Review the instructions below carefully before proceeding to Page 2. If you need additional space for any field in page 2 please feel free
to attach a separate sheet of paper. Additional information regarding our services and the application process are available on our
What to Submit:
In order to perform an evaluation we require the following:
Page 2 of this application form signed and dated
Final Degrees, Diplomas or Certificates
Full, Official Transcripts/Marksheets/Academic Records showing all subjects studied, examinations and grades
Certified word-for-word English Translations for all academic credentials submitted. Certified translations must be performed by a qualified
disinterested third party, typically a professional translation company, university or government agency.
o Exception: If your documents are in Spanish you may provide your own translation.
We can accept legible photocopies of official documents submitted via fax or e-mail. We recommend submitting
applications and supporting documents via e-mail, as many academic credentials do not transmit clearly via fax.
1910 Justin Lane Austin, TX 78757
Phone: 512-459-8428 Fax 512-459-4565
Rev. 5/14/2020
Personal Information:
Name of Applicant: Enter your full current legal name exactly as you want it to appear on your evaluation report. If the name shown on your
academic credentials is different from your current legal name, enter your other name(s) in the space provided. Please note that the middle name
is for reference only and will not be included on the evaluation report.
E-mail: Please provide a current e-mail address. You will receive emails regarding your application status (including if your file has been placedȱ
on hold for any reason). Once your evaluation report has been completed, you will be emailed an unofficial electronic copy of your evaluationȱ
report and its mailing tracking information.
Purpose of Evaluation: Answer this section to the best of your ability. It is OK to check more than one box or to leave this blank if you are not
sure. Please note that completing this section helps us ensure that we provide you with the evaluation that best meets your needs.
Summary of Education: List the schools you have attended (beginning with secondary education and continuing through your most recent
degree). This helps our evaluators make sure you have provided all of the documents necessary to provide you with a complete and accurate
evaluation. Please include an additional sheet of paper for more space if necessary.
Evaluation Services:
General Statement of Equivalency: Usually used for employment (getting a job). The equivalency of your foreign diplomas, degrees and
certificates is provided.
Detailed Evaluation of Coursework: Usually used for university admission. Includes a statement of the equivalency of your degree(s) and
diplomas, a course-by-course evaluation, and GPA calculation.
If you want a Detailed Evaluation of your secondary school (high school) coursework, in addition to a Detailed Evaluation of your post-
secondary (university) coursework, an additional fee of $150 will be required. Please contact our office if you require this service or make a
note of this request on Page 2 of this application form.
Time-frame Options:
If no rush service is selected, the evaluation will be completed in approximately 10 business days. Alternatively, rush services are guaranteed.
We will refund the rush fee if the time-frame is not met. Please note that all time-frames begin the business day after we receive everything
necessary for evaluation and do not include shipping time.
Shipping Options:
One complimentary official report will be shipped to the address you provide. An unofficial report is sent to you via e-mail. Please fill out the
additional copy section if you require additional official reports. Complimentary standard USPS shipping without a tracking number is
provided. We also offer USPS domestic priority and expedited delivery for an additional fee. For international shipping, you are required to pay
$60 for DHL Express. If you provided original documentation and would like it returned to one of these addresses, please specify using the
check boxes provided. We reserve the right to withhold documentation.
Payment Information:
Payment must be submitted in full before the evaluation can begin. Please follow the payment instructions on page 2. Please note that we cannot
accept cash, wire transfers, or Discover Card.
This is an optional section for any specific requests or comments you would like to include with your application for foreign credential
Applications may be sent by email, mail or fax to the contact information shown at the top right-hand corner of this page.
Thank you for choosing FCSA!
Standard Application
FCSA Application for Credentials Evaluation Standard Application Form Page 2
Please type or write legibly. Any missing, illegible, or incomplete information may result in the delay or non-processing of your application. All
applications received after 2 PM CST will be considered to have been received the following business day. Applications may be sent by email, mail or fax to the contact
information shown at the top right-hand corner of the first page of this application.
Personal Information
First Name:__________________________________________________________
Middle Name:________________________________________________________
Last Name:___________________________________________________________
Other Name(s) that might appear on documents, including maiden names:
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): ________________________________
Foreign Country(s) of Education: _________________________________
Gender: Male Female
Phone: ________________________ Fax: ______________________
E-mail: ______________________________________________________
(You will receive status updates and a copy of your evaluation at this address)
Employment University Admission
Referral Information: How did you hear about FCSA? _____________________________________
Summary of Educational Experience Use additional sheet of paper if necessary
Name of School and Location
Dates of Attendance (From – To)
Degree, Title or Certificate Year Earned or Expected
Payment Information
Enclosed US Check or US Money Order (Make payable to FCSA)
Credit Card
Notes, special requests: (For example: I need my report in a separate sealed envelope)
Name On Card____________________________________________________
Credit Card Number ______________________________________________
Expiration Date (xx/xx):____________________ CVV #________________
Authorization Signature__________________________________________
Signed Statement
Signature of Applicant/Contact __________________________________________________________________ Date_____________________________
Billing Address:
Evaluation Services
Detailed Evaluation of Coursework ($150)
3 Working Days ($75)
One Day Service ($195)
Additional Copies can be purchased for $25 per report for up to four years.
Changes can be made to a completed report within two years.
American Express
Rev. 5/14/2020
Purpose of Evaluation (Please visit our website for specific instructions that may be applicable for evaluations intended for certain universities, licensing boards, etc.)
Note: Only the first and last name will be included on the report.
(required – see page 1 for a description of our services)
USPS without tracking (Free)
Domestic USPS, 2-3 business days with tracking ($10)
Domestic Expedited USPS, 1-2 business days with tracking ($25)
International DHL Express, 3-5 business days ($60)
*Required for all international addresses*
Other: _________________________________
City, State, Zip (Country, if not USA**):
Return my official ACADEMIC documents, if applicable, to the address above.
USPS without tracking (Free)
Domestic USPS, 2-3 business days with tracking ($10)
Domestic Expedited USPS, 1-2 business days with tracking ($25)
International DHL Express, 3-5 business days ($60)
*Required for all international addresses*
Additional Copy Shipping Address: ($25 per report)
Receiver's Name:
Street, Apt/Suite:
City, State, Zip (Country, if not USA**):
Return my official ACADEMIC documents, if applicable, to the address above.
General Statement of Equivalency ($85)
Time-frame Options
Approximately 10 business days (free)
Shipping Options (the shipping time is not included in the time-frame options)
Complimentary Report Shipping Address:
Receiver's Name:
Street, Apt/Suite:
Shipping cost for Complimentary Report: ______
Shipping cost for Additional Report(s) +
Cost for the Additional Report(s) ($25/copy): _______
If you need additional space to request more reports, please attach another sheet of paper to
this application for the other addresses.
I certify that all information provided on this application is complete, factually accurate, and honestly presented. I certify that I have read the instructions and conditions and agree to the terms stated therein. I
understand that cancellations must be requested prior to the completion of the evaluation. A non-refundable processing fee of $25 will be deducted from all cancellations. I understand that if fraudulent
documentation is presented, an evaluation will not be provided, the application will be canceled, and a refund will not be processed. I understand that the evaluation is advisory and is not binding upon any agency
or institution that uses it nor guaranteed to be accepted or used by any agency or institution. I release Foreign Credentials Service of America from any liability for damages resulting from the use to which I or any
agency or institution puts the evaluation.
TOTAL cost: