Answers to Questions
Who can become a candidate and qualify to
be on the 2020 ballot in Alachua County ?
(99.021, F.S.)
Josiah T. Walls Building P: 352-374-5252
515 North Main Street, Suite 300 F: 352-374-5264
Gainesville, FL 32601-3348
2020 Election Dates
Presidential Preference Primary, (March 17, 2020)
Primary Election, (August 18, 2020)
General Election, (November 3, 2020)
Decide what office to run for and “File” to run
“Filing” to run for office is not the same as “Qualifying” to be on the ballot. Check our website
( to determine which offices are up for election.
Make sure you meet all of the qualifications of the office for which you wish to file.
Set an one-hour “Filing to Run” Appointment with the Supervisor of Elections office to review
the required materials needed for the Candidate to “fileto run for office
If interested in “Filingto run for office, please contact the Supervisor of Elections office to set an one
hour candidate “Filing to Run appointment with the assistant supervisor of elections, Tim Williams at
(352)374-5252 or
File the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for
Candidates form (DS-DE 9) with the Supervisor of Elections
During the filing to run for office appointment with the Supervisor of Elections office, file the
Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates form
(DS-DE 9) with the Supervisor of Elections office before accepting any money or spend any money on
behalf of the campaign. Once this form is filed, you are a candidate and should follow Chapter 105 and
106 of the election code for judicial candidates and chapter 106 of the Election Code for all other
Note: The campaign depository should not be opened until after this form is on file with the filing officer
(The Supervisor of Elections). This form may be completed and filed with the intentions of opening the
campaign account at the bank of your choice.
This form states which office you are running for, which bank you intend to use for your campaign
account, and who is serving as your campaign treasurer.
This form may be amended at any time of the year.
Answers to Questions
Who can become a candidate and qualify
to be on the 2020 ballot in Alachua County ?
(99.021, F.S.)
Josiah T. Walls Building P: 352-374-5252
515 North Main Street, Suite 300 F: 352-374-5264
Gainesville, FL 32601-3348
File the Statement of Candidate form (DS-DE 83 Judicial Candidates) or (DS-DE 84 all other
Candidates) with the Supervisor of Elections Office
This form must be filed with the Supervisor of Elections office within 10 days of filing the Appointment of
Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates form. The DS-DE 83
form (for judicial candidates only) and the DS-DE 84 form (for all other candidates) acknowledges that
the Florida Statute chapters 105 and 106 for Judicial Candidates and Chapter 106 for all other
Candidates have been received and reviewed and will be able to run the campaign in accordance with
the laws of the State of Florida. This form is usually filed during the filing appointment with the
Supervisor of Elections office.
Electronically file online and hand deliver the signed original campaign treasurer’s reports to
the Supervisor of Elections office by the deadline
Once the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository for Candidates
form (DS-DE 9) has been filed, it is required to file timely campaign treasurer’s reports. At the filing to
run appointment, the Supervisor of Elections office will provide a list of report due dates, late fees and
the period covered by the report.
During the filing to run appointment, a copy of the electronic filing manual and log-in credentials will be
reviewed and received. The electronic filing system is provided, cost free, to Candidates, Committees,
and Parties and is required for filing reports in the State of Florida and Alachua County.
Decide to pay the qualifying fee or collect petition signatures
Florida Law allows candidates to qualify for office by paying a qualifying fee or by collecting signed
If collecting signatures, paying the signature verification fee or filing the Affidavit of Undue Burden form.
Pursuant to S.99.097(4), Florida Statutes, a candidate who has chosen the petition method to qualify,
must pay in advance with a campaign check payable to Supervisor of Elections in the amount of
($181.00) for the sum of (10) ten cents for each petition signature verified by the Supervisor of
Elections office unless you have filed an oath of undue burden.
Answers to Questions
Who can become a candidate and qualify to
be on the 2020 ballot in Alachua County ?
(99.021, F.S.)
Josiah T. Walls Building P: 352-374-5252
515 North Main Street, Suite 300 F: 352-374-5264
Gainesville, FL 32601-3348
Affidavit of Undue Burden (Section 99.097(4), Florida Statutes)
An affidavit of Undue Burden form must be filed with the Supervisor of Elections office if the candidate
is unable to pay the fee for verification of petition signatures for that office without imposing an undue
burden on personal resources or on resources otherwise available.
If an
y person is paid to solicit signatures on a petition, an Affidavit of Undue Burden form may not be
subsequently filed in lieu of paying the fee to have signatures verified for that petition.
If an Affidavit of Undue Burden form has been filed and payment is subsequently made to any person to
solicit signatures on a petition, this form is no longer valid and a fee for all signatures previously
submitted to the Supervisor of Elections and any that are submitted thereafter shall be paid by the
candidate, person, or organization that submitted the Affidavit of undue burden form.
Petition Method of Collecting signatures
Any registered voter in Alachua County may sign a petition. The amount of signatures to collect is equal
to 1% of the registered voters in the last General Election (180,938).
For (2020), countywide candidates will need to submit (1,810) valid signatures to qualify by
the Petition Method. Petition requirements for other candidates can be found on the Florida Division of
Elections’ website at
We suggest that candidates turn in the signature petitions to the Supervisor of Elections office on a
weekly basis. Also, plan to collect approximately ten percent more signature petitions than is required to
allow for invalid signatures. The petitions will be verified first come first serve.
The deadline for Judicial, state attorney and public defender candidates to submit petitions to the
Supervisor of Elections office is by (Noon on March 23, 2020)
The deadline for Federal, statewide, multi-county, county and district candidates to submit petitions to
the Supervisor of Elections office is by (Noon on May 11, 2020)
Candidates who fail to qualify by the petition method will be required to pay the qualifying fee for the
office sought in order to obtain ballot position.
Write-in candidates, other than those running for President or Vice President, qualify during the same
period as regular candidates. There is no qualifying fee for write-in candidates. If someone qualifies for
an office as a write-in candidate their name does not appear on the ballot, but the notation “Write-in” and
a blank line will appear on the General Election ballot beneath all of the other candidates for the office.
Per Florida Statutes, only write-in votes for qualified candidates are counted.
Answers to Questions
Who can become a candidate and qualify
to be on the 2020 ballot in Alachua County ?
(99.021, F.S.)
Josiah T. Walls Building P: 352-374-5252
515 North Main Street, Suite 300 F: 352-374-5264
Gainesville, FL 32601-3348
File Qualifying papers and pay the qualifying fee during qualifying week
“Qualifying” is the official process of getting your name on the ballot. This occurs during a designated
week prior to the Primary Election (See below for dates). It is highly recommended to set a candidate
qualifying appointment as soon as possible. The appointments will be first come first serve as time
The Supervisor of Elections office has prepared a packet for candidates for County offices with the forms
that will be required to file during qualifying week. The forms must be filed with the Supervisor of
Elections office and the qualifying fee paid by campaign check made payable to Supervisor of Elections
before noon of the last day of qualifying. The qualifying fee is computed from the set salaries of the office
after (July 1, 2019). (The Qualifying fee amount will be determined after the office of Economic and Demographic
Research releases the salaries near September 2019)
Exception: A special district candidate may pay the $25 qualifying fee using cash, a money order, a
cashier’s check, a personal check or a check drawn on the campaign account.
Local Judicial Candidates qualifying dates are:
(Noon, April 20, 2020 Noon, April 24, 2020)
Local county wide Candidates qualifying dates are:
(Noon, June 8, 2020 Noon, June 12, 2020)
Candidates for federal, judicial, state attorney, and public defender, statewide or multi-county office must
qualify with the Florida Division of Elections. Please see their website at for information.
Enforcement of Campaign Laws
Chapter 104 of the Florida Statutes governs violations of Florida’s election laws. Jurisdiction to
investigate and determine violations of Florida election laws is vested in the Florida Division of Elections
and the Florida Elections Commission. Violations of Florida Statutes governing campaigns are subject
to penalties ranging from warnings to fines, up to removal of the candidate’s name from the ballot,
disqualification from taking office, and other criminal penalties. Chapter 105 of the Florida Statutes
governs Nonpartisan elections, such as candidates for judicial office. Chapter 106 of the Florida
Statutes governs candidate campaign financing.
Thank you for
your interest in filing to run for office. If you want to file to run for office, please contact the
Supervisor of Elections office to set a candidate filing to run appointment with the assistant supervisor of
elections, Tim Williams. The appointment will take approximately one hour.
(352)374-5252 or
(Section 106.021(1), F.S.)
NOTE: This form must be on file with the qualifying
officer before opening the campaign account.
Initial Filing of Form
Re-filing to Change:
2. Name of Candidate (in this order: First, Middle, Last)
3. Address (include post office box or street, city, state, zip
4. Telephone
( )
5. E-mail address
6. Office sought (include district, circuit, group number)
7. If a candidate for a nonpartisan office, check if
My intent is to run as a Write-In candidate.
8. If a candidate for a partisan office, check block and fill in name of party as applicable: My intent is to run as a
No Party Affiliation
_________________________________________ Party candidate.
9. I have appointed the following person to act as my
Campaign Treasurer
Deputy Treasurer
10. Name of Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer
11. Mailing Address
12. Telephone
( )
13. City
14. County
15. State
16. Zip Code
17. E-mail address
18. I have designated the following bank as my
Primary Depository
Secondary Depository
19. Name of Bank
20. Address
21. City
22. County
23. State
24. Zip Code
25. Date
26. Signature of Candidate
27. Treasurer’s Acceptance of Appointment (fill in the blanks and check the appropriate block)
, do hereby accept the appointment
(Please Print or Type Name)
designated above as:
Campaign Treasurer
Deputy Treasurer.
Signature of Campaign Treasurer or Deputy Treasurer
DS-DE 9 (Rev. 10/10)
Rule 1S-2.0001, F.A.C.
(Section 106.023, F.S.)
(Please print or type)
candidate for the office of
have been provided access to read and understand the requirements of
Chapter 106, Florida Statutes.
Signature of Candidate
Each candidate must file a statement with the qualifying officer within 10 days after the
Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository is filed. Willful
failure to file this form is a first degree misdemeanor and a civil violation of the Campaign
Financing Act which may result in a fine of up to $1,000, (ss. 106.19(1)(c), 106.265(1), Florida
DS-DE 84 (05/11)
(Section 105.031(5), F.S.)
(Please Type)
a judi
cial candidate, have received, read, and understand the requirements
of the Florida Code of Judici
al Conduct.
(Signature of candidate)
Each candidate for judicial office, including an incumbent judge, shall file a statement with the
qualifying officer, within 10 days after filing the Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation
of Campaign Depository.
DS-DE 83 (Rev. 03/08)