Copyright©2020 The Leaders Team, LLC. No part of this document may be duplicated or distributed in any way
without the written permission of The Leaders Team, LLC.
Completing the Past
Definition: Having all necessary parts, elements, or steps, nothing is missing. The quality or state of
being complete. Mode or condition of readiness.
Being complete is distinct from ending a situation. You can end a situation and not be complete. You can
be complete with a situation and not end it.
When a situation is complete it is whole and lacking nothing. It is just as it is and just as it is not. There is no
story around it. Things that are incomplete persist. You cannot launch into a new future if things are
incomplete. You have the ability to get complete in any area you experience a loss of power.
Ultimately being complete is a declaration. You declare yourself complete as a matter of your word.
Before you can declare yourself complete, there will often be a process you must go through to have your
declaration be authentic.
To be complete you must first deal with what is incomplete. When a situation is incomplete it often occurs
for us, as “something is wrong”. That interpretation leaves us dissatisfied. What it takes to be complete
with a situation that is incomplete is to give up there is something wrong with the way that it is: to give up
that it should be a different way.
Being complete also requires being willing to be cause in the matter. Cause in the matter of what? In the
matter of whatever it is you are incomplete with. You can never, ever, be complete until you can be cause
in the matter.
Look to see if there is anything incomplete.
Is there anything you are upset or disappointed with?
Do you have any resentments?
Do you have any regrets?
Do you have any failures that have not been acknowledged or completed?
Do you have some accomplishments that didn’t get acknowledged or shared?
Being complete begins with a commitment to being complete.
What actions do you need to take to be complete?
Giving up what you are holding on to creates completion.
Acknowledging what you have not acknowledged creates completion.
Taking responsibility for what you have not been willing to be responsible for creates completion.
Forgiveness-of yourself and others-creates completion.
When you are complete with a situation there is a sense of freedom - nowhere to get to, nothing to do.
Things are just the way they are and just the way they are not. What is present is the space of satisfaction
and fulfillment. There is nowhere to get to and nothing to do.
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opyright©2020 The Leaders Team, LLC. No part of this document may be duplicated or distributed in any way
without the written permission of The Leaders Team, LLC.
Completion exercise
Your Access to Satisfaction and Fulfillment
In your workplace and in your lives, situations that are incomplete persist. What is incomplete often
occurs as “something is wrong” or, “that is just the way it is.”
This interpretation leaves us dissatisfied. You cannot launch into a new and created future in your
workplace or your life without going through the process of getting complete.
Looking at what’s incomplete…
Do you have any upsets or disappointments?
Do you have any resentments?
Do you have any regrets?
Do you have failures that you have not acknowledged?
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without the written permission of The Leaders Team, LLC.
Do you have accomplishments that you have not acknowledged?
Do you or others have broken promises or agreements?
Do you have undelivered communications?
Getting What’s Incomplete, Complete
You have a predictable future. Actions are naturally correlated with one’s worldview. Your worldview
refers to the network of ideas and beliefs through which an individual interprets and interacts with the
world, others and himself/herself. Your prevailing worldview constrains your thinking and planning, and
as a result, limits the ways in which to act.
To powerfully deal with something that first occurs as impossibility requires courage and authenticity. It
requires taking on and giving up your current view as the one only and true view.
Being complete begins with a commitment to being complete.
What are you willing to give up that you are holding onto in honor of being complete?
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opyright©2020 The Leaders Team, LLC. No part of this document may be duplicated or distributed in any way
without the written permission of The Leaders Team, LLC.
What are you acknowledging?
What are you being responsible for?
In honor of forgiving yourself or others for what is possible, are there any actions that you see to take?
Do you have any requests of others in honor of being complete?
Declarations: The kind of language that creates a future. The most fundamental speech is a declaration,
which allows for a new possibility for the future. A declaration is not a hope or a dream; it is a future to
which you commit yourself.
What are you Declaring?