333 S. Beaudry Ave. | Los Angeles, CA 90017 | T 213.241.1000 | www.lausd.net
Student Support and Progress Team
Follow-Up Meeting Notes
Student Name: _____________________ Student ID #: _________
School: _________ Local District: _________ Date: _________
SSPT Members Present at Meeting:
Position/Relationship to Student
Position/Relationship to Student
Position/Relationship to Student
Position/Relationship to Student
Position/Relationship to Student
Tiered Instruction: Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Priority Goal #1: Response to Intervention:
Progress as indicated by data collection:
Priority Goal #2: Response to Intervention:
333 S. Beaudry Ave. | Los Angeles, CA 90017 | T 213.241.1000 | www.lausd.net
Progress as indicated by data collection:
Priority Goal #3: Response to Intervention:
Progress as indicated by data collection:
Additional Support Needed for Teacher or Student:
Evidence Shows:
1. ___ Student is making progress, continue the interventions as outlined in the Intervention Plan.
2. ___ Modify the intervention (i.e., goals, strategy, program, grouping, duration, frequency, etc.)
3. ___ Adjust the level of tiered support, based on student outcome data.
4. ___ Review and consider a Section 504 Plan.
5. ___ Student is being recommended for reclassification.
6. ___Exit the SSPT Process and make data-based decisions regarding educational needs and next steps.
Was the student recommended to move to a new tier? Yes No
Indicate newly recommended tier: Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Next SSPT Follow-up Meeting Date/Time: ____________________________