Westport Affordable Housing Trust Fund
November 2018
The Westport Affordable Housing Trust Fund is seeking proposals from qualified project
proponents of affordable housing to utilize available funds to develop or create new affordable
housing units in Westport, MA.
Only projects or programs (projects) with dwelling units that are restricted Affordable in
perpetuity and are eligible for inclusion in the Town's Subsidized Housing Inventory (SHI) will be
Housing units eligible for funding will be affordable to low-income housing households earning
up-to 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) of the Providence-Fall River Metro Area, which
includes the Town of Westport, as determined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD).
A total of $300,000 is immediately available and the Trust wishes to start this program upon
respondent selection. Prior to any release of funds, a Grant Agreement will be executed
between the Trust and the selected applicant(s).
Eligible Uses
A. Soft costs and development fees, including appraisals, legal, surveys, financing, permit
fees, monitoring services, marketing and others. The program is NOT intended to
provide funding for developer’s fee, profit and overhead costs.
B. Acquisition of real estate property for the creation of new affordable housing, including
reimbursement for costs related to the acquisition of unoccupied real estate property
through a foreclosure auction.
C. Pre-engineering, architecture/engineering design services and feasibility studies for the
development of affordable housing.
D. Construction, site work, installation of wastewater systems and water wells.
E. Housing Rehabilitation Programs.
F. Affordable Homeownership Programs.
Funding will be provided in the form of a forgivable deferred payment loan. Loans shall be due
in three years unless an affordable regulatory agreement or a deed rider has been recorded on
the property, at which point the loan shall be forgiven. An extension to five years may be
allowed if a construction permit for the project is issued less than three years after the execution
of the Grant Agreement. The selected applicant(s) will work closely with the Trust, the Planning
Board, DHCD and any other agencies having jurisdiction. The applicant(s) will work with the
Trust to carry out community meetings and outreach efforts related to the project.
The maximum funding available, except as noted otherwise, is $35,000 per new affordable
housing unit and no more than $200,000 per eligible project.
Request for funding for Eligible Uses should not exceed the following maximum funding criteria
neither per affordable housing unit nor per project: