Request for Additional Evaluation Copies
or Return of Original Documentation
Full Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________
FCSA ID Number: ______________________ Approximate Date of Initial Evaluation*: _____________________
Email Address:
Number of Additional Copies: ____ x $25 per report = _____
(Additional copies are processed within 2-3 days)
Copy Shipping Options
USPS without tracking (Free)
Domestic USPS, 2-3 business days with tracking ($10) (Per address)
Domestic Expedited USPS, 1-2 business days with tracking ($25) (Per address)
International DHL Express, 3-5 business days with tracking ($60) (Per address) (Required for all international shipping)
Total cost: _________
Address(es) to which you would like your copy or copies to be mailed
Payment Information
Enclosed US Check or US Money Order (Make payable to FCSA)
Credit Card
Visa MasterCard American Express
Name on Card ______________________________________________
Credit Card Number ________________________
Expiration Date: ______ / CVV # _____
Authorization Signature ________________________
Billing Address:
Notes, special requests: (For example: I need my report in a separate sealed envelope) (optional):
1910 Justin Lane Austin, TX 78757
Phone: 512-459-8428 Fax 512-459-4565
(Print your full name as it appears on your evaluation)
*Reports are guaranteed to be available for two years following the exact original date of evaluation but are typically available for up to four years.
Please provide a current e-mail address. FCSA will use this address to contact you should any issues arise with the processing of your request.
Shipping Address 1:
Rev. 5/14/2020
Attention to: __________________________________________________
Street, Apt/Suite: ______________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________
(Country, if not USA)
Shipping Address 2:
Attention to: __________________________________________________
Street, Apt/Suite: ______________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _____________________________________________
(Country, if not USA)
Please return my original documentation ($10 fee is required for all domestic address(es))
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