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Opening Appointments Skill Builder Introduction
First impressions are critical. Whether it is the first-time meeting with a prospect or a follow up
appointment, you have the opportunity to take ownership and set the tone for how the rest of
the interaction will unfold. Solid openings don’t happen by chance. They involve blending the art
of being personable and natural with the science of a Legitimate Purpose Statement (LPS) to
draw the prospect in.
This Skill Builder will provide you an opportunity to apply and reinforce the Opening the
Appointment skills learned in your eLearning Modules. The goal is to help ensure that you are
most effectively using the skills you need to effectively engage with the prospect.
Today’s workshop will provide you with an opportunity to:
• Revisit, refresh, and practice what you now know about Opening.
• Determine the importance of being prepared for your appointments through pre-planning.
• Understand the importance of building rapport and connecting with the prospect when
• Develop and deliver effective openings—including a Legitimate Purpose Statement.
• Capture information during group activities and take notes as you participate in today’s
• Create a personal Action Plan.
In relation to where you are in the sales cycle, this Opening the Appointment Skill Builder
represents the first phase of the sales process.
Welcome and let’s get started!