Purchasing and Contracting Department, Maloof Administration Building ▪ 1300 Commerce Drive, 2
Floor ▪ Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-7051 Office ▪ 404-371-7006 Fax
Website: www.dekalbcountyga.gov
RFP No. 20-500543
Addendum No. 2
July 13, 2020
JULY 13, 2020
TO: All Responders under Request For Proposal No. 20-500543
FROM: Department of Purchasing and Contracting, DeKalb County, Georgia
Request For Proposals (RFP) No. 20-500543, Unified 2050 CTP and Comp Plan, is hereby
amended as follows:
1. The following questions are provided for bidders’ information.
During the pre-proposal meeting, the possibility of a DBE/MBE goal
or requirement was mentioned. Is there any further guidance on
DBE goal is 19% minimum. See Exhibits 2 and 3.
During the pre-proposal meeting, it was mentioned that the County is
working internally on the 5 year Comprehensive Plan update to
precede the full 10 year update that will be conducted as part of the a
Unified Plan effort. What, if any, elements and requirements of the
5 year update (such as SWOTs, Needs and Opportunities, etc.) are
anticipated to be utilized directly in the 10 year update?
Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) sets the
requirements of the Comprehensive Plans and subsequent updates.
All requirements in the 10-year update must be met. The 10-year
update is more extensive than a five year. The approved 5-year
update document should be considered/used in its entirety in the 10-
year update.
Likewise, the presentation indicated that the 5 year update is
anticipated for an October 2021 submission to DCA with Unified
Plan activities to continue into the year 2022. However, the RFP
indicates that “All work and services required under this subgrant
agreement shall be completed on or before October 31,
2021.” Therefore, we appreciate clarification on the intended
timeframes for the 5 year update as well as the deadline for the
submittal and eventual adoption of the 10 year Comprehensive Plan
update and the Comprehensive Transportation Plan.
Purchasing and Contracting Department, Maloof Administration Building ▪ 1300 Commerce Drive, 2
Floor ▪ Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-7051 Office ▪ 404-371-7006 Fax
Website: www.dekalbcountyga.gov
RFP No. 20-500543
Addendum No. 2
July 13, 2020
In terms of the five-year update, it is due to DCA October 31, 2021.
DeKalb staff will submit the five-year update to DCA for review by
the 1st quarter of 2021 to meet the October 31, 2021 deadline. That
will satisfy the timeline commitment for DCA.
The contract end date for the 2050 Unified Plan is October 31, 2021.
That date is not imperative to the DCA deadline, because the 2050
Unified Plan is a full 10-year update. DCA requires a 45 to 60 day
review period, before final verification. DeKalb’s full update to
DCA is due in 2026.
During the pre-proposal meeting, a slide regarding the
comprehensive plan schedule alluded to a Service Delivery Strategy
deliverable. Is this an item intended for the consultant to
prepare? If so, will a detailed scope outlining tasks and expectations
for this component be provided in a future addendum?
The Service Delivery Strategy update is not a requirement intended for
the chosen consultant to prepare. County staff work with the staff of
each Municipality to update this section. Though this section is
necessary for the approval of the Comprehensive Plan, there will be
no Scope of Work impact for the chosen consultant.
During the pre-proposal meeting, it was suggested that the slide
presentation would be made available. Can we expect this in a
future addendum?
Yes, it is included in Addendum No. 3
The RFP scope makes several references to a desire for detailed
corridor transportation analyses. Have these corridors already been
determined and/or a set number of corridors been identified? If so,
can you please indicate how many (or which) corridors are
No, they will be determined during the early stages of the project.
We anticipate three smart corridor analysis in unincorporated DeKalb
with coordination with the cites.
What is the anticipated total budgeted amount for this contract?
The budget is not disclosed.
Are Attachments A, B, C, D, E and G required to be submitted with
the proposal or are they all parts of the Sample Contract?
Purchasing and Contracting Department, Maloof Administration Building ▪ 1300 Commerce Drive, 2
Floor ▪ Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-7051 Office ▪ 404-371-7006 Fax
Website: www.dekalbcountyga.gov
RFP No. 20-500543
Addendum No. 2
July 13, 2020
All of the attachments must be submitted with the proposal.
Are Subcontractors required to fill and return Attachment H: Exhibits
1-4 along with the Prime?
Only the Prime contractor is required to complete Attachment H
Are Subcontractors required to fill out and return Attachment I or is
this for the Prime only?
Only the prime contractor is required to complete Attachment I
Is there a set page limit or font requirement for this proposal?
The set page limit is 30 pages and does not include required
documents, GDOT qualifications, and resumes. The minimum font
is 11 pts.
Does Dekalb County use a Linear Referencing System (LRS) to
denote locations of projects in the CTP and CPU?
No. We will provide any GIS data such as topo and basic attributes.
2. The DeKalb First Local Small Business Enterprise Ordinance is hereby deleted and no
longer a requirement of this RFP.
3. The Atlanta Regional Commission’s Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Plan is
hereby incorporation as a requirement of this RFP.
The following project numbers should be referenced in the DBE submissions:
ARC’s Project No. is AR-004-2019
GDOT Project No. is 0014984
Purchasing and Contracting Department, Maloof Administration Building ▪ 1300 Commerce Drive, 2
Floor ▪ Decatur, Georgia 30030
404-371-7051 Office ▪ 404-371-7006 Fax
Website: www.dekalbcountyga.gov
RFP No. 20-500543
Addendum No. 2
July 13, 2020
4. The Evaluation Criteria has been changes as follows:
A. Technical Approach to the Project 25 points
B. Project Management 15 points
C. Experience of Consultants 20 points
D. Qualification of Staff/Management 15 points
E. Financial Responsibility 5 points
F. References 10 points
G. DBE Participation 10 points
H. Optional Interview 10 points) - bonus
5. The proposal due date is hereby extended to July 31, 2020.
6. Question submission period is extended to July 17, 2020 at 5:00 PM, EST
7. The following attachments are hereby incorporated as a part of this RFP:
Exhibit One – 2020 Unified Plan Power Point Presentation
Exhibit Two – 2020 Federal Transportation Funding Part 172
Exhibit Three – DBE Plan 2019 Public - Redacted
6. All other conditions remain in full force and It is the responsibility of each bidder to
ensure that he/she is aware of all addenda issued under this RFP. Please sign and return
this addendum. You may contact Charles Smith, Procurement Manager, at
cnsmith1@dekalbcountyga.gov before the proposals are due to confirm the number of
addenda issued.
Charles N. Smith
Procurement Manager Team A
Department of Purchasing and Contracting
Charles N.
Digitally signed by
Charles N. Smith
Date: 2020.07.12
18:06:03 -04'00'
click to sign
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