This memorandum records the fact that I was debriefed on this date on the following Sensitive Compartmented
Information (SCI) Special Access Program(s) (Use Unclassified Indicators Only):
I was reminded of the need for special protection of SCI material, of the fact that access to this material is
governed by the terms of the SCI Nondisclosure Agreement that I previously signed, and of my continuing
obligation to comply with the terms of that Agreement.
Signature Organization
Printed/Typed Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) SSN (See Notice Below)
Rank/Grade Billet NumberDate of Debriefing
(YY, MM, DD)
I certify that the debriefing presented by me was in accordance with relevant SCI procedures.
Signature of Authorized Briefer Organization
Printed/Typed Name (Last, First, Middle Initial) Date of Debriefing (YY, MM, DD)
The Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. 552a, requires that federal agencies inform individuals, at the time information is solicited
from them, whether the disclosure is mandatory or voluntary, by what authority such information is solicited, and what uses
will be made of the information. You are hereby advised that authority for soliciting your Social Security Account Number
(SSN) is Executive Order 9397. Your SSN will be used to identify you precisely in determining when your access to the
information indicated above terminated. Although disclosure of your SSN is not mandatory, your failure to do so may impede
such determination.
DD FORM 1848, JAN 83 (EG)
Previous Editions Obsolete
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