NHS AW9 27/04/2020
NHS Superannuation Scheme (Scotland)
Application for award of dependents allowance
This form should be completed by the surviving parent or guardian of the child/children or child if over 16
Important: Changes to our application process
The SPPA is focused on making our processes as simple as possible for our members, their
representatives and employers. Given the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic, we
are asking applicants to email all application forms and supporting documents to the SPPA rather
than post physical copies.
The following changes to the application process have been made to ensure that applicants can
continue to access pension benefits as quickly as possible:
A form you can fill in electronically
This form has been changed into a form that you can update and fill in. This means that you do not
need to print out this document. Just fill it in electronically and return it to us by email. Please send
it to sppacontactus@gov.scot
We have amended our signature process to make it easier to assist those of you who don’t have
access to a printer or scanner. We are now temporarily accepting forms with digital signatures.
Please type your name into the relevant signature box for the form to be accepted.
By doing this, you must provide consent in your email for the SPPA to process your application.
Supporting Documents
Supporting documentation should still be scanned and emailed, where possible. We appreciate
that there will be cases where a scanned document cannot be provided, so we are now accepting
electronic photographs of documents (providing that they are clear and complete images of the
entire document).
If you cannot send us any supporting documents, in some cases we may be able to make a partial
payment of benefits provisionally before the supporting certificates have been received. We will
still require copies of these certificates to be sent and verified before a full award of benefits can be
made. If you do not supply the supporting documents then the provisional payments will stop and
any benefits that have been paid will be recovered.
Where to get further help
If you need help with your application please contact our Customer Engagement team on 01896
893000 for advice, or email SPPAcontactus@gov.scot.