the student to make maximum progress, given the
student’s capacities.
For additional guidance on the steps to follow during the IEP team reclassification
process, see Attachment A: Checklist.
Criterion 1: Assessment of English Language Proficiency (ELP) Using an
Objective Assessment Instrument
The IEP team will enter the most recent Summative ELPAC results in Part A of
Attachment C (must be the most recent results and must be within 12 months prior
to the IEP meeting) as the primary evidence that a student has met the criteria
demonstrating English language proficiency. The IEP team will complete Part B,
considering if the student meets the ELPAC Overall performance level criteria. The
IEP Team will check ‘Yes’ for students who receive an ELPAC Overall
Performance Level of 4. If the student does not receive an ELPAC Overall
Performance Level of 4, the IEP Team will check ‘No’. An alternate assessment
may then be used if the student cannot be assessed using the ELPAC. Although
the alternate assessment tests the student’s ELP in accordance with the student’s
IEP, the alternate assessment results are not comparable to ELPAC results, but
they can be used for reclassification consideration, as outlined in this policy
bulletin. Performance on the alternate assessment measure should demonstrate
performance that would be equivalent to an English proficient peer with similar
disabilities. For students on the alternate curriculum, use the available Alternate
Assessment (e.g. VCCALPS or Alternate ELPAC).
Criterion 2: Teacher Evaluation of Student Academic Performance
For Part A, the IEP team will enter grades from the most recent reporting period as
the primary measure for Criterion 2.
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For Part B, the IEP team will determine if the student earned an overall grade of 3
for English Language Arts (elementary) or a ‘C’ or better in either their grade-level
English or LTEL course (secondary). The IEP Team will check ‘Yes’ for students
who did meet this performance indicator and ‘No’ for those who do not meet this
performance indicator. If a student does not have a grade of 3/‘C’ or better, the IEP
team may use the alternate measure of the student’s IEP report of progress and
achievement for ELA/ELD domains (reading, writing, listening/receptive language,
speaking/expressive language). The IEP team must review the extent to which the
student is mastering the ELA/ELD goal as evidenced by the teacher's progress mark
of substantial progress (50-99% of goal met).
The IEP team can also consider achievement towards grade-level expectations,
curriculum-based measures, formative assessments, and student work samples, and
compare the student’s progress to native English-speaking peers with similar
disabilities in the same grade level.
Criterion 3: Parent/Guardian Opinion and Consultation
The parent/guardian must participate in the IEP team meeting where the student’s
progress toward the criteria for reclassification is discussed. It is preferable for the
parent/legal guardian to participate in person, but via phone or web conference can
be used when necessary (in which case the form can be sent home for signature).
The IEP team should obtain parent/guardian opinion throughout the discussion and
document it in the ELD Present Level of Performance (PLP) section by adding a
subsection titled “Parent Input”. If the District and parent/guardian determine that
the student has demonstrated an appropriate level of English Language Proficiency
commensurate with their abilities and no longer needs ELD services, the student will
be recommended for reclassification. If the District and parent/guardian cannot
reach agreement on the reclassification recommendation, then the student will
continue receiving ELD services and instruction.
Criterion 4: Comparison of Performance in Basic Skills
For Part A, the IEP team will enter the most recent Basic Skills Assessment
information (must be within 12 months prior to the IEP meeting). All ELs with
disabilities on the general education curriculum will participate in either the
DIBELS (elementary) or Reading Inventory (RI) (secondary) as the assessment of
basic skills in English. Accommodations listed on a student’s IEP will be available
to the student for the Basic Skills Assessment (e.g., DIBELS or RI).
For Part B, the IEP team will check ‘Yes’ for students who achieve Benchmark or
above on the DIBELS Composite score OR Basic or above on the RI assessment.
In lieu of the DIBELS/Reading Inventory score, teams may consider the ELA
Smarter Balanced Assessment of “Standard Met” or above to meet Criterion 3 for
The team will check ‘No’ for those who do not meet one of these performance
indicators. If the student does not meet the cut scores of either of these two
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assessments or does not take these assessments because they are on the alternate
curriculum, the IEP team may use alternate measures (including CAA scores,
Unique assessments, SANDI/Brigance, etc) of determining that the student has
demonstrated an appropriate level of performance in ELA Basic Skills that is
commensurate with their abilities when compared to native speakers of English
with similar disabilities. See BUL-5619.9: Reclassification of English Learners,
for additional information on possible reclassification criteria.
The following outlines the process to be followed by IEP teams:
I. Preparatory Activities
Prior to initiating the reclassification process as outlined in this bulletin, IEP teams
shall conduct a review of records to determine overall progress towards
reclassification. The review should include specific instructional strategies used,
targeted interventions implemented, formal and informal assessments, and any
accommodations and/or modifications provided during instruction in ELD.
II. Documentation of Intervention
The IEP team should complete Attachment B, Records Review, to review student
progress. Data entered should be student-specific, current and should document
those instructional interventions that have been provided to the student prior to
recommending the student for reclassification. Attachment B can also be found in
Welligent, in the Communications Center under “Downloads”. Instructional
interventions should reflect the student’s individual needs, implementation of the
goals and objectives stated in the IEP, as well as formal and informal assessment
If upon completion of Attachment B, Records Review, the team concludes that there
have been insufficient opportunities for implementation of the Tier 1 instruction and
interventions, the team should formulate a plan to further support the student’s ELD
instruction using the data gathered. The team may reconvene at a later date to
consider reclassification.
After completion of this review, if the IEP team concludes that the student’s lack of
progress towards reclassification is not due to a lack of access to intensive,
individualized ELD instruction and that the student’s proficiency in English may be
impacted by their disability, the IEP team should proceed to Complete Attachment
C, IEP Team Worksheet to Determine Reclassification of English Learners with
IEPs. Attachment C can also be found in Welligent in the Communications Center
section under Downloads. All members of the IEP team should participate in
completing Attachment C.
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III. IEP Meeting
When a student’s IEP team meeting is to include a consideration of reclassification,
the following participants must be in attendance and signatures are required on IEP
Sec. R: Names and Signatures- Page 11 (Page 11), just as it is for all IEPs:
Parent/guardian, or student if over 18 and not conserved (attendance via
phone or web conferencing is permissible for parent only)
Student, if appropriate
EL representative this may include, but are not limited to EL Designees,
Targeted Student Population (TSP) Advisors, or EL Counselors. At
continuation schools only, a teacher with a CLAD or BCLAD may serve as
the EL representative but cannot serve in another role. The EL
representative who attends the IEP meeting must be the same person who
signs Attachment C.
Special education teacher
General education teacher
School administrator (may not be an administrative designee)
Note: Each participant may only serve in one role during the IEP team meeting.
Required Documentation
IEP must be in Active or Pending status (not In Process or Recessed)
ELD Present Level of Performance (PLP) addresses all four language
domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing.)
ELD Goal page should include a statement in the text section regarding
reclassification rather than a goal. Ex. “Student has reclassified per BUL-
6890.3: Guidelines for IEP Teams on the Reclassification Procedures for
Secondary Long-Term English Learners with Disabilities.”
Parent Participation must be indicated on Sec. Q: Parent Participation and
Consent- Page 10 (Page 10). Note: Parent/Guardian participation via phone
or web conference is acceptable, but should be marked as “parent/student
has participated in the IEP meeting” in the upper left box on Page 10 of the
FAPE 2, Part 4 (Additional Discussion) must include a statement regarding
reclassification and the IEP team’s determination. Ex. “A discussion was
held regarding reclassification and the IEP team determined that the student
no longer needs ELD services and can reclassify. See Attachment C in IEP
Management section.”
Page 11, meeting sign-in, must reflect EL Representative’s participation in
the IEP meeting.
Upload scanned copy of Attachment B and signed Attachment C in the
Attached Documents section of the IEP Management screen in Welligent.
Title the file: ‘Reclass by IEP Attachments’.
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IV. Completing Attachment C: IEP Team Worksheet to Determine
Reclassification of Els with IEPs
After it has been determined that a student may be fluent English proficient
compared with peers who are native speakers of English with similar disabilities, the
IEP team shall meet to discuss the completion of Attachment C: IEP Team
Worksheet to Determine Reclassification of English Learners with IEPs. Prior to the
IEP team meeting, the IEP case manager shall gather and have available all of the
following demographic information:
Name, date of birth, student ID, school, location code, grade, IEP case
Years in EL Program
Performance on English language proficiency assessments (ELPAC,
alternate assessment (i.e., VCCALPS or alternate ELPAC)
Most recent ELA/English or LTEL course grades
Performance on Basic Skills assessments (DIBELS, RI, SBA)
Attachment C is available as a fillable PDF in Welligent in the Communications
Center under “Downloads” for ease of completion. School sites will need to have a
copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on computers to access the fillable file
(Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for free download at
Attachment C may be drafted prior to the IEP meeting, but must be reviewed and
completed at the IEP meeting to allow for discussion and parent or guardian input
(student input if student is over 18 and not conserved).
V. Submission of Attachments B and C and Timelines (4 to 6 weeks)
The submission of reclassification documents to the Local District EL Programs
Coordinator must be done in a timely fashion, immediately after the IEP is
completed, so that reclassification can be processed before the end of the academic
year. Please note that students cannot reclassify if they are not currently in-seat (e.g.
over the summer), so it is important to have reclassification documents completed
and dated prior to the end of the academic year.
Ensure that the parent/guardian or student signature is obtained (page 2 of the
worksheet.) If the parent, guardian, or student refuses to sign the form, the
student will not be recommended for reclassification, and will continue to
receive ELD services. Note: The parent may disagree with the IEP and
still sign the worksheet to start the reclassification process.
Provide the name of the supporting EL representative in Attachment C.
Upload scanned copy of signed Attachment C in the Attached Documents
section of the IEP Management screen in Welligent.
Submit a copy of Attachment B and signed Attachment C either via One
Drive or via school mail to the Local District EL Programs Coordinator
within 5 days of the IEP meeting.
File original Attachment B and Attachment C in student’s blue Master Plan
folder in their cumulative record.
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Note: Once documents have been processed by the Office of Data and
Accountability, reclassification letters and labels will be generated by the
Multilingual Multicultural Education Department and distributed to school sites.
Upon receiving the IEP reclassification documentation, the LD EL Programs
Coordinator will collaborate with Special Education Local District staff to review
the IEP reclassification documentation for accuracy and completeness within 2
Then the LD EL Programs Coordinator will:
Add student’s information to the reclassification spreadsheet.
Send the spreadsheet to the Multilingual and Multicultural Education
Department (MMED) and the State Reporting Services Branch within 1
The process will take approximately four to six weeks from the date the LD EL
Programs Coordinator receives the completed IEP documentation from the school
site to the time MMED processes the reclassification. MMED processes
reclassification within 1 week of receiving the student’s information.
Note: In the event that the IEP documentation is incomplete and/or the supporting
documents are not attached, the documentation will be returned to the school site via
school mail for resolution. There may be instances where an amendment IEP is
necessary to revise documentation to reclassify, including Attachment C. In such
instances, the revised documents will need to be resubmitted to the LD EL Programs
Coordinator within 60 days of original submission.
Once the reclassification process has begun it is important to complete the process,
even if the student has left the school or District.
Upon notification that the student has been reclassified, the EL Designee will
complete the following steps in a timely manner:
Generate and print the Notification of Reclassification letter and label in
Have the Principal sign the Notification of Reclassification letter.
Copy the letter and send it to the parent/guardian for signature to
acknowledge the change in language classification to RFEP.
File the signed letter permanently in the blue Master Plan folder located in
the student’s cumulative record.
File an additional copy of the Notification of Reclassification letter
permanently in a separate file at the school site.
Upload the signed Notification of Reclassification letter into Welligent in
the Attached Document section of the IEP which includes the record of the
reclassification discussion.
Affix the reclassification label to the appropriate section of the cumulative
Enter the parent notification date (the date the notification was sent to the
parent/guardian) into the Mass Notification Entry screen in MiSiS.
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VI. Monitoring EL Students with Disabilities
Throughout the academic year, schools must monitor the linguistic and academic
progress of all ELs, which includes the progress ELs are making toward
reclassification utilizing the processes and procedures delineated REF-070901:
Monitoring ELs’ Progress, ETK-12, dated June 28, 2019, and BUL 6730.1: A Multi-
Tier System of Support Framework for the Student Support and Progress Team,
dated July 13, 2017.
The Principal, EL Designee, teacher, and SPED administrator monitor the progress of
EL students towards meeting the progress expectations by comparing their progress to
the progress expectations specified in the 2018 Master Plan for English Learners and
Standard English Learners and in REF-070901: Monitoring English Learners’
Progress, ETK-12, dated June 28, 2019. It is critical that schools employ a variety of
measures to identify, target, support, and monitor EL students’ progress towards
The monitoring of EL students with disabilities takes place as part of an IEP meeting.
EL designees at the school site should sit in as a consultant to ensure that students
receive appropriate designated ELD and integrated ELD services both for their
disability and for their language needs. For additional guidance on monitoring ELs
refer to the above-referenced REF-070901 and BUL 6730.1.
Failure to implement the District’s policy and notification procedures in this area
could subject the school to complaints under the District’s Uniform Complaint
Procedures and/or findings of non-compliance by the District, State, or Title III
This is a policy of the Los Angeles Unified School District in alignment with the
guidelines outlined by the California Department of Education.
BUL-5619.9: “Reclassification of English Learners,” September 30, 2020
BUL-048496.0: “Annual Alternate Assessment of the English Language
Proficiency Levels of Students with Disabilities on the Alternate Curriculum,”
April 9, 2018
REF-070901: “Monitoring English Learners’ Progress, ETK-12, June 28, 2019
BUL 6730.1: “A Multi-Tier System of Support Framework for the Student
Support and Progress Team, July 13, 2017.
BUL-4926.2: “Attendance Manual: Policy and Procedures for Elementary,
Secondary and Option Schools, March 1, 2013
BUL-5159.10: Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP), July 01, 2020
Attachment A School Checklist
Attachment B Records Review
Attachment C IEP Team Worksheet to Determine Reclassification of ELs
For assistance or further information please contact Lela Rondeau, Coordinator,
K-12 Instruction, lela.rondeau@lausd.net or (213) 241-8133.
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Special Education Representative Checklist:
Attachment B is completed and uploaded
Attachment C uploaded
FAPE 2 Part 4 has a reclassification statement and
IEP team’s determination (e.g.“A discussion was
held regarding reclassification and the IEP team
determined that the student no longer needs ELD
services and can reclassify. See Attachment C in
IEP Management section.” )
ELD Goal page includes a reclassification
statement in the text section, rather than a goal
(e.g. “Student has reclassified per BUL-6890.3:
Guidelines for IEP Teams on the Reclassification
Procedures for Secondary Long-Term English
Learners with Disabilities.”)
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Student Name_________________________________________ Student ID __________________________________________
Name(s) of EL Representative(s) completing this
Name(s) of SPED Representative(s) completing this
ELD course student is currently taking:
Student’s primary eligibility:
ELD curriculum used:
How does the disability impact the student’s language
acquisition? (be specific):
Instructional strategies used in ELD class:
Most recent ELD goal:
Observations on overall student performance in
ELD class:
Instructional accommodations and/or modifications
used in ELD class:
Alternate Assessment (VCCALPS or Alternate
DIBELS/Reading Inventory:
KTEA-3 Reading Composite:
WJ-IV Broad Reading:
ELA/ELD/LTEL Course Grade:
Other measure:
Other measure:
Other measure:
Note: Submit completed document with Attachment C to the Local District EL Programs Coordinator and file a
copy in blue Master Plan folder.
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Student Name: __________________________________ Student ID#: ________________________________
School: ________________________________________ Location Code: ____________
Date of IEP Meeting: _____________________ Grade: ______________ Years in EL Program: ____________
Current Master Plan Program: LTEL IEP Case Manager: __________________________________
Consideration of the four criteria for reclassification (EC 313(F)):
Criterion 1: Assessment of English Language Proficiency Using an Objective Assessment Instrument
A. Current School Year Data (must be the most recent results and must be within 12 months prior to the IEP meeting)
Assessment Date: _________________________ Choose Assessment Provided: ELPAC or Alternate Assessment
Overall ELPAC Performance Level: __________ Alternate Assessment Results:_________ Alt. Curriculum check ‘No”
below and complete
B. Did the student meet ELPAC Overall performance level of 4 (check applicable boxes below)?
(If yes,
proceed to
Criterion 2)
No (If no, complete the determination below)
The IEP has determined the student has demonstrated an appropriate level of English Language
Proficiency commensurate with their abilities when compared to English proficient students with
similar disabilities; therefore, proficiency was determined using other indicators as follows (check one
or more):
Analysis of growth in ELD areas (listening, speaking, reading and/or writing) from one year to the
next per student’s IEP. (Present Level of Performance and Goal/Objectives Achievement).
Comparison of student’s formative assessment data with that of native English-speaking peers with
similar disabilities in the same grade level.
Criterion 2: Teacher Evaluation of Student Academic Performance
A. Grades (must be the most recent results and must be within 12 months prior to the IEP meeting)
Last Reporting Period:________________ English/ELA Course grade*:_____ LTEL Course grade*:_____
Alt. Curr. ELD A/B Course grade**:____
*Note: Students must earn a 3 (elementary)/ C or better (secondary) in grade-level English or LTEL course.
**Note: Alternate Curriculum passing grade will not meet Criterion 2; check “No” below and continue to Part B.
B. Did the student meet academic performance indicators set by the District (check applicable boxes below)?
(If yes,
proceed to
Criterion 3)
No (If no, complete the determination below)
The IEP team has determined the student has demonstrated an appropriate level of academic
performance commensurate with their abilities when compared to English proficient students with
similar disabilities in the same grade level; therefore, proficiency was determined using other indicators
as follows (check one or more):
Progress towards meeting ELA/ELD goals as determined in the student’s IEP.
Progress on curriculum-based measures or formative assessments.
Student artifacts/work samples.
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Criterion 3: Parent/Guardian Opinion and Consultation (Check one box only.)
The parent/guardian participated in this discussion.
Student is 18+ years old, has educational rights and participated in this discussion.
Parent/Student comments (if applicable): _________________________________________________________________
Criterion 4: Comparison of Performance in Basic Skills
A. Assessment: (Complete all that apply below. At least one row below must be fully complete. Must be the most recent
results and must be within 12 months prior to the IEP meeting)
DIBELS/RI Date:_____________ DIBELS/RI Score/Level:_______(DIBELS may be used for 5th gr only)
SBA ELA Date: _______________ SBA Score/Level:_______
CAA Date:______________ CAA Score/Level:______________
(Alternate curriculum only, use most recent CAA test data, check “No” below + continue to Part B.)
B. Student met academic performance indicators set by District (check applicable boxes below)?
(If yes, proceed
to final section)
No (If no, complete the determination below)
The IEP team has determined the student has received ELD services for more than six years and has
demonstrated an appropriate level of performance in ELA basic skills commensurate with their abilities
when compared to native English-speaking peers with similar disabilities in the same grade level.
IEP Team Determination (This section can only be completed at the IEP meeting.)
The members of the IEP team have determined that the student is proficient in English based upon review of
reclassification criteria and other data sources. The student demonstrates skills commensurate with their
abilities when compared to native English-speaking peers with similar disabilities in the same grade level.
Parent/Guardian/18+ Student Name
School Team
IEP Case Manager
EL Representative*
*Must have provided input for this discussion at the IEP meeting.
I certify that the completed attachments B and C have been uploaded into Welligent and the appropriate
reclassification statement has been added to FAPE Part 2 and the ELD Goal.
Upload completed Attachment B and signed Attachment C into the Welligent Scanned Documents section.
Submit completed Attachment B and Attachment C to Local District EL Programs Coordinator.
Definition of terms:
ELPAC: English Language Proficiency Assessments for California
Alternate ELPAC: Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessments for California
VCCALPS: Ventura County Comprehensive Alternate Language Proficiency Survey
SBA: Smarter Balanced Assessment CAA: California Alternate Assessment