TWU Space Utilization Request Form
Texas Woman’s University Space Utilization Advisory Committee (SUAC)
Requesting Unit
Name of Requestor
Requesting space on which campus?
If other was selected, please list location:
What is the space request including location (if known)?
What is the rationale for the request including its relation to the Strategic Plan?
Specify all parties impacted by the request.
Who/what unit is currently occupying the requested space?
Will this request make other space available to the university?
Description of space that will be made available (enter N/A if above was “no”)
Will the requested space require renovation/modification?
Description of renovation/moderation (enter N/A if above was no” or unsure)
Are there any special requirements for this space? (new electrical outlets, data ports,
List Special requirements (enter N/A if above was no” or unsure)
If this space request is not approved, what will be the impact on the unit and TWU?
Signatures of Immediate Supervisor and Vice President are required before submission
to SUAC.
Immediate Supervisor
________________________________ ________________________________
Type Name Signature of Immediate Supervisor
If not approved, return to requestor.
Vice President Approval
Approved Not Approved
Vice President
________________________________ ________________________________
Type Name Signature of Vice President
Email to
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