Mass Spectrometry Facility
Advanced Analysis Centre
Science Complex Rm. 1205
Tel. 519-824-4120 ext. 58649
Request for High Res LC Mass Spectrometry Analysis
Please indicate if you want the rest of your sample returned
Sample Code: Please use separate sheet or
reverse if space is not enough
Molecular Weight Range to Acquire:
Molecular Formula:
Approximate Concentration:
Ionization Polarity: Pos Neg
Poroshell C18
For price information please visit
I approve payment for this work within a 10% variance of estimated amount quoted at and I authorize the Mass Spectrometry Facility and
CBS Clerical Unit Staff to charge my
Trust Fund# _____________ - _____________ - _____________ - ______________ - ____64251____
Please provide full coding
Signature: ______________________________________________________________
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