Addendum No. 1 to RFP 19-500537
Addendum Page 2 of 3
required documents (see Section II.B. for the list of required documents). The Technical Proposal
shall not contain any cost/fee information or else the proposal will be deemed non-responsive.
To provide further clarification, do not include any cost/fee information in the original Technical
Proposal or on the discs or flash drives. Any cost information shall ONLY be submitted on the Cost
Proposal Form, Attachment A, in a separate, sealed envelope with the Responder’s name and “Cost
Proposal for Request for Proposals No. 19-500537 for Lou Walker Senior Center Aquatic Services
(Multi-Year Contract)” on the outside of the envelope. The responder shall not alter the Cost
Proposal Form in any manner. Do not include fees or costs in any area outside of the Cost Proposal.
E. Question: 1 or 7 scan disk per envelope (# of envelopes)?
Answer: Technical Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope(s) or box(es) with
Responder’s name and “Request for Proposals No. 19-500537 for Lou Walker Senior Center
Aquatic Services (Multi-Year Contract)” on the outside of each envelope or box. Do not include any
costs of any kind in the Technical Proposal.
As referenced on page 16 in Section VI. Contract Administration, Subsection B. Submittal
Instructions, one (1) original Technical Proposal stamped “Original’ and seven (7) compact discs
or flash drives --with each containing an identical copy of the Technical Proposal-- must be
submitted to the DeKalb County Department of Purchasing and Contracting.
The Cost Proposal shall ONLY be submitted on the Cost Proposal Form, Attachment A, in a
separate, sealed envelope with the Responder’s name and “Cost Proposal for Request for Proposals
No. 19-500537 for Lou Walker Senior Center Aquatic Services (Multi-Year Contract)” on the
outside of the envelope.
Because the sealed envelope/box containing the Cost Proposal is requested to be included in the
sealed envelope/box containing the Technical Proposal, the expectation is that each respondent will
submit a single sealed envelope/box that contains both of the following:
1. One separate, sealed envelope/box containing one (1) original Technical Proposal stamped
“Original’ and seven (7) compact discs or flash drives --with each disc or drive containing
an identical copy of the Technical Proposal
a. This envelope/ box shall bear the Responder’s name and “Request for Proposals No.
19-500537 for Lou Walker Senior Center Aquatic Services (Multi-Year Contract)” on
the outside of the envelope/box.
2. One separate, sealed envelope/ box containing one (1) original Cost Proposal with the
Responder’s name and “Cost Proposal for Request for Proposals No. 19-500537 for Lou
Walker Senior Center Aquatic Services (Multi-Year Contract)” on the outside of the
F. Question: Other than the written/filled out (and notarized if need be) information inside the pages
21-41, what else is required for each envelope submission?
Answer: Technical proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope(s) or box(es) with Responder’s
name and “Request for Proposals No. 19-500537 for Lou Walker Senior Center Aquatic Services
(Multi-Year Contract)” on the outside of each envelope/box. Responders should complete
Attachment B, Proposal Cover Sheet, and include this as the first page of the Technical Proposal,
followed by the Introduction, Technical Approach, Project Management, Personnel, Organizational