404.371.2155 (o)
404.371.4556 (f)
Clark Harrison Building
330 W. Ponce de Leon Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
Special Administrative Permit
Sec. 27-747. Commercial recreation and entertainment. The following shall apply to commercial recreation and
entertainment uses:
(a) Art shows, carnival rides and special events of community interest. Art shows, carnival rides and similar events of
community interest may be approved by the Director of Public Works by special administrative permit, subject to the
following requirements in NS, C-1, C-2, M and M-2 districts:
(1) For a time period not exceeding fourteen (14) days;
(2) The activity shall be conducted at least one hundred (100) feet from any
residential district;
(3) No living accommodations on-site;
(4) Employees shall be uniformed and identified;
(5) Security or off-duty police officers on-site during operating hours;
(6) Portable toilets provided;
(7) Site plan to determine compliance with all zoning ordinance requirements.
(8) Compliance with National Electrical Code: Article 525.
Fees: All events covered by Sec. 27-747 are subject to a Special Administrative Permit Fee of $300 and a Technology
Fee of $20. Events may be subject to an additional $225 Building Permit Fee and $200 Life Safety Review and
Inspection Fee as dictated by the scope of the event
I have read the above ordinance and requirements and affirm that the proposed
_______________________ located at ____________________________________________
(Activity/event) (Activity/event location address)
will comply with all requirements of this ordinance.
Name (printed) _______________________________________________________________
Company Name _______________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
District ______ Land Lot ________ Block _______ Parcel _______ Zoning District ________
Chief Executive Officer
Michael Thurmond
Andrew A. Baker, AICP
404.371.2155 (o)
404.371.4556 (f)
Clark Harrison Building
330 W. Ponce de Leon Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
Permit Time Period: ___________________________ to _____________________________
Approved/Denied __________________________________ Date ___________________
Special Administrative Permit
Sec. 27-768. - Places of worship, convents; monasteries; temporary religious meetings; general requirements.
The following subsections shall apply to places of worship, convents and monasteries and their related uses, as defined within
this Code:
(a) When located in a residential district, any building or structure established in connection with places of worship, monasteries
or convents shall be located at least seventy-five (75) feet from any property line, except where the adjoining property is zoned
for nonresidential use, the setback for any building or structure shall be no less than twenty (20) feet for a side-yard and no less
than thirty (30) feet for a rear-yard.
(b) When located in a residential district, the required setback from any property line that adjoins a street right-of-way shall be
the front-yard setback for the applicable residential district.
(c) When located in a residential district, the parking areas and driveways for any such uses shall be located at least twenty (20)
feet from the boundaries of any property line, with a visual screen, e.g., a six-foot fence or sufficient vegetation established
within that area.
(d) Places of worship, convents and monasteries in residential districts shall be located on a minimum lot area of three (3) acres
and shall have frontage of at least one hundred (100) feet along a public street.
(e) Places of worship, convents and monasteries in residential districts shall be located only on a major or minor thoroughfare.
(f) The establishment of sites and tents for temporary religious meetings requires the grant of a special administrative permit by
the director of planning. Such tents or sites for any specific location may not be used for a cumulative period of more than
fourteen (14) days during any calendar year.
(g) Any uses, buildings or structures operated by a place of worship that are not specifically included within the definition of
place of worship must fully comply with the applicable zoning district regulations, including, but not limited to, any requirement
for a special land use permit.
(h) Any use, building or structure operated by a place of worship that is included within the definition of a place of worship must
comply with the applicable supplemental regulations found in sections 27-731 through 27-792
404.371.2155 (o)
404.371.4556 (f)
Clark Harrison Building
330 W. Ponce de Leon Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
Special Administrative Permit
Sec. 27-768. - Places of worship, convents; monasteries; temporary religious meetings; general requirements. The
following subsections shall apply to places of worship, convents and monasteries and their related uses, as defined within this
(i) Any place of worship, convent or monastery located on a street other than a major or minor thoroughfare shall be a legal non-
conforming use if constructed pursuant to a development permit issued between July 30, 1970 and April 13, 1999.
(j) Subsections (d) and (e), above, shall only apply to places of worship, convents and monasteries developed or established after
July 29, 1970.
Fees: All events covered by Sec. 27-768 are subject to a Special Administrative Permit Fee of $300 and a Technology
Fee of $20. Events may be subject to an additional $225 Building Permit Fee and $200 Life Safety Review and
Inspection Fee as dictated by the scope of the event
I have read the above ordinance and requirements and affirm that the proposed
_______________________ located at ____________________________________________
(Activity/event) (Activity/event location address)
will comply with all requirements of this ordinance.
Name (printed) _______________________________________________________________
Company Name _______________________________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________________________
District ______ Land Lot ________ Block _______ Parcel _______ Zoning District ________
Permit Time Period: ___________________________ to _____________________________
Approved/Denied __________________________________ Date ___________________
404.371.2155 (o)
404.371.4556 (f)
Clark Harrison Building
330 W. Ponce de Leon Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
Special Administrative Permit
Sec. 27-768. - Places of worship, convents; monasteries; temporary religious meetings; general requirements. The
following subsections shall apply to places of worship, convents and monasteries and their related uses, as defined within this
404.371.2155 (o)
404.371.4556 (f)
Clark Harrison Building
330 W. Ponce de Leon Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
To facilitate review and approval:
Plans must bear seal of currently GEORGIA licensed Architect and/or Engineer
(See OCG 43-4-14 or 43-15-24 for additional information).
Plans must be collated to standard architectural scale (preferably
1/8 " = 1' or
Larger), on MINIMUM 17”x 22” (Engineering or ANSI-C Size) sheets of paper.
There must be two (2) sets of architectural plans which consist of architectural, mechanical,
Site, plumbing and electrical drawings. Fire protection systems require separate permitting by submittal of three (3)
complete sets of plans.
Plans shall be accompanied by one copy of specifications.
Contractors for project must be currently GEORGIA licensed (low-voltage or fire
Suppression hood, sprinkler) and must submit individual fire alarm or fire suppression system
designs for review.
The plans shall indicate ALL CODES and STANDARDS used in design.
(Ex: “This facility was designed in accordance with 2012 NFPA 101- Life Safety Code”; or
“This facility was designed in accordance with 2012 International Fire Code include those found in 120-3-3 effective
1/31/2014, 120-3-20 effective 2012 and DeKalb County Ordinance 4/2005.
Codes currently enforced by DeKalb County Fire Marshal’s Office:
NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2012 Edition*
The plan shall include manufacturer’s installation instructions for
Equipment, including equipment descriptions, applications, and
Limitations of listing.
When applicable, the following items that pertain to the facility design MUST BE SHOWN on
the drawings (see 2012 NFPA 101:11.11 and 2012 NFPA 102):
____1) Name of owner and/or occupant
___2) Location, including proper street address (is membrane connected to building and if applicable show building
cross section (drawing of outside of building) with elevation(s) related to Grade.)
___3) Dimension of membrane (Size and height including square footage including type seating and seating
___4) Site plan showing relative elevations and illustrating driveways, fire department access roads,
Parking, handicap parking, proximity of structure to other structures, distance of structure
404.371.2155 (o)
404.371.4556 (f)
Clark Harrison Building
330 W. Ponce de Leon Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
From other structures, walkways, ramps, stairs, fences, passenger loading zones, location of
Electric transformer pads, heat and air conditioning units outside of the facility.
___5) Construction Type, with specified reference to EITHER 2012 IBC or 2012 NFPA 220 (as
Modified on GAC 120-3-20, NFPA 101 Table Note construction materials and
Components of the structure on the plans (flame spread/flammability and describe what the membrane secured with
IE. Pegs/whether membrane is Open Air)
___6) Occupancy Type
___7) Occupant Load with calculations
___8) Capacity (as identified by the authorities having jurisdiction, such as the DeKalb County
School Board).
___9) Label membrane use
___10) Location and size of ALL exits, exit widths, sill height (provide details for clarity). Include class/rating with
UL listing.
Indicate length and travel distances to exits.
___11) Locations of ALL exit signs.
___12) Locations of all emergency lighting.
___13) Locations of fire extinguishers (Note size, type and rating).
___14) Indicate location of any powered industrial material handling equipment (Ex: LP Gas or
Electric powered forklift trucks, inside or outside)
___15) Location of fire protection devices (Ex: kitchen hood suppression or portable fire extinguishers. System
design must be done and submitted by currently GEORGIA licensed fire Suppression or sprinkler contractor.
___16) Duration of Temporary Structure
___17) Location and size of ALL doors, door widths, corridors, and windows with sill height
(Provide details for clarity). Include class/rating for doors and windows, with UL listing.
Indicate door swings, length of halls and corridors, and travel distances to exits.
___18) Location of fire alarm components to include pull stations, horn/strobe
Units and fire alarm control panel, battery calculations and strobe intensity levels. Fire
Alarm Plans MUST be submitted by GEORGIA licensed low-voltage contractor.
___19) Location and power sources for ALL smoke detectors.
___20) Location of furnaces and water heaters. If unit is in attic/penthouse, note the location. Note
BTU input rating of hot water heaters, and note CFM and BTU of furnace.
___21) Location and type of stove (residential or commercial appliance).
___22) Location ALL stairs (inside and outside), ramps, and slope of ramps (Ex: 1:12)
___23) Location and size of laundry room (number, type residential or commercial appliance).
___24) Note location of storage room, with type/commodity and height of contents. For high-piled
Combustible storage, plans MUST contain ALL information required in IFC Chap. 23
(2301.3 Construction Documents).