Division of Special Education Page 4 of 9 September 25, 2018
have a grade of C or better, the IEP team may use the alternate measure of the
student’s classroom performance based on his/her IEP goals for ELD and all
literacy domains (reading, writing, listening/receptive language,
speaking/expressive language).
The IEP team must review the extent to which the student is mastering the
content as evidenced by the IEP goals and grade-level expectations, progress on
curriculum-based measures and/or formative assessments, and/or student work
samples, and compare the student’s progress to native English-speaking peers
with similar disabilities in the same grade level.
Criterion 3: Comparison of Performance in Basic Skills
All LTEL SWDs on the general education curriculum will participate in the
Reading Inventory (RI) as the District selected assessment of basic skills in
English. The District has established cut scores for determining this criterion.
This cut score must have been obtained without any accommodations or
modifications, as these would render the score invalid. Students who achieve a
score of Basic, Proficient, or Advanced on the RI assessment have
demonstrated grade level skills in English.
In lieu of the RI score, teams may consider the ELA SBAC of “Standard Met”
or “Standard Exceeded” to meet Criterion 3 for reclassification.
If the student does not meet the cut scores of either of these two assessments, or
does not take these assessments because they are on the alternate curriculum,
the IEP team may use the alternate measure of determining that the student has
demonstrated an appropriate level of performance in ELA Basic Skills that is
commensurate with his/her abilities when compared to native English-speaking
peers with similar disabilities in the same grade level. See BUL-5619.7:
Reclassification of English Learners, for additional information.
Criterion 4: Parent/Guardian Opinion and Consultation
The parent/guardian must participate in the IEP team meeting (preferably in
person, but via phone when necessary) where the student’s progress toward the
criteria for reclassification is discussed. The IEP team should obtain
parent/guardian opinion throughout the discussion. If the District and
parent/guardian determine that the student has demonstrated an appropriate
level of English Language Proficiency commensurate with his/her abilities and
no longer needs ELD services, the student will be recommended for
reclassification. If the District and/or parent/guardian cannot reach agreement
on reclassification, then the student will continue ELD services and instruction.