2022 Testing Directions: Online 1 Table of Contents
These directions provide the information you need while administering the Reading, Mathematics, and Science
Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) and include the following sections:
A script you will read aloud to students throughout testing.
Information about what assistance you may provide and how to address student questions during testing.
A checklist to verify and confirm important tasks during testing.
Detailed information about testing policies and procedures.
A transcript of the directions in the student tests.
Using these directions ensures that tests are administered the same way for all students across the state and that
students receive a score that accurately reflects what they know without any support, guidance, or unauthorized
SCRIPT TO READ TO STUDENTS ........................................................................................................................ 2
IRST DAY OF TESTING FOR A SUBJECT .............................................................................................................................. 2
OLLOWING DAYS OF TESTING FOR A SUBJECT ................................................................................................................... 4
ANSWERING QUESTIONS AND PROVIDING ASSISTANCE ................................................................................... 6
EST-RELATED SCENARIOS .............................................................................................................................................. 6
TUDENT OR CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT SCENARIOS ......................................................................................................... 8
TEST MONITOR CHECKLIST .............................................................................................................................. 9
DETAILED INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................. 11
VERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
REPARE FOR TESTING ................................................................................................................................................. 14
TART/RESUME TESTING ............................................................................................................................................. 17
ONITOR TESTING ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
ND TESTING ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
TRANSCRIPT OF STUDENT DIRECTIONS .......................................................................................................... 25
2022 Testing Directions: Online 2 Script to Read to Students
Review this script before testing so you are comfortable with the instructions you must read aloud. There are
separate instructions for the first day of testing and any following days.
All instructions that must be read to students are in shaded boxes and start with the word SAY.
The text in brackets [ ] should be read only if applicable.
If you see a blank line, fill in the appropriate information. Your District or School Assessment Coordinator
may also provide this information to you.
First Day of Testing for a Subject
Starting Testing
Provide information to students based on how testing is scheduled (e.g., students will stop after completing a
certain number of questions for reading or mathematics; after completing section 2 for science; or after a certain
period of time).
SAY: We have scheduled about _____minutes for testing.
You will stop testing __________________________________________________. It is important that you do
your best. The test is not timed so you can have more time later if you need it.
When you are done, raise your hand. If other students are still testing, then you will
____________________________________________________________ [e.g., read a book.]
Follow your school policy for collecting cell phones/wearable technology/devices, or ensure students have put
them away. Depending on your school policies, students may have water/gum/snacks out during testing.
SAY: During testing, the only items you may have out are your headphones, something to write with, and any
materials I will give to you.
If you have anything else out, put it away now.
You cannot use your cell phone or other devices during testing. Take off any smartwatches or other
technology that you are wearing.
Close any other programs or apps on your ___________________________ [i.e., computer,
Chromebook, iPad].
If you use your cell phone, smartwatch, or other device, or use any other programs or apps during
testing, your test will not be scored.
Distribute testing tickets, scratch paper, and other materials (e.g., paper copies of formula sheets, translated word
lists). For grade 11 mathematics only, student may use handheld calculators; refer to the Answering Questions
and Providing Assistance section for instructions you may provide if needed.
SAY: Check that your name is on the top of the testing ticket, and then turn it over. Write your name on the
other materials.
When you are done testing, I will collect these materials.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 3 Script to Read to Students
If these steps have not been completed before students arrive, read this information. Otherwise, go to the last
SAY box in this section. You may assist students as needed, including providing instructions about how to open the
TestNav app and select “Minnesota” as needed.
SAY: Open TestNav.
Put your headphones on and select Test Audio on the Sign In screen to make sure you can hear the audio. You
can adjust the volume if you need to.
You may now turn your testing ticket over and enter your username and password. Then select Sign In.
If you have questions when signing in, raise your hand.
Assist students with signing in, as needed.
SAY: Make sure you see your name on the screen.
You will read directions before you start the test.
Remember to review your answers as you move through your test.
You may now start.
The Transcript of Student Directions is provided at the end of this document for your reference. You may repeat
any of these directions, as needed, throughout testing.
Actively monitor students throughout the entire test administration. If students have questions during testing,
refer to the Answering Questions and Providing Assistance section for instructions you may provide.
If there will be a break during testing, instruct students to turn over the device, exit the test, or cover the test in
some way (as applicable for the device and consistent with school procedures) so that no test content is visible.
Make sure students do not talk about the test during the break. If students exit the test, they must be resumed in
PearsonAccess Next before they can continue testing.
Ending Testing
When getting to the end of the day’s scheduled testing time, read these instructions to students. If students have
gone further than what was scheduled for the test session or will not be able to complete what was planned, refer
to the Answering Questions and Providing Assistance section for instructions you may provide.
To end testing, read the following script to students. If students cannot remember how to exit or submit the test,
refer to the Transcript of Student Directions at the end of this document for instructions you may use.
Collect test materials from students (e.g., scratch paper, testing tickets). Make sure all students have exited the
test and closed TestNav.
For grade 11 mathematics students using handheld graphing calculators, ensure students have cleared the
SAY: We will stop testing in ______ minutes.
Review your answers as needed.
You will not be able to go back to any of those questions after you exit the test.
SAY: Exit your test now. If you have any materials, I will collect them.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 4 Script to Read to Students
Following Days of Testing for a Subject
Resuming Testing
Provide information to students based on how testing is scheduled (e.g., students will stop after completing a
certain number of questions for reading or mathematics; after completing the test; or after a certain period of
SAY: We have scheduled about _____minutes for testing.
You will stop testing __________________________________________________. It is important that you do
your best. The test is not timed so you can have more time later if you need it.
When you are done, raise your hand. If other students are still testing, then you will
____________________________________________________________________ [e.g., read a book.]
Follow your school policy for collecting cell phones/wearable technology/devices, or ensure students have put
them away. Depending on your school policies, students may have water/gum/snacks out during testing.
Note: For reading, students need headphones if they are using the available white noise tool; otherwise,
headphones are only needed for mathematics and science.
SAY: During testing, the only items you may have out are [your headphones,] something to write with and any
materials I will give to you.
If you have anything else out, put it away now.
You cannot use your cell phone or other devices during testing. Take off any smartwatches or other
technology that you are wearing.
Close any other programs or apps on your ___________________________ [i.e., computer,
Chromebook, iPad].
If you use your cell phone, smartwatch, or other device, or use any other programs or apps during
testing, your test will not be scored.
Distribute testing tickets, scratch paper, and other materials (e.g., paper copies of formula sheets, translated word
lists). For grade 11 mathematics only, students may use handheld calculators; refer to the Answering Questions
and Providing Assistance section for instructions you may provide if needed.
SAY: Check that your name is on the materials I provided to you, or write your name on them. Then, turn the
materials over.
When you are done testing, I will collect these materials.
If these steps have not been completed before students arrive, read this information. Otherwise, go to the next
SAY box. Ensure student tests have been resumed in PearsonAccess Next; refer to Resuming Tests on Following
Days of Testing section for more information on resuming. You may assist students as needed, including providing
instructions about how to open the TestNav app and select “Minnesota” as needed.
SAY: Open TestNav.
[If students are using headphones: Put your headphones on and select Test Audio on the Sign In screen to make
sure you can hear the audio. You can adjust the volume if you need to.]
You may now turn your materials over and enter your username and password from your testing ticket. Then
select Sign In.
If you have questions when signing in, raise your hand.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 5 Script to Read to Students
Assist students with signing in, as needed.
SAY: Make sure you see your name on the screen.
Remember to review your answers as you move through your test.
You may now continue your test.
Actively monitor students throughout the entire test administration. If students have questions during testing,
refer to the Answering Questions and Providing Assistance section for instructions you may provide.
If there will be a break during testing, instruct students to turn over the device, exit the test, or cover the test in
some way (as applicable for the device and consistent with school procedures) so that no test content is visible.
Make sure students do not talk about the test during the break. If students exit the test, they must be resumed in
PearsonAccess Next before they can continue testing.
Ending Testing
When getting to the end of the day’s scheduled testing time, read these instructions to students. If students have
gone further than what was scheduled for the test session or will not be able to complete what was planned, refer
to the Answering Questions and Providing Assistance section for instructions you may provide.
SAY: We will stop testing in ______ minutes.
Review your answers as needed.
You will not be able to go back to any of those questions after you exit the test.
To end testing, read the following script to students. If students cannot remember how to exit or submit the test,
refer to the Transcript of Student Directions at the end of this document for instructions you may use.
SAY: Exit your test now. If you have any materials, I will collect them.
Collect test materials from students (e.g., scratch paper, testing tickets). Make sure all students have exited the
test and closed TestNav.
For grade 11 mathematics students using handheld graphing calculators, ensure students have cleared the
2022 Testing Directions: Online 6 Answering Questions and Providing Assistance
To ensure that all students receive a score that accurately reflects what they know, you cannot provide guidance
on test content or test-taking strategies when answering questions or providing assistance during testing. This
section includes information and guidance on what assistance may be provided and how to address student
questions during testing.
Test-Related Scenarios
Students must be familiar with how to answer different types of items, use the online tools and accessibility
features, and navigate through the online test. The only exceptions where additional guidance may be provided
are scripted below.
A student in grade 8 or 11 for mathematics needs
assistance changing the online calculator setting
from radians to degrees (the default setting for
the calculator is radians).
SAY: Select MODE, use the arrow keys to highlight
DEGREE, and press ENTER.
A student in grade 11 wants to use a handheld
calculator for the Mathematics MCA.
SAY: You may use a handheld calculator for this test.
[Ensure students have cleared the memory or disabled
applications for testing if they are using handheld
graphing calculators.]
A student needs to adjust the volume or unmute
the audio in the test.
[Assist the student with adjusting the volume by using the
audio icon and volume slider in the gray bar (for most
devices) or by using the buttons on the device (for iOS
No scripted instructions are provided because the
assistance needed varies based on the situation.]
A student cannot move forward or back in the
test because the Next and/or Back buttons are
grayed out.
SAY: You must answer all parts of the question before
you can go to a different question.
A student cannot complete a fill-in-the-blank
SAY: Make sure you only enter allowable characters. Also,
each question has a limit to the number of characters you
can use.
You may only use the digits 09, a forward
slash (/) to show fractions, and a period to show
[For grades 7, 8, and 11: You may also use a
hyphen (-) for a negative sign when needed].
If your answer is a mixed number, you must
change it to an improper fraction or a decimal.
Enter your answers without a comma.
Spaces are not allowed.
[Science] You may use letters or numbers, depending on
the question. On some questions, you may also use a
hyphen for a negative sign (-) and a period for decimals.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 7 Answering Questions and Providing Assistance
A student cannot complete a constructed-
response item for science.
SAY: You must enter a response in the text box before
you can move on. There is a limit to the number of
characters you can use.
[If asked, you can say: Capitalization, spelling, and
punctuation are not part of the scoring for these
A student has a question on test content
(e.g., how do I add fractions?) or how to answer
any other item type.
SAY: I cannot help you with test questions. Do your best.
A student does not think there is a correct
answer or reports an issue with the test
SAY: Tell me what question you are on, and I will take
note of it. Select the answer or answers you think are
[Refer to Documenting Suspected Issues on page 20 for
the information you need to take note of if this occurs.]
A student asks about a group of items or
section that seems shorter than others.
SAY: Some groups or sections have a small number of
questions. Review your answers, as needed, before you
go on.
[As needed, provide instructions to the student about
proceeding with the test or exiting/submitting.]
A student cannot respond to an item or move
forward or back because of a tool or navigation.
[Assist the student with moving forward as needed
(e.g., instruct the student to zoom out or close the
answer mask) but do not provide assistance on the test
content or how to correctly answer test items.
If a student does not know how to answer a specific type
of item, you may verbally describe the functionality in
general but you cannot demonstrate or show the student
how to answer in the test.
No scripted instructions are provided because the
assistance needed varies based on the situation but you
can repeat other scripted instructions that may be helpful
(e.g., reminding them to answer all parts of the
A student cannot proceed because of a
technical issue (e.g., error message, student
exited unexpectedly).
[Assist the student as needed with the technical issue
and/or follow your school procedures to get assistance
from others so you may continue active monitoring.
If the student cannot move forward, instruct the
student to exit the test.
No scripted instructions are provided because the
assistance needed varies based on the situation.]
A student receives a TestNav message
indicating their testing device’s battery is low.
[Assist the student as needed with plugging-in the testing
No scripted instructions are provided because the
assistance needed varies based on the situation.]
2022 Testing Directions: Online 8 Answering Questions and Providing Assistance
A student has gone further than scheduled for
the testing session (e.g., answers more items
than scheduled, starts section 3 for science).
SAY: Remember we are stopping ______________.
Review your answers and exit your test.
[Provide information based on how testing is scheduled.
If the student has questions on where to stop since they
have gone on, provide instructions, as needed.]
A student is unable to complete the number of
items or science section planned for the testing
SAY: It is okay if you are not done with ______________.
You will have more time later. Review your answers and
exit your test.
[Provide information based on how testing is
Student or Classroom Management Scenarios
While not an exhaustive list, these scenarios may help you evaluate what is appropriate to say and do for similar
situations while ensuring that students are able to demonstrate what they know independently.
If you are unsure how to assist in a situation that arises, follow your school procedures for asking for assistance
from others (like your School Assessment Coordinator) before proceeding if possible.
A student is off task or being
Redirect the student’s attention to the test without assisting the student on
the test in any way. Examples may include verbal reminders or visual cues to
stay on task (e.g., It is important that you do your best, focus on taking your
A student needs to leave and
will not return (e.g., illness,
If possible, instruct the student to exit the test. If the student cannot exit the
test, ensure the test content is covered so no test content is visible. The test
will automatically time out after 20 minutes of inactivity, and the student
will be exited.
A student needs to use the
Follow school procedures regarding restroom breaks during testing
(e.g., only one student can leave at a time or hallway monitors ensure
students are not talking during breaks). Ensure the test content is covered or
the student exits the test.
A student is discouraged and
not making progress.
Encourage the student without assisting the student on the test in any way.
Examples may include verbal reminders or visual cues (e.g., Do your best,
you can do this).
A student is not using a
strategy or material that is
used during instruction.
You cannot remind students of test-taking or academic strategies (e.g., using
their scratch paper, re-reading the passage, or the using the answer
eliminator tool).
A student is rushing through
the test.
You cannot control the pace a student is testing or instruct a student to slow
down. You may use the guidance provided in the previous section for when
a student has gone further than scheduled for the testing session, as
needed. Follow your school procedures for what to do when students finish
2022 Testing Directions: Online 9 Test Monitor Checklist
Use this checklist to ensure you have verified or completed the following tasks for testing. The “Section to
Reference” column indicates where more information can be found in the Detailed Information section that
Confirm the days and times scheduled for test administration.
Estimated Test Administration Times
and Scheduling Testing
Confirm what plans have been made for students who finish
early or need extra time during the testing session.
Estimated Test Administration Times
and Scheduling Testing
Confirm what plans have been made for students who
finished testing in an earlier testing session, as they are not
allowed to be in the testing room on subsequent days of
What Students May Do
Confirm if any students need accommodations and/or
linguistic supports, and verify student tests have been set up
for them.
Accommodations and Linguistic
Remove or cover academic or instructional posters and
graphics on testing room walls and desks.
Prepare the Testing Room
Confirm which allowable materials will be provided to
students (e.g., scratch paper) during testing.
Materials Allowed and Not Allowed
During Testing
Review materials not allowed during testing, and verify school
procedures for ensuring students do not access them.
Materials Allowed and Not Allowed
During Testing
If applicable, verify test session set up in PearsonAccess Next.
Managing Test Sessions in
PearsonAccess Next
For the first day of testing, verify test session information in
PearsonAccess Next.
Before Students Arrive
If applicable, for subsequent days of testing, resume student
tests in PearsonAccess Next.
Resuming Tests on Following Days
of Testing
Verify that no other programs or applications are open on
student devices.
Before Students Arrive
Instruct students to open TestNav using scripted instructions
(or open TestNav, if school procedure is to complete this step
for students).
Student Sign In
2022 Testing Directions: Online 10 Test Monitor Checklist
Provide materials to students and have students sign in to the
test using scripted instructions. (If school procedure is to
complete sign in for students, complete steps to sign students
in before providing materials.)
Student Sign In
Actively monitor student testing.
Active Monitoring
Answer student questions, following the guidance in these
Policies on Providing Assistance
As needed, follow school procedures to request assistance
from other staff.
Requesting Assistance from Others
Document any suspected item or translation errors or
technical issues.
Documenting Suspected Issues
If applicable, monitor progress in PearsonAccess Next.
Monitoring Progress in
PearsonAccess Next
If applicable, provide breaks to students.
Remind students that testing is almost over and then to exit
or submit their tests using scripted instructions.
End Testing
If students finish testing at different times during the testing
session, direct students on what to do (e.g., read a book).
What Students May Do
Collect test materials, including student testing tickets,
scratch paper, and any other materials provided.
Collecting Secure Test Materials
Return test materials, or keep them secure, as instructed.
Collecting Secure Test Materials
Know how to answer student questions about the testing
Discussing the Testing Experience
Report any suspected items, translation errors, or technical
Reporting Suspected Issues
Report any misadministrations or test security issues.
Reporting Misadministrations and
Test Security Violations
2022 Testing Directions: Online 11 Detailed Information
This section provides additional details about testing. Review this information before testing and refer to it as
needed during and after testing.
The following information about MCA test design and estimated times may help with questions that come up
during testing.
The Reading and Mathematics MCAs are adaptive assessments, which means that each item (for mathematics) or
passage(s) with associated items (for reading) is selected based on performance on the items the student has
already taken.
The items (and for reading, passages) are divided into groups of questions to limit the number of items a
student may review, which is important for both test security and test construction (e.g., to separate
calculator and non-calculator items for grades 3–8 mathematics).
Note: When students sign in to the test, the first screen will indicate there are two sections in the test; these
“sections” refer to the student directions and the actual test. Section numbers do not appear once students
start testing, and the second “section” (the actual test) is divided into multiple groups of items and passages.
The Science MCA is a fixed-form assessment, which means that items and their associated scenarios are pre-
selected. While students take the same items that count for their score, there are multiple forms and the
placement of these items and scenarios varies.
The items and scenarios are divided into four sections.
Note: When students sign in, the first screen will indicate that there are five sections; these sections refer to
the student directions followed by four sections of the test.
Estimated Test Administration Times and Scheduling Testing
The tables with the estimated test administration times are separated by subject. Verify how testing is scheduled
and what the daily testing times will be with your District and School Assessment Coordinator. Since the tests are
not timed, know what plans have been made for students who finish early or need extra time during the testing
session, based on how testing is scheduled.
The Typical Range column provides the length of time the majority of students spent taking the test based on
student testing data. The time in the table includes student review of the directions in the test and student
work time; however, it does not include the time needed for students to sign in to the test or for you to read
scripted directions or answer student questions.
When considering the estimated times, keep in mind that the types of items (multiple choice or technology
enhanced) and length of time to read passages and complete the items will vary by student.
Each table includes different information to help schools if scheduling testing over multiple days:
o For reading, students should exit on the last item in a group of items (which corresponds to the end of a
reading passage).
o New for 202122: For mathematics, while the number of items by group is provided, it does not need to
be used for scheduling. Students may stop testing at any item.
o For science, if testing over multiple days, two days should be scheduled, and students should exit after
completing the first two sections of the test (as each half of the test is roughly equal in length).
2022 Testing Directions: Online 12 Detailed Information
Estimated Test Administration Times for Online Reading MCA
Grade and Test
End of
Group 1
End of
Group 2
End of
Group 3
End of
Group 4
End of
Group 5
Number of
Typical Range
Grade 3 Reading MCA Item 8 Item 24 Item 32 Item 48 Item 50 50 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 4 Reading MCA Item 8 Item 24 Item 32 Item 48 Item 50 50 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 5 Reading MCA Item 8 Item 24 Item 32 Item 48 Item 50 50 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 6 Reading MCA Item 15 Item 30 Item 38 Item 53 Item 55 55 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 7 Reading MCA Item 15 Item 30 Item 38 Item 53 Item 55 55 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 8 Reading MCA Item 15 Item 30 Item 38 Item 53 Item 55 55 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 10 Reading MCA Item 17 Item 34 Item 43 Item 60 NA 60 items 1–2.5 hours
Estimated Test Administration Times for Online Mathematics MCA
Grade and Test
End of
Group 1
End of
Group 2
End of
Group 3
End of
Group 4
End of
Group 5
Number of
Typical Range
Grade 3 Mathematics
Item 15 Item 30 Item 35 Item 49 N/A 49 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 4 Mathematics
Item 15 Item 30 Item 35 Item 49 N/A 49 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 5 Mathematics
Item 15 Item 30 Item 35 Item 49 N/A 49 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 6 Mathematics
Item 15 Item 30 Item 35 Item 49 N/A 49 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 7 Mathematics
Item 15 Item 30 Item 35 Item 49 N/A 49 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 8 Mathematics
Item 15 Item 30 Item 35 Item 49 N/A 49 items 1–2.5 hours
Grade 11 Mathematics
Item 11 Item 22 Item 33 Item 44 Item 55 55 items 1–2 hours
Estimated Test Administration Times for Online Science MCA
Grade and Test
of Items
Section 1
of Items
Section 2
of Items
Section 3
of Items
Section 4
of Items
Typical Range
Grade 5 Science MCA 21–24 3–5 6–8 17–20 50–53 0.51.5 hours
Grade 8 Science MCA 27–29 3–4 6–9 22–24 6163 0.51.5 hours
High School Science MCA 32–36 4–8 4–8 32–36 7880 0.51.5 hours
2022 Testing Directions: Online 13 Detailed Information
Accommodations and Linguistic Supports
The following sections provide information about some accommodations and linguistic supports that students
may require. Discuss any questions on allowable or available accommodations and linguistic supports with your
District or School Assessment Coordinator.
If you are administering the test with a science script, signed interpretation, or a scribe, refer to the
Guidelines for
the Administration of Accommodations before testing. This resource is available on PearsonAccess Next
(minnesota.pearsonaccessnext.com) under Resources & Training > Policies and Procedures.
Accommodated Text-To-Speech
Standard text-to-speech is available for all students taking the Mathematics and Science MCAs. Accommodated
text-to-speech is only available for students with an IEP or 504 plan. Accommodated text-to-speech provides
computer-generated audio for charts and graphs in addition to the audio that is provided for standard text-to-
speech. To verify that accommodated text-to-speech has been indicated, check the Session Student Roster from
PearsonAccess Next (if provided) or check with your District or School Assessment Coordinator.
Pop-Up Translations and Translated Word Lists
Mathematics and Science MCAs have pop-up translations and translated word lists available as linguistic supports.
These supports are allowed for English learners, former English learners, or students in immersion or dual
language programs, as determined by the district.
Pop-up translations for select words are available in Hmong, Somali, and Spanish in the online test. To verify
that pop-up translations have been indicated, check the Session Student Roster from PearsonAccess Next (if
provided) or check with your District or School Assessment Coordinator.
Translated word lists
are available on PearsonAccess Next under Preparing for Testing > Translated Word
Lists. Additional instructions for providing and using the lists during test administration are available on
PearsonAccess Next.
Science Scripts
The science script can be administered in conjunction with the online Science MCA for students with an IEP or 504
plan. The Test Monitor reads from the script while the student answers the questions in the online test. Additional
guidelines for the administration of a script are provided in the script.
To verify that students have been set up with the correct test for the script, check that the Form Group Type on
the Students in Sessions screen in PearsonAccess Next displays “Science Script” or check with your District or
School Assessment Coordinator.
A script cannot be used in conjunction with the online Mathematics MCA because items are
chosen based on student performance and are not pre-selected.
For administration of the script with a regular print (Mathematics MCA only), large print, or
braille test book for Mathematics or Science MCA, contact your District or School Assessment
Coordinator for more information.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 14 Detailed Information
Prepare for Testing
Prepare the Testing Room
Ensure all academic or instructional posters and graphics, including strategy techniques or methods, in the testing
room or on desks are covered or removed, even if the information is not related to the subject being tested
(e.g., mathematics information must be covered during a reading test). This policy is required to ensure that
students are answering items independently, without extra support or guidance that could be present in
academic or instructional materials. For example, information in a historical poster about a scientist may provide
an advantage for a reading passage or science scene, or information on a mathematics concept may provide
information that could be used to answer a science item.
If you choose, you may write information specific to test administration on the board or in the room. Examples of
allowable information include information about scheduling (e.g., We will stop after answering 25 questions, We
will stop testing at the end of the class period) and what students may do when they are done with testing
(e.g., Read a book when you are done testing).
Materials Allowed and Not Allowed During Testing
Materials Allowed
Student testing tickets
Wired headphones (see below for an exception for Bluetooth headphones)
Scratch paper
A pencil or pen
Hard copy formula sheets for grades 58 and 11 (mathematics only; see below)
Paper copy of translated word list (mathematics and science only; see below)
Paper copy of mathematics multiplication or hundreds tables (grade 11 mathematics only; see below)
Handheld graphing calculators (grade 11 mathematics only; see below)
Materials Not Allowed
Handheld calculators (grades 38 mathematics and science; see below)
Dictionaries, thesauruses, and other reference materials
Calculator manuals
Cell phones (see below)
Wearable technology or other devices (see below; the only exception is the use of supported devices, such as
tablets, for taking the test)
Cell Phones, Wearable Technology, and Devices
Students may NOT use cell phones or any other devices, including wearable technology (e.g., smartwatch, fitness
tracker), at any time during testing, including during breaks or when testing is completed (if students remain in
the testing room). If applicable, follow your school procedure for collecting all devices or ensuring that students
leave devices outside the testing room. If students are allowed to bring devices inside the testing room, they must
remove them (for wearable technology), turn them off, and/or put them away before testing begins.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 15 Detailed Information
Headphones is used as a generic term to refer to headsets, earbuds, and headphones.
Wired headphones may be supplied by the school, or students may use their own.
Students need headphones to listen to the text-to-speech for the Mathematics and Science MCAs, so
headphones must be provided; however, students are not required to use them.
Since the student directions in the test have text-to-speech available, headphones are also recommended for
the Reading MCA.
In addition, headphones are required if students will be utilizing the white noise accessibility feature through
TestNav for any subject.
Bluetooth headphones are not allowed because they have the ability to connect and receive information from
a device other than the testing device, which cannot be verified by the Test Monitor during testing. Note:
There are exceptions for amplification devices, including personal hearing aids, that use Bluetooth
Scratch Paper
The following materials may be used as scratch paper, using these guidelines. Students may draws lattices,
diagrams (e.g., number lines), or charts on scratch paper if they choose, but examples cannot be displayed in the
classroom or handed out during testing.
Blank paper Notebook paper is acceptable but the paper
must be blank. No boxes or numbers may be
added to guide students to show their work,
and paper may not be pre-folded into
Sticky notes are also allowed, but they must
be provided as a pad and not strategically pre-
arranged by the Test Monitor.
Must be blank before and after
graph paper
Must not contain numbers, coordinates, or
numbered boxes.
Allowed: Not Allowed:
Paper copies of
formula sheets
May be used if providing the current-year
version to students from PearsonAccess Next.
Allowed (example):
2022 Testing Directions: Online 16 Detailed Information
Student testing
May be used. Allowed (example):
Formula Sheets, Translated Word Lists, and Mathematics Tables
If providing a paper copy of the formula sheet, a translated word list, or mathematics multiplication or hundreds
table, it must be a printed version of the documents posted to PearsonAccess Next under Preparing for Testing.
Verify with your District or School Assessment Coordinator which students may be provided translated word lists
as a linguistic support and/or which grade 11 students may be provide mathematics multiplication or hundreds
Note: The paper copy versions of multiplication and hundreds tables may be provided for grade 11 Mathematics
MCA only, and the student must test in an individual setting. For grades 38, the use of these tables is considered
an accommodation that requires the student to test using a paper test book. Contact your District or School
Assessment Coordinator for more information.
Online Calculators
Students must be familiar with the functionality of the online calculator prior to test administration. Contact your
District or School Assessment Coordinator with questions on the types of online calculators available in the tests.
For grades 38 Mathematics MCA, the online calculator is available in sections where a calculator may be
For grade 11 Mathematics MCA, the online calculator is available throughout the entire test.
For Science MCA, the online calculator is available if items on the test require mathematical computations.
Note: For grades 8 and 11 mathematics, the default setting for the online graphing calculator is radians; the
Answering Questions and Providing Assistance section includes instructions you may provide to students to
change to degrees if needed.
Handheld Calculators
For online administrations, handheld calculators are only allowed for the grade 11 Mathematics MCA. Contact
your District or School Assessment Coordinator with questions on the types of handheld calculators that may be
used. Note: Web-based calculators or calculator apps accessed from another device (e.g., Chromebook) are not
allowed. A handheld graphing calculator must either have the memory cleared before and after each testing
session, or have a feature that temporarily disables Flash applications and calculator files (e.g., TI-NSpire has
“Press to Test” mode).
For grades 38 online Mathematics MCA, handheld calculators are not allowed.
For online Science MCA, handheld calculators are not allowed.
If a student’s IEP or 504 plan states that a handheld calculator must be used, the student will
need to use a paper test book and will not test online. Contact your District or School
Assessment Coordinator for more information.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 17 Detailed Information
Managing Test Sessions in PearsonAccess Next
If managing test sessions in PearsonAccess Next, complete the following steps (if not completed or provided by
the District or School Assessment Coordinator). Test session setup may be completed starting two weeks before
the testing window opens and throughout the testing window.
Ensure you have a username and password for PearsonAccess Next. Contact your District or School
Assessment Coordinator with questions related to your user account.
Create a test session, add students to it, and prepare it in PearsonAccess Next.
Confirm all students are in the correct test session 12 days before testing.
Print student testing tickets and session rosters.
For detailed instructions on creating a test session, adding students, preparing/starting a test session, and printing
student testing tickets and session rosters, refer to the MCA Online Testing User Guide
on PearsonAccess Next
under Resources & Training > User Guides.
Start/Resume Testing
Before Students Arrive
Start the test session in PearsonAccess Next, if not completed by the District or School Assessment
Coordinator. Test sessions should not be started until the first day of testing.
When managing test sessions in PearsonAccess Next, verify the following information in PearsonAccess Next:
o All students who will be testing are in the test session.
o All accommodations and linguistic supports are indicated as needed. Refer to the Accommodations and
Linguistic Supports section previously in this document as needed.
o All student tests in the test session are unlocked. To unlock a student’s test, select the dropdown next to
the student’s test status and select Unlock, or use the lock/unlock slider to unlock all tests in the test
Ensure that student computers/devices are turned on and have no software running. Applications or
programs open prior to launching TestNav may continue to run in the background (e.g., YouTube).
Student Sign In
Students open TestNav on their device. (If your school procedure is to sign students in to the test before they
arrive, you will complete the following steps for student sign in. However, the 20 minute inactivity timer starts
once signed in to TestNav. If the student will not start testing within the 20 minutes, move the mouse or
cursor on the testing device to restart the inactivity timer.)
o On tablets: Students select the TestNav icon on the Home screen.
o On Chromebooks: Students select the TestNav app from the Apps menu on the lower left side of the
o On desktops or laptops: Students select the TestNav icon on the desktop or laptop screen.
Note: If not already selected, students should select Minnesota.
Provide student testing tickets, scratch paper, headphones, and any allowable paper materials (if providing) to
students. As indicated in the scripted instructions at the beginning of this document, students must verify
their name is at the top of the testing ticket to ensure they are signing into their own test (i.e., not signing into
another student’s test).
2022 Testing Directions: Online 18 Detailed Information
Students may plug in their headphones and check the audio by selecting Test Audio on the TestNav login
screen to ensure the sound is not muted. New for 202122: Students can also adjust the audio, including
unmuting, once they are signed in to the test.
o For most testing devices, a volume control slider is available in the gray bar to adjust the volume on the
student testing device. Students select the audio icon to open the volume control slider to increase or
decrease volume. If the testing device is muted when the student signs into TestNav, the student can
unmute the device using the volume control slider.
o For iOS devices, students can use the device’s volume control buttons to adjust the volume. If the testing
device is muted when the student signs into TestNav, the student can unmute the device using the
devices volume control buttons.
Once students sign in, they will view the student directions at the beginning of the test. Text-to-speech is
available for the directions in all subjects. Once
students go forward in the directions, they cannot go back.
In the test, students must answer each item before going to the next item, but they can go back and review their
answers in the current group of questions (Reading and Mathematics MCA) or section (Science MCA) before going
on or exiting the test. Once students go on or exit the test for more than 20 minutes, they cannot return to items
completed previously.
Resuming Tests on Following Days of Testing
If testing over multiple days, student tests must be resumed before students can sign in to continue testing.
Follow these steps to resume student tests in PearsonAccess Next, if not completed by the District or School
Assessment Coordinator.
If you are not already on the Students in Sessions screen, under Testing, select Students in Sessions.
Add the test session to the Session List.
There are two ways to resume a student’s test, by an individual student’s test or all students:
o To resume an individual student’s test, in the Student Test Status column, select the dropdown menu
next to the student’s status and select either Resume or Resume Upload (only one option will appear; the
displayed option depends on how the student exited the test).
Resumed: Student properly exited the test and is in an Exited status.
Resumed-Upload: Student improperly exited the test (i.e., technical difficulties, lost internet
connection, turned off device before exiting, etc.) and is stuck in an Active status. Place the student in
a Resumed-Upload status and then change the status to Resume; this prevents the student from
receiving error messages when they resume testing.
o To resume all students, select the checkbox at the top on the left or the checkboxes next to individual
students. Then select the dropdown menu next to the Start button and select Student Test Statuses. If
not already on the Resume Student Tests screen, select the Resume Student Tests tab at the top. Select
the checkbox at the top on the left or next to the student name(s) in the list to confirm your selection(s)
and select Resume. Note: For students in an Active status, selecting Resume will place the student into a
After a student signs in, if the TestNav screen has a message in
bold font in a red box, have the student exit the test. This
screen indicates that the student is not in the correct form of
the test. Work with your District or School Assessment
Coordinator to ensure the student is set up with the correct
test before they resume testing.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 19 Detailed Information
Resumed Upload status. Select the checkbox next to the student name(s) in Resumed-Upload status and
select Resume again to change to Resumed status.
A student should only be kept in a Resume-Upload status if there were technical issues and your
school is working with Pearson technology support. Work with your school technology staff and
District or School Assessment Coordinator as needed.
The student can now sign in to TestNav with the same testing ticket previously used. The student must confirm
their name is correct on the screen to ensure they are signing into their own test (i.e., not signing into another
student’s test).
If a student resumes testing in Resumed-Upload
status, they will receive a Connectivity/Save Warning
and Error code message. If there are no ongoing
technical issues where you are working with Pearson
technology support, select Skip Upload to resume the
If a student cannot sign in to the test after being resumed, confirm the student’s test is unlocked
in PearsonAccess Next or contact your District or School Assessment Coordinator. To unlock a
student’s test, select the dropdown next to the student’s test status and select Unlock, or use
the lock/unlock slider to unlock all tests in the test session.
Active Monitoring
Actively monitor students throughout the entire test administration by circulating around the room to carefully
observe student behavior and ensure that all students are working independently and making progress in their
tests. You cannot complete other tasks, including lesson planning, grading papers, or talking casually with other
staff. Note: If your school procedures allow you to access these directions electronically and/or monitor testing in
PearsonAccess Next, ensure your primary focus is still on active monitoring.
If space is limited and students can potentially see other screens, ensure through your active monitoring that
students are working independently.
Policies on Providing Assistance
The Answering Questions and Providing Assistance section of this document gives specific guidance regarding the
type of help that may be provided during testing. Keep the following requirements in mind:
Type of
You may repeatbut may not paraphrasethe scripted instructions from this document. If
students need any of the student directions that appear in the beginning of their online tests
repeated, you must use the transcript in this document. You may not read instructions from
the screen.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 20 Detailed Information
Type of
with the test
You may not define or pronounce a word on a test item, discuss a test item, or give an
opinion regarding a test item.
Do not give any indication that there may be a different approach or answer; do not help
students with answers to items in any way.
You may not remind students of any test-taking strategies or academic strategies
(e.g., to use scratch paper or a certain online tool). Help of this sort should be provided
prior to test administration, such as when the item samplers or student tutorial are used.
Pacing and
You may not control the pace at which a student tests, as the tests are not timed and
students should be allowed to continue if they are making progress. For example, if you
notice a student is moving quickly through the test, you can re-read any scripted
instructions from this document, but it is not permissible to say, “Slow down” or “Take
your time.”
You may monitor student tests to verify where students are at in terms of how testing is
scheduled (e.g., verifying how many items students have completed, verifying which
section they are in for science). However, you need to make sure that you are not
viewing secure test content. Unauthorized viewing of secure test content is when you
view the content long enough to determine the essence of it.
Requesting Assistance from Others
During testing, you will follow your school procedures for alerting others if assistance is needed (e.g., sick student
in the room, technical issues) so that you can continue actively monitoring. Your primary focus must remain on
the students who are testing, even when an unexpected issue arises.
Your school procedure may require you to use a cell phone, computer, or other device to alert others if assistance
is needed; however, these devices may be used for that purpose only. You cannot check email or work on your
computer/device, and cell phones should be silenced to reduce disruptions.
Documenting Suspected Issues
If a student does not think there is a correct answer or reports a technical issue, note the following information:
Student’s MARSS/SSID number
Section number (Science MCA only)
Item number
How the test was accessed (i.e., device, operating system)
Error message (if applicable)
This same process is used if a student points out a translation that appears to be incorrect in a pop-up translation
or translated word list. You will report these issues when the testing session is over.
The student should select the answer they think is best and continue testing, unless a technical issue prevents the
student from responding to the item. If that is the case, have the student exit the test and follow your process for
notifying others that assistance is needed to resolve the technical issue.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 21 Detailed Information
Battery Indicator
For most student testing devices, a battery indicator will display in the gray header within TestNav. Note: The
battery indicator is not currently available on iOS devices. Students can hover over the icon to show the battery
charge percentage. Two separate messages will appear if battery charge falls below a certain percentage:
20% and below: Battery is Low! Please plug in your device or ask for assistance.
10% and below: Battery is Critical! Plug in your device or ask for assistance immediately. Your test session will
be interrupted in case of device shutdown.
Test Monitors can also monitor battery charge through the Student Test Status Dashboard outlined in the
Monitoring Progress in PearsonAccess Next section below.
Monitoring Progress in PearsonAccess Next
If monitoring student progress in PearsonAccess Next, refer to the Student Test Status column on the Students in
Sessions screen.
In the single session view, select the pop-out button to the right of the session name to access the Student
Test Status Dashboard. Note: The pop-out button will only appear if the session has 50 students or less. The
dashboard will open in a new tab within the browser.
On the Student Test Status Dashboard, all student tests within that session will be displayed. The following
information will display on the dashboard:
o Student Name (MARSS) (e.g., Student, Sarah (5550000000012))
o Test Status (e.g., Active, Ready, Completed, Resumed, etc.)
New for 202122: If a student is exited from TestNav due to a technology issue, the dashboard Test
Status column will display one of the following messages:
Connectivity/Save Errors (i.e., any error caused by loss of connectivity between testing device and
Pearson servers)
Fatal Error (i.e., any error that results in the student being exited from TestNav)
Select the error code hyperlink to see additional error information and instructions. Resume the
student test in PearsonAccess Next and have the student login to TestNav again. If the error persists,
follow school procedures to request assistance from other staff.
o Test Duration (i.e., total time the student has been testing based on when the student starts testing and
submits their test in TestNav). Note: The test duration timer does not stop when a student exits the test,
so if there are multiple days between test sessions, the time will reflect the cumulative time since the test
was started.
o Battery indicator (the status of the student’s device battery will display here; students will also receive a
warning message when their battery reaches 20% (yellow icon) and 10% (red icon). Note: Students testing
on iOS devices will have “n/a” for this column.)
o Test Progress (actual student test status is reflected)
Answered (green)
Online Reading and Mathematics MCAs (adaptive): While students are in the student directions
section, this field includes the number of student direction pages that have been viewed. Once
students navigate past the student directions, this field includes only items that require a
response. The total number reflects the total number of items on the test.
Online Science MCA (fixed form): This field includes both items that have been answered, as well
as student directions pages, title pages, and review screens that have been viewed. As a result,
the total number will be higher than the number of items on the test once the student has
answered all items.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 22 Detailed Information
No response required (blue) (Note: This includes the student directions and any title pages or review
screens in the test.)
Online Reading and Mathematics MCAs (adaptive): While students are in the student directions
section, this field includes the number of direction pages that have not yet been viewed. Once
students navigate past the student directions, this will appear as n/a.
Online Science MCA (fixed form): This field includes student directions pages, title pages, and
review screens that have not yet been viewed.
Visited (yellow): For all tests, while testing, this field always appears as a 0. After students exit the
test, this field will appear as either 0 or 1 as students must answer each item in order to continue.
Remaining (red): For all tests, this field is the number of items remaining that require a response.
New for 202122: The dashboard is set to automatically refresh every 30 seconds. To stop auto refresh, select
the Stop Auto Refresh button. Once logged out of PearsonAccess Next, this page will no longer refresh. For
more information on the Student Test Status Dashboard, refer to the MCA Online Testing User Guide
(PearsonAccess Next > Resources & Training > User Guides).
Note: If monitoring multiple sessions, select a different session in the single session view to open the
dashboard in another tab within the browser. This way, multiple sessions can be monitored by navigating
between the browser tabs.
If students in different test sessions are testing in the same room, you can monitor multiple test sessions
simultaneously in PearsonAccess Next. Add the relevant test sessions to the Session List and select Combined
View in the Session List to see the testing status of all students in the sessions on one screen. Refresh your
browser window or select the Refresh button.
To check the status of a specific student, find the student’s name in the test session. View the student’s status
in the Student Test Status column. Select the status to view detailed information about the student’s test and
item progress.
Note: Within the combined view, the test status will not reflect the student’s actual progress in the test for
Reading and Mathematics MCAs. It will always show that the student is at or near 100% complete. Therefore,
you should use the Student Test Status Dashboard for an individual test session to view test progress for
Reading and Mathematics MCAs.
Refer to the table below for a complete list and explanations of student statuses
Ready The student has not yet started the test.
Active The student has signed in and is testing.
Exited The student has exited TestNav but has not submitted test responses.
Resumed The student’s test has been resumed, but the student has not yet signed in.
Resumed Upload The student’s test has been resumed, but the student has not yet signed in. Resumed
Upload status forces TestNav to check for a saved response file (SRF) on the testing
machine and the secondary save location when the student signs back in to continue.
Completed The test has been submitted by the student through TestNav and the data has been
Marked Complete The student’s test has been marked complete by the District Assessment Coordinator or
Assessment Administrator and the student will not finish testing.
Note: To maintain system security, PearsonAccess Next times out after 30 minutes of inactivity. If you have been
timed out, you will need to sign back into PearsonAccess Next to resume monitoring the test session.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 23 Detailed Information
Depending on your school’s testing schedule and procedures for testing, students may be allowed a short break.
Whenever leaving the testing room (e.g., bathroom break) or when there is a break in testing, students should
exit the test or cover the test content in some way (e.g., close the laptop, turn off the monitor, turn over the
device) unless an emergency prevents them from doing so. Ensure that students do not discuss test items and
Ideally, only one student should be allowed to leave the room at a time. If more than one student leaves the
room, there must be a plan in place for additional staff to monitor students both inside and outside the room. If
multiple testing rooms are being used, there must be a procedure to coordinate and/or supervise the absence of
students from different rooms. Test security must be maintained, and any prolonged absences or repeated
requests for breaks must be investigated for a potential security violation.
Student Inactivity or Leaving During Testing
Student tests in TestNav time out after 20 minutes of inactivity. Inactivity is defined as not touching the screen,
moving the mouse, and/or pressing keys. Students will receive a warning that their test is about to be exited due
to inactivity. Students will receive a second warning 30 seconds prior to being exited due to inactivity. When they
are exited, they will receive a message that the session (i.e., their test) has closed due to inactivity, and the
student’s test will need to be resumed in PearsonAccess Next in order to continue testing.
If students are exited from the test or exit the test on their own, they still have 20 minutes to resume the test with
the ability to go back and review. If tests have been exited, you must resume them in PearsonAccess Next before
they can sign back in.
In the case of an emergency, such as a fire alarm or a severe weather warning, it is important to follow all safety
procedures and exit as quickly as possible. To maintain test security when all students must leave the room, you
should close the door and secure the room, if possible.
End Testing
You must use the scripted instructions to alert students prior to the end of the day’s testing so that they have
time to review their answers before exiting or submitting their test. Once students exit the test for more than 20
minutes or stop testing for the day, they cannot access any items completed previously.
If students have gone further than what is scheduled for the test session or will not be able to complete what
was planned, refer to the Answering Questions and Providing Assistance section for instructions you may
For Reading and Science MCAs:
o Students may exit at any time within a passage or scenario as each item is shown with its associated
passage or scenario. However, it is best practice for test administration and test security for students to
finish all items associated with a passage or scenario before exiting so they do not need to re-read it when
they resume testing. You may remind students to finish the passage or scenario they are working on
before exiting.
o If ending testing at the end of a group of items (Reading MCA) or at the end of Section 2 (Science MCA), it
is recommended that students exit on the review screen. When they resume, they will not be able to go
back to review and will need to select Next to proceed.
At the end of test administration, ensure all students have exited TestNav on their testing device. Students
should exit TestNav by selecting the button next to their name, and then selecting Sign out of TestNav in the
dropdown menu. Simply closing TestNav or turning off the testing device to exit TestNav may result in the
student remaining in an Active status in PearsonAccess Next.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 24 Detailed Information
What Students May Do
If students finish testing early and stay in the testing room, students may read a paper book, complete activities on
paper that are not related to the subject(s) being tested, or sit quietly. Disruptions for other students must be kept
to a minimum.
Students may read a paper book, even if reading is being tested, but textbooks for any subject(s) being tested
are not allowed.
If multiple subjects are being tested (e.g., during a make-up session), this must be taken into consideration for
the materials students can use.
Cell phones or other devices (including wearable technology) cannot be used at any time, even if the student
has completed testing or is working on something unrelated.
Note: Students who have finished testing in a previous test session are not allowed to be in the testing room on
subsequent days of testing. Follow your school’s procedures to ensure students who have finished testing in a
previous test session are not in the room during future testing sessions. This policy is required in order to reduce
distractions for students who are still testing and to ensure test security is maintained.
Collecting Secure Test Materials
At the end of each testing session, all secure materials (testing tickets, scratch paper, and any paper copy
materials provided) must be collected before students leave the testing room. These materials must be kept
secure between testing sessions following your school’s procedures (e.g., you will secure test materials or return
them to the District or School Assessment Coordinator between testing sessions).
Once testing is completed, all secure materials must be securely disposed of or returned to the District or School
Assessment Coordinator for secure disposal (following school procedures). The secure disposal must be
completed no more than 2 business days after the close of the testing window.
Discussing the Testing Experience
Remember that you cannot ask students about specific test items, even after testing is over. If students ask about
a specific item following testing, you may provide instruction on the general concept ONLY if all testing is
completed for that grade and subject in the school. However, targeted instruction as a result of student questions
on the general concept is not allowed if any students still need to complete testing. In any case, you must not
address or solve the specific test item.
Reporting Suspected Issues
If a student reported a suspected content or technical issue during testing, provide the information you
documented to the District or School Assessment Coordinator or other designated contact, following your school
The content of the item itself should never be referenced, captured as an image, or emailed
within the school or district or in a communication with MDE or Pearson. Doing any of these
actions is a security violation.
Reporting Misadministrations and Security Violations
If a misadministration (i.e., a non-standard situation) or security violation occurs during testing, contact your
District or School Assessment Coordinator as soon as possible for next steps.
Specifically for test security, while you are encouraged to raise your concerns within the district, you can report
suspected incidents of cheating or other improper or unethical behavior on statewide assessments to MDE using
an online test security tip line
(education.mn.gov > Districts, Schools and Educators > Teaching & Learning >
Statewide Testing).
2022 Testing Directions: Online 25 Transcript of Student Directions
You may use this transcript to repeat directions to students as needed, but you may not read the directions from
the student’s screen.
Today you will take a [reading/math/science] test.
Look for your name at the top right of the screen.
If you do not see your name, or if you see someone else’s name, raise your hand.
Calculators [Mathematics and Science MCAs only]
[For mathematics grades 38 and science] Your test will have an online calculator available when a calculator may be
Handheld calculators are NOT allowed.
[For mathematics grade 11] Your test has an online calculator available.
You may also use a handheld calculator.
Answering Questions
For each question, choose the answer or answers you think are best.
You can use your scratch paper to help you answer the questions.
Moving Between Questions
You must answer each question before you can go to the next question or back to a different question.
Reviewing Your Answers
[For reading and mathematics] Review your answers before you go to the next group of questions or exit your test.
You cannot go back to your answers after you go to the next group of questions or after you exit your test for more
than 20 minutes.
[For science] Review your answers before you go to the next section or exit your test.
You cannot go back to your answers after you go to the next section or after you exit your test for more than
20 minutes.
Finishing for the Day
Your Test Monitor will tell you when the testing time is almost over so you can finish what you are working on and
review your answers.
Exiting Your Test
To exit your test:
Select the button next to your name.
Select Sign out of TestNav in the dropdown menu.
Select the Save and Return Later button.
2022 Testing Directions: Online 26 Transcript of Student Directions
Completing Your Test
When you have completed your test and reviewed your answers, you will submit your test for scoring.
Once you submit your test, you will not be able to go back.
To submit your test:
[For reading and mathematics]
Select the Next button.
Select Submit Final Answers.
[For science]
Select Submit Final Answers.
Select Yes, Submit Final Answers.
Turning in Materials
Turn in your testing ticket and scratch paper before you leave.
Read these important reminders:
On this test, do your own best work to show what you know and can do.
Do not accept help finding answers to test questions.
Do not give answers to other students.
Do not tell others what is on the test.
There may be consequences if you do not follow directions or if you behave dishonestly.
Asking Questions and Starting Your Test
Your Test Monitor cannot answer questions about test items.
If you have other questions about the test, raise your hand now.
If you do not have any questions, select the Next button to start your test.