Work in collaboration with your colleagues
to ensure the delivery of high quality, safe
and compassionate healthcare, care and
Communicate in an open, and effective way
to promote the health, safety and wellbeing
of people who use health and social care
services and their carers
Respect a person’s right to confidentiality
Strive to improve the quality of healthcare,
care and support through continuing
professional development
Uphold and promote equality, diversity
and inclusion.
Reflecting to discover discrimination
It is important to reflect on your work and to think about how you can improve the care
and support that you provide to others. Discrimination is unacceptable and should be
confronted whenever it is found, whether in your own work, or in that of others. Working in
a reflective way is one way that can help you to identify if and where your own values and
beliefs lead to unfair treatment of others. ‘Reflective practice’ means thinking about what
you or others have done, what happened as a result and whether you or they could do
anything differently in future to get a better outcome.
If reflection leads you to see that individuals are being treated unfairly, you should discuss
this with your manager who will be able to take action to make sure that the poor practice
is properly challenged and positive change is encouraged.
Information, advice and support
In the course of your work there may be times when you need to take action to find out
more information about diversity, equality and inclusion. This might be as a result of:
reflecting on your own work and finding that you need to develop your skills and
needing to know how to apply the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion to an
unfamiliar situation
witnessing discrimination or unfair treatment in someone else’s work and needing
advice on how to deal with it.
Information, advice and support in relation to diversity, equality, inclusion and
discrimination can be found in a number of places. Reflecting on situations and
experiences will help you to decide if you do need further information, support or advice;
this will help you to develop as a worker.
Sources of information, advice and support could include:
looking into the ways of working of your organisation
checking out the Care Quality Commission’s Essential Standards of quality
and safety
speaking to your manager for advice and guidance and for extra support or for ideas
on where to go or who to speak to for further information