Texas Woman’s University
School of Occupational Therapy
Application for Doctor of Philosophy Program
Name (Last, First):
Mailing Address:
Preferred Phone:
Optional Phone:
Email Address (primary means of communication):
Undergraduate degree (identify B.S., B.A., etc.) & Major:
Month/Year awarded:
Other degree(s): (identify M.A., MOT, etc) & Major:
Month/Year awarded:
Other Graduate degree(s): (identify M.A., MOT, etc) & Major:
Month/Year awarded:
NBCOT initial certification # & date awarded:
Briefly describe below your practice experience as an occupational therapist (include
populations, settings, programs, etc.).
Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational Therapy
Application - Essay
Statement on your professional goals as they relate to your desire for a Doctor of Philosophy in
Occupational Therapy. Limit to maximum of 1000 words format to Times New Roman 12 pt.