RFA Withdrawal benefit claim form: Paid-up members January 2018 Page 2 of 2
Please select one of the payment options below: Pension Provident
Fund Fund
1. Transfer full benefit to a Pension Fund, Provident Fund, Retirement
Annuity Fund or a Preservation Fund (e.g. the Sanlam Plus
Preservation Fund)
(Please provide the application forms of the applicable receiving fund
2. Pa
y a portion of the benefit in cash and transfer the balance to a
Pension Fund, Provident Fund, Retirement Annuity Fund or a
Preservation Fund (e.g. the Sanlam Plus Preservation Fund)
(Please provide the application forms of the applicable receiving fund
Indicate the % or R amount to be paid in cash:
(The % or R amount will be the gross amount before tax)
Indicate the R amount to be transferred:
3. Pay full benefit in cash (The benefit will be subject to tax)
C. Declaration by the member
I, the undersigned member, hereby confirm that:
- The information given herein is true and correct.
- I am the account holder on the above-mentioned bank account.
- I instruct and authorise Sanlam to pay all monies due to me in accordance with my instructions above.
- I understand that upon payment in terms of my above instructions, the Fund will have no further
liabilities in respect of me.
__________ ___________________________
Member’s Signature Date
ease e-mail the completed documentation to SEBClientCare@sanlam.co.za